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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Honestly - that looks like the rallies the NAZI's did in Nuremberg - it really does look like the Russians have become the new Nazi's ?! They even got the red arm bands!

What you're suggesting here doesn't make sense. They're in preparation for the victory day that is upcoming on May 09, 2022. Their uniforms and arm bands are what they've worn since WWII. There is no Swastika or Sieg Heil salute given by those Russians. The Russian military style of parade is quite different than that of the Nazis, and there is deference to Nazi figures. As a matter fact, Russians are the people who defeated the Nazis in WWII and fighting them to do in Ukraine. A little bit of fact checking really busts what you and other like-minded individuals have claimed here.

TB2 spirit, locked and loaded.

Apply locally and no further than Armenia and Libya.
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