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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The root cause of this conflict between the West and Russia is about the preservation of the fiat money. The West wants to make sure that the Petro-Dollar remains the fiat money of the world.
You have no logical sequence of thought. Russia didnt want end fiat money, it also uses fiat money. The conflict started with invasion of Ukraine.
The M777s are superior to any Russian towed artillery and can be rapidly deployed after firing. Their counter battery radars can rapidly identify Russian artillery and return fire with guided rounds within 60-90 seconds.

Ukrainian artillery has been excellent.

While it is true M777 is superior to Russian towed artillery, but Smerch eats M777 for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert using 120 km range GLONASS guided cluster rounds.

STFU...you can label it however you want to, and he wasn't a British soldier, even by your own description, he was a Ukrainian soldier. Funny how many Brits are rallying around the neo-Nazis in Ukraine, found their natural allies. Don't f***** make any judgements about me mate...if it wasn't for my grandparents fighting in the British armed forces in WWI and WWII along with millions of others from the British empire...you'd be speaking German you twat!
you sound as fake as it gets lol
The support for Russia is not about Russia. It is the desire to see NATO take a punch in the face for a change, even indirectly through Ukraine, for all the death and destruction NATO has caused in the Muslim world.

It doesn't matter who is giving the punch, as long as the punch lands on NATO.
NATO is not being punched.


All of the tough talk from the Poles, they couldn't keep it up after 24 hours. They started crying to the rest of the EU, and other countries are increasing their sales of Russian gas while paying in rubles. Then these countries are gonna be reselling it to the Poles.

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