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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Your Muerica was at war with Afghanistan for 20 years. For whole of that 20 years your propaganda claimed that you are wining. You fled Afghanistan last year. After 20 years of "winning":
View attachment 836648
You lost war against Afghanistan, so don't be in such a hurry to make conclusions.

IMO Russia is doing fine. We will see how situation unfold.

There is so much BS coming from comedian Zelensky regime (USA).
-the Gost of Kiev
-defense of the Snake Island
-killed Russian generals
-Shoigu having a heart attack
-Russians having low morale

Do those Russians look like having low morale:

The US never lost in Afghanistan. It achieved its main goal of the destruction of Al Qaeda. The US left Afghanistan after it realized the Afghan people refused to defend its own country. The US would no longer hold their hands.

You can see the difference of a country that wants to defend itself (Ukraine) vs one that won’t (Afghanistan).

Meanwhile Russias position strategically is much worse today than 3 months ago, and will take decades to recover. Russia has lost
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The US never lost in Afghanistan. It achieved its main goal of the destruction of Al Qaeda. The US left Afghanistan after it realized the Afghan people refused to defend its own country. The US would no longer hold their hands.

You can see the difference of a country that wants to defend itself (Ukraine) vs one that won’t (Afghanistan).

Meanwhile Russias position strategically is much worse today than 3 months ago, and will take decades to recover. Russia has lost
and replacing it with ISIS
Update, the wide Russian all out offensive seem to be happening right now, in the last few hours.

Multiple BTGs worth of troops written off. Hundreds of casualties due to use of infantry wave attacks in open fields, with little armour.

It seems Russians starting to preserve armour.

Ukrainian firepower is set to increase significantly.

First US howitzers set to arrive this weekend
Your Muerica was at war with Afghanistan for 20 years. For whole of that 20 years your propaganda claimed that you are wining. You fled Afghanistan last year. After 20 years of "winning":
View attachment 836648
You lost war against Afghanistan, so don't be in such a hurry to make conclusions.

IMO Russia is doing fine. We will see how situation unfold.

There is so much BS coming from comedian Zelensky regime (USA).
-the Gost of Kiev
-defense of the Snake Island
-killed Russian generals
-Shoigu having a heart attack
-Russians having low morale

Do those Russians look like having low morale:

In Afghanistan, Taliban got the support of local population.
But in Ukraine, local support is with US and against the Russians.
Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov said that, overall, the Russian Air Force had carried out 19,160 combat missions and delivered 71,000 strikes against cities in Syria.

( I wonder what some here would say if it was the Americans that carried out such bombing against Muslim cites.

Is this serious?


19.160 sorties by Russian fighter jets in Syria over a period of some 15 months, versus more than 100.000 sorties by the US-led coalition in a single month during the 1991 bombardment of Iraq.

The brutality of NATO and allies, particularly in their campaigns against Muslim nations knows no boundaries.


We matched it bro and make sure their propaganda doesn't go unanswered. In social media, they're suspending any account that they see exposing their lies.

I would like to express my gratitude for the obvious effort put into neutralizing the Kafkaesque, Orwellian NATO propaganda this thread is (unsurprisingly) being littered with. Have tried and will try to add my humble contribution whenever I get a chance, though it won't come close to what you brothers have achieved.

But in PDF, they've been checkmated to the point some of them resorted to namecalling.....but that itself means a desperation on their part.

Yes, they are visibly desperate and nervous. Sensing that time's up for American and NATO hegemony, and that this Russian special military operation in Ukraine is just the beginning. One by one, their proxies and stooges are going to fall, then it'll be the turn of NATO regimes themselves. Tick tock, tick tock.


Hello Hello

Read more before opining.

Reading is not enough. Intellectual honesty is required as well.
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How does Ukraine find these hidden lone trucks? Maybe NATO analysts are combing through satellite images every day to pass intelligence 🤔
I'm pretty sure artificial intelligence scans the pictures and identifies the targets. A human would only approve the target and send a message to the artillery fire team.
I would like to thank you for the obvious effort put into neutralizing the Kafkaesque, Orwellian NATO propaganda this thread is (unsurprisingly) being littered with. Have tried and will try to add my humble contribution whenever I get a chance, though it won't come close to what you brothers have achieved. …

And at the same time he can be rated the biggest propaganda-spreader for the pro-Russian side, from those who are critical to his sources.

As such in fact I find it interesting to see the other view, but we all should not forget, none of us knows what really going on there. So constantly bashing other reports as propaganda while at the same time relying only on one type of „sources“ makes anyone such poster highly suspected a propagandist only.
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