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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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PhoenixGhost Suicide Drone that the US is sending to Ukraine:

What treaty? There is no such thing.
Don’t spread faked propaganda
There were agreements signed by Ukraine and Russia.
Russia says she respects Ukrainian territory, while Ukraine respects Russian ethnic autonomy.
Putin has no interest in this little autonomy thing. He wants Ukraine for Russians, while sending Ukrainians he calls them Nazi into gas chamber.

This is outright lies.
People here support Russia/Poutine because they are anti-US/West, not because they have any ties to Russia.

Why do you think people are anti-US/West? Do you people ever wonder why a sizeable part of the world hates you?

I've been reading your posts in this thread, and the sad part is that you don't even realise how you come across. You are the exact mirror opposite of the Russians you're vilifying so much. As your avatar indicates, the US/Russia are the opposite sides of the same coin. You and your nation do the exact same thing to the world that the Russians are doing. But you can get away with it because you have the charade of changing leadership under the guise of democracy, but the policy of global hegemonism stays the same. You can get away with invading countries, leading to instability, global terrorism, and the deaths of millions, all under the guise of "democracy". The only difference between you and Russians, or the Chinese, the Iranians or the North Koreans for that matter, is that they are authoritarian dictatorships, that's all. There will come a day when the US will come to an end, it happens to all great powers, from the Romans to the British Empire, but it may not be in your or my lifetime. And when great powers come to an end, they usually take down a lot with them.
Let us hope Russia succeeds in its mission in breaking up NATO and prevening other countries from joining. The end of NATO and hegemonic West is something that would be welcomed in many corners around the globe.
Don’t worry, the sun will eventually turn into a red giant, so the demise of NATO is guaranteed.
Coming from Putin's lapdog this isn't surprising :lol:

War could be stopped if Russia stops its illegal agression against Ukraine not the other way around. Thanks to Putin he has given NATO a reason to exist and more countries will join NATO even direct Russian neighbors. And he will do jack sh/t to stop that.

Russia won't be able to stop other neighbours from joining NATO. Russia can stop NATO's influence in the immediate neighbourhood. That is exactly what Russia is doing.

Don’t worry, the sun will eventually turn into a red giant, so the demise of NATO is guaranteed.

You look a little nervous. A little defensive. A little jolted. This is not how you usually respond to other topics on PDF. I have also seen your reactions to the Quran burning topic. Chest forward. Full of confidence. We will teach these Moslems some freedom of expression. A very different tone on this topic. Is everything okay?
Why do you think people are anti-US/West? Do you people ever wonder why a sizeable part of the world hates you?

I've been reading your posts in this thread, and the sad part is that you don't even realise how you come across. You are the exact mirror opposite of the Russians you're vilifying so much. As your avatar indicates, the US/Russia are the opposite sides of the same coin. You and your nation do the exact same thing to the world that the Russians are doing. But you can get away with it because you have the charade of changing leadership under the guise of democracy, but the policy of global hegemonism stays the same. You can get away with invading countries, leading to instability, global terrorism, and the deaths of millions, all under the guise of "democracy". The only difference between you and Russians, or the Chinese, the Iranians or the North Koreans for that matter, is that they are authoritarian dictatorships, that's all. There will come a day when the US will come to an end, it happens to all great powers, from the Romans to the British Empire, but it may not be in your or my lifetime. And when great powers come to an end, they usually take down a lot with them.

You are talking to a brick wall. These Western members of PDF are intoxicated with supremacy and arrogance. Every single remark is laced with impudence. Their only purpose to visit PDF is to lecture third world brownies about their first world facts.
The only difference between you and Russians, or the Chinese

America's greatest asset is its global propaganda machine. Other countries may claim to be superpowers, past or upcoming, but America is the only real superpower for over a century.

The US is the only country on planet Earth that combines apex military, economic, and cultural power on a global scale. Other countries may try to match it in one area or another, but not all three at once in one country.

You are talking to a brick wall. These Western members of PDF are intoxicated with supremacy and arrogance. Every single remark is laced with impudence. Their only purpose to visit PDF is to lecture third world brownies about their first world facts.

America earned its global dominance through hard work, not colonialism like some European countries. Germany worked hard. China is rising through the ranks and earning its status through hard work.

Nature is fair. It does not play favorites. It rewards hard work.
America's greatest asset is its global propaganda machine. Other countries may claim to be superpowers, past or upcoming, but America is the only real superpower for over a century.

The US is the only country on planet Earth that combines apex military, economic, and cultural power on a global scale. Other countries may try to match it in one area or another, but not all three at once in one country.

America earned its global dominance through hard work, not colonialism like Europe. China is rising through the ranks and earning its status through hard work.

Nature is fair. It does not play favorites. It rewards hard work.

No one has ever denied that. In fact, this is beside the point and not even relevant to this discussion. What does America the superpower expect from other lesser beings? Does it expect to be worshipped? Does it assume that it is above criticism?

Just because the US is a superpower doesn't imply that it can resort to mischief without objection. Something it often accuses others. With being a superpower one also expects responsibility and accountability.

It is hypocritical that a superpower has a terrible record in so many areas yet expects to be revered. The superpower claims to be holier than thou. Don't expect lesser beings to lie down and suck it in.
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