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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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My advice to you is, do not put your faith in a random Taiwan survey polls results on china

As Russians discovered , there are no flowers or happy Ukrainians to see them
And my advice to you is not to bother yourself with issues that do not concern or affects us in real life.

After 70 years Cuban still refused to embrace the US style democracy tells us a lot.

Taiwan is an all China internal affair, leave it to them.

Whether or not a bouquet of roses will be presented to the Russian, depends on which side of Ukraine one it on.

If It is on the Eastern part like Donbass, they will probably hanged the Actor President and lay the flower on his unmarked grave.

:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
Taiwanese will probably leave the island rather than to waste their life fighting in the war to defend who?
President Umehara aka Tsai???
well better take a truck load of it otherwise not much effective and better be something far more fast decaying than uranium . then hope nobody notice it on satellites
Chernobyl released only 6kg and look at the effect.

That "destroy game" can be played from both sides
To what end is this supply of weapons ?

You should care. And don't take out that cliched statement "Go live in a Communist country if you like Communism so much". Don't you want free housing, free water, free healthcare, free education etc ? Don't you want to be rid of the life of being a wage slave just to have a basic survival and instead contribute to the political, social, socio-economic, technoiogical and environmental evolution of your country ? You live in Australia, what is your chance of gathering a team of interested rocket enthusiasts, computer engineers, materials people, HVAC people etc and starting a spacecraft design company like SpaceX, Relativity Space and Rocket Lab ?

Well, the Iraqis were fighting a righteous war. Zelensky's people - those who are committed and fanatic - are criminals.

The CIA officer will be punished and also villified in the mainstream media.

Communism is by it nature a lie. In every communist nation that has ever stained this earth, there has been the workers..........and then, the Party members. The Party members were given benefits and comforts that no worker could ever hope to achieve on their own. It is a hypocritical mindset that was doomed from its inception.
To what end is this supply of weapons ?
I can only guess, but I would say the goal is to prevent Russia expanding its borders as a primary goal. Regime change in Russia as a secondary goal.

You should care. And don't take out that cliched statement "Go live in a Communist country if you like Communism so much". Don't you want free housing, free water, free healthcare, free education etc ? Don't you want to be rid of the life of being a wage slave just to have a basic survival and instead contribute to the political, social, socio-economic, technoiogical and environmental evolution of your country ?
I dont want anything free nor do I want citizens getting anything free in my country except what they get now. Capitalism gives poverty to some. Communism gives poverty to all. Been there done that.
I can only guess, but I would say the goal is to prevent Russia expanding its borders as a primary goal. Regime change in Russia as a secondary goal.

You really think having traitors like Garry Kasparov in USA and hippies in Russia will enable regime change ? That having a for-Russia equivalent of the Transitional National Council, Syrian National Council, Guaido's "government in exile" etc will translate into an actual regime change in Russia of all places ? You will have to deal with the Communists too who are solidly behind this Russia operation in Ukraine.
Communism is by it nature a lie. In every communist nation that has ever stained this earth, there has been the workers..........and then, the Party members. The Party members were given benefits and comforts that no worker could ever hope to achieve on their own. It is a hypocritical mindset that was doomed from its inception.

Same can be said for capitalism.
The rich get richer and the poor, poor.
You really think having traitors like Garry Kasparov in USA and hippies in Russia will enable regime change ? That having a for-Russia equivalent of the Transitional National Council, Syrian National Council, Guaido's "government in exile" etc will translate into an actual regime change in Russia of all places ? You will have to deal with the Communists too who are solidly behind this Russia operation in Ukraine.
I dont think the west cares who replaces the current regime in russia, as long as they dont seek territorial expansion. Orthodox theocracy, communists, nationalists. makes no difference so long as they weaken russia. I would prefer communists take over. I would like poverty to return there.

Maybe a pro western democracy emerges one day, if it does thats great. But noone really cares in the west either way. As long as russia stays weak and poor.

Hopefully some Indian can take over and run the place into the ground. Make it like India.
Same can be said for capitalism.
The rich get richer and the poor, poor.

a government powerful enough to give you "free things" is also powerful enough to take away. Capitalism gives free education, school sports, and we have many medical programs to cover the poor. What we don't have is limits on our ambitions, talents, and skills we choose to develop.
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