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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The war in Mariupol reminded us of US attack on Fallujah in Iraq that took place back in 2004 by joint U.S. Army Special Forces advisers, SEAL Sniper Task and UK SAS.

Despite its overwhelming superiority in heavy artilleries bombardment and aerial attacks on basically a flat terrain, US took almost 8 weeks to overcome Saddam's defender, the Iraqi 36th Commando Battalion.

An overwhelming 13,350 US UK troops were involved in the attack against 3700 Iraqi soldiers.
Illich Iron & Steel Works has just fallen to the Russian forces leaving Avozstal Steel Work which is probably hours or even days away.

The Azov battalion holding up there consists of mainly foreign mercenaries.

It seems that the Russia are now lining up their heavy artilleries there for the final assault.

With the capture of Azovstal Steel Works, Russian force will have full control of Mariupol.

Meanwhile a report have surfaced that the US is now finding herself in critical short supply of Stinger and Javelin in their stockpile after supplying them to Ukraine. What does it means?
But then you aren't bothered by the more than 3000 Ukrainians that have surrendered yesterday. So which one is important: An aging ship vs 3000 men who were taken as prisoner of war and over 200 wounded that were also captured by the Russian forces?

Your patience with brainless zombies astonishing.
He was about the first one here I decided will be utter waste of time to see the rubbish he can spewed.
His name coming up only when he taken to task.

But really I do not have that much time and I rather spend the time reading more valuable postings from you and others like you.

ghazi52 of special mention. I like and enjoyed all his postings. That I will not have the time to read and enjoy if I had not blocked those other stupid puerile postings, or in one case, skimmed and scroll past and unsee whatever was skimmed.
With this huge number of MLRSs going to to Eastern Ukraine, Russia seems to be determined to go all the way and liberate the DNR and LNR republics.



brits need send the anti ship weapons faster. i dont think us and uk sending enough arms.

U.S. needs to send in more. Not in small batches, have to speed it up. Instead of 700 or 800 million military aid package, needs to be 10 billion. 10 billion is chump change compared to what the U.S. spent fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as support the militaries of those countries.
Yes, Putin is trying to put a lot of firepower in the upcoming battle in East. Ukranians need a lot more to hold on to territory. Technical superiority of Western weapons may not be enough to overcome the numbers :undecided:
the Russians will attack by 800 tanks, 3,000 infantry verhicles, thousands of supply trucks. The Ukraine defenders will dig in deep trenches waiting. That’ll a battle of Kursk redux.
Russia lost its defense minister. Shoigu had a massive heart attack and is now intubated at intensive care...

@F-22Raptor @Viet
Heart attack? Most likely in a moskow prison or Siberia gulag. This war is not going to plan. Putin needs someone to blame. But Putin can blame himself. Shoigu is not a military man. he came from civil disaster relief department. He got promoted by Putin because Shoigu is a loyal stooge.
The US Pentagon admitted in their press statement that the war in Ukraine is shape by Russia.

Need we to go on?

Russia said that they may intensified the war in Kiev by conducting pin point aerial and missile strikes in retaliation for attack launched by Ukraine on villages in Russia.

Analysts interprete this as a message that Russia has been showing restraint so far to avoid civilian casualties but a war of decapitation may soon begin.
Ok understood. Ukraine nazi bombs russian villages, so Putin revenges by bombing Kiev and Odessa by strategic bombers.

Russians become notorious liar.
Dream on. Why doesn't the US send its navy and airforces to fight China? The excuse of causing a nuclear war is just an excuse. Even fighting the polar bear in Ukraine would not incite Russia to fire away its nuclear missiles. American military-industrial mindset is just chicken shit .. wanting somebody to die for their profits. Nothing more.
There is no reason for US to fight. They are just helping Ukraine and Taiwan who want to live in freedom.
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Wouldn't it be smarter for russia to stop fighting?

So you say but you see a bunch of countries especially in Eastern Europe that wants to join NATO for this exact reason, to not be taken by Russia. Most of the Eastern European countries militaries are pretty much no match against Russia if they have to defend alone. I mean look at Sweden and Finland.
But they wont have to defend alone.
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