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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Most of their armour, and possibly all of their armoured formations were in the East.
That makes no sense. Ukraine would focus on the incoming battle in Donbas, however she not deploying all army formations.
In doing so Ukraine would be exposed to sudden attacks from the north and southern flanks.
Most of their armour, and possibly all of their armoured formations were in the East.
Ukrainian best units were in the East. The Ukrainian army was generally regulary distributed across the country, they mobilised a lot of reserves. What you see in the internet are videos from volunteers and territorial defence.
That makes no sense. Ukraine would focus on the incoming battle in Donbas, however she not deploying all army formations.
In doing so Ukraine would be exposed to sudden attacks from the north and southern flanks.
I believe Zelensky accepted a plan last year to reconquer the 'Russian' enclaves. The units were there for this operation. The Russians pre-emptied this.
I believe Zelensky accepted a plan last year to reconquer the 'Russian' enclaves. The units were there for this operation. The Russians pre-emptied this.
I did not hear about this.
Anyway, why reconquer the 'Russian' enclaves ? It`s an endless cost, that just brings Problems. It was better to keep it as it is, and keep Russian paying for it.
Was reading a beautiful analysis by Scott Ritter

The Russians are conducting beautful battlefield pisitioning. He said in the first persian gulf war, there was a giant map layed out for the american generals by norma. Schwarzkoff

And in it was a picture representing of every single iraqi division. They were color coded with green, yellow and red.

Green meant the division was full strenghth. They would never attack a green division untill airpower had first turned it into yellow (unit has 50% + battle capability

And then red, meaning units were under 50%. And probably completely battered and unable to put up organized resistance.

Thats exqctly what russia is doing to the ukies. Probing forces, and pounding them to the ground untill they turn “yellow”

He mocked people thinking the russians were going for 3.5m kiev with 35k troops.

And now a new old school genera has been appointed. Known as the butcher of suria for poundinng the wahabis into the earth

The ukie army is gwtting ever closer to destruction
Was reading a beautiful analysis by Scott Ritter

The Russians are conducting beautful battlefield pisitioning. He said in the first persian gulf war, there was a giant map layed out for the american generals by norma. Schwarzkoff

And in it was a picture representing of every single iraqi division. They were color coded with green, yellow and red.

Green meant the division was full strenghth. They would never attack a green division untill airpower had first turned it into yellow (unit has 50% + battle capability

And then red, meaning units were under 50%. And probably completely battered and unable to put up organized resistance.

Thats exqctly what russia is doing to the ukies. Probing forces, and pounding them to the ground untill they turn “yellow”

He mocked people thinking the russians were going for 3.5m kiev with 35k troops.

And now a new old school genera has been appointed. Known as the butcher of suria for poundinng the wahabis into the earth

The ukie army is gwtting ever closer to destruction
This is the myth of the Russian 'invasion' of Kiev, and the Ukranian 'counter offensive' that has 'defeated' them. If it needed 40,000 to capture Mariupol, population 300,000, can it capture Kiev population 3,500,000 with 45,000 men?

The Russians clearly said during the negotiations that they would withdraw troops from the Kiev area as a sign of goodwill.
The military strength of NATO is unprecedented. Russia is a joke compare to it.

I am pretty sure Nato will expand to asia pacific (Japan, south korea, australia new zealand) as well. USA is lucky to have so many rich powerful countries willing to work with them.
It's equally amazing that US still managed to lose Korean war, Vietnam war, and most recently , Afghanistan.

It's equally amazing that US still managed to lose Korean war, Vietnam war, and most recently , Afghanistan.
Yes true. Unjust wars are hard to win. All these wars local population OR majority was against USA.
This is the myth of the Russian 'invasion' of Kiev, and the Ukranian 'counter offensive' that has 'defeated' them. If it needed 40,000 to capture Mariupol, population 300,000, can it capture Kiev population 3,500,000 with 45,000 men?

The Russians clearly said during the negotiations that they would withdraw troops from the Kiev area as a sign of goodwill.
What did they achieve with this operation ? a big "WTF?" in the western countries ?
Let's be fair and let the fake news from both sides to spread. Maybe from all the fakes, we can deduce some truth.

This is probably the only 100% true post in this whole thread.
This is probably the only 100% true post in this whole thread.
The Situation on the ground is the truth. There were Russians around Kiev, now they are gone.
At the beginning of the conflict Zelensky was to be evacuated, by some he even was already in Warsaw. Now he has more and more foreign delegations visiting him. I kinda cannot believe this was the plan, at least as long Putin is not planning for Zelensky to be his replacement ;)
What did they achieve with this operation ? a big "WTF?" in the western countries ?
They said clearly, the idea was to 'fix' Ukrainian troops in the west. It stopped the Ukrainians from reinforcing the Eastern battlefield, where the future of the war will be decided.
They said clearly, the idea was to 'fix' Ukrainian troops in the west. It stopped the Ukrainians from reinforcing the Eastern battlefield, where the future of the war will be decided.
Which did not work, as the Russian advance was stalled in East and Ukrainins can still move their units east anyway. A very costly deceptive manouver.
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