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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Tensions are rising in the east of Europe. It seems that both the Russian forces and Ukrainian forces are mobilized. After the end of the ceasefire, many clashes were recorded in the Donbas region, where separatist Russian militias were located. Due to growing concerns, NATO forces directed many of its platforms to the region.

The NATO bloc aircrafts constantly patrolling the black sea to support Ukraine and to detect early a possible Russian operation in the direction of Odesa.

There are largely visible military activities from Romania to Poland. Meanwhile, Russia has raised its military buildup on the Ukrainian border to its highest level since 2014.

A great storm is approaching, and the worst-case scenario poses such great risks that it can turn into a tragedy for the whole world.

My wish from the Moderation please make sticky this thread and control it several times a week for a possible troll and spam activities. Let's discuss together the tensest event of 2021 while keeping the thread as clean as possible and not turning it into another troll fest. TY @waz @krash

Current political map of Territory
Fake news AZ propaganda
Capturing the entire Donbass:

The main goal of Russia now is to capture the parts of the eastern Donbass that Moscow has not yet controlled.

Before the attack, Moscow appointed General Alexander Dvornikov, who leads the Southern Military District responsible for operations in Donbass, to oversee the campaign.

Unlike the first phase of the six-week-old conflict, this transition forces Ukraine to fight conventional battles involving tanks, artillery and aircraft on flat and often barren terrain that allows Russia to capitalize on its superiority in military hardware.

Ukraine has about 40,000 soldiers in Donbass.. Some of the most professional and best high morale units in the country, and their numbers are almost as large as the Russians.

It’s better than nothing. Ukraine needs for the offensive every tank. Leopard 1 is immediately available.
Rheinmetall says training on Leo’s is done within days.

Leopard-1-Panzer im Jahr 2000 bei einer Übung
Bild vergrößern
Leopard-1-Panzer im Jahr 2000 bei einer Übung

Foto: Eckehard Schulz / AP

Leopard 1 is very vulnerable to Kornet and Metis M1 anti tank missiles. The 105 mm gun is a bit bigger than BMD-4M's 100 mm.
Leopard 1 is very vulnerable to Kornet and Metis M1 anti tank missiles. The 105 mm gun is a bit bigger than BMD-4M's 100 mm.
Tell me a tank that is immune against missile? Even against Molotov cocktail?
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