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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Not a war?

You mean Russian tanks rolling into other country is a barbecue party or what?

What if Russian tanks rolling into China?
Will you call it war or special barbecue operation?

Even if Ukrainian is run by gay nazi sponsored by US imperialists what has it anything to do with Russia?

Not a war is propaganda.

You know, these days some countries use different words to justify their action but what they actually do is a different thing.

I think you don't follow the conflict from the beginning.

It's called geopolitics.
Ukraine asking for more weapons can mean Ukraine is losing the war.

As probably most of their weapons had been destroyed by Russia.

Western media is posting about one or two Russian military vehicles destroyed, but never reporting on how many Ukraine military vehicles had been destroyed.

Probably almost all of them.

That's why the comedy actor president is asking for donations.

Western media is trying to portray that Ukraine is winning, but at the same time they mock Ukraine.
Ukraine has had massive casualties and the whole country is being destroyed. As you can see. They have lost a lot of equipment. But that doesn't matter because they are fighting for their country to the end and the west will provide them with unlimited equipment and money to win this war if they want.
When that country (Ukraine) has been massacring its citizens who happened to Russians ethnically, and also when that country started putting the security of Russia at risk by inviting an outside military alliance (NATO) that was solely formed and is dedicated to the dissolution of the Russian federation, then Russian government and the Russian armed forces are obligated to act. It is not hard to understand why Russians entered this conflict that has been on-going for the past 8 years.

Heck, the Ukrainian nationalists and Neo Nazis introduced a bill that mandated the adoption of Ukrainian language only. This provocative act was designed to deny the Russian-speaking people in Ukraine to have a voice in their own country. Their homes, towns, ans cities in Eastern Ukraine were invaded, their livelihoods were demolished, and starvation was used as a weapon of war in order to remove these entire group of people from southern and eastern Ukraine. There is indeed an entire people whose suffering has not been told to the rest of the world and in partucular to the Western audience.

China has nukes. Not even America dares to conquer China to unify the human race under a single hegemony, you think Russia dares? What a joke. You need your head checked ASAP.
Forget this nazi shit propaganda. Forget Ukrainians harassing Russian ethnics. You conquer country to loot it. Nothing else. Russia is poor. Ukraine people will live much better life in few years than Russians can imagine. If Putin fails in Ukraine he can look elsewhere for richness for instance in China.
Forget this nazi shit propaganda. Forget Ukrainians harassing Russian ethnics. You conquer country to loot it. Nothing else. Russia is poor. Ukraine people will live much better life in few years than Russians can imagine. If Putin fails in Ukraine he can look elsewhere for richness for instance in China.

China and Russia have gold. Gold is the only real money. The rest are all garbage.

You fall into the trap. Use your brain. That is the same excuse when Hitler went to war.

WW1 and WW2 history are more complicated than what the winner of the war told us.

The war loser is not as bad as you think and the winner is not as good as you think.

All are propaganda.
When that country (Ukraine) has been massacring its citizens who happened to Russians ethnically, and also when that country started putting the security of Russia at risk by inviting an outside military alliance (NATO) that was solely formed and is dedicated to the dissolution of the Russian federation, then Russian government and the Russian armed forces are obligated to act. It is not hard to understand why Russians entered this conflict that has been on-going for the past 8 years.

The reasons for this war is the failture of the Russian policy towards Ukraine and the only tool left is the army, which is as well failing to produce a favorable political outcome. Well, Russia started it with annexing Crimeria, if they would be a bit more patient, another Pro Russian President would take over sooner or later.
You fall into the trap. Use your brain. That is the same excuse when Hitler went to war.

The reasons Hitler went to war and the reasons that Russians went to war were completely different. People who want to hide the concerns of Russia and Russian people use that in order to hide their legitimate security and humanitarian concerns. Has President Biden made it very clear that Ukraine wouldn't be permitted to enter NATO - and has the US State Department stopped interfering in internal Ukrainian matters, this conflict would've been avoided.

Instead, Western powers were arming Ukraine, were encouraging the Ukrainian nationalists and Neo Nazis to double their anti-Russian efforts, and were consistently sanctioning Russia for its support to ethnic Russians in DPR and LPR.
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Can Russians buy gold with their Rubles? What is the price they will pay for an ounce of Gold?

Gold is the most valuable money in the world. Gold is finite. US dollar is infinite. Something infinite that can be printed from thin air has no value due to inflation.

Again, it denies what triggers the Russian intervention and involvement in Ukraine since 2014. It is a one-sided view, and people who take that proposition would never understand the facts that contributed to the outbreak of this conflict.
WW1 and WW2 history are more complicated than what the winner of the war told us.

The war loser is not as bad as you think and the winner is not as good as you think.

All are propaganda.
It’s not complicated at all. History repeats. Human as such is stupid. Dinosaur will return when humans kill each other off.

Putin is just a clone. He copies Germany, back then Germany went to war saying they protected German ethnics in Czech. No it was not a war. It was a special military operation.

German troops in Czech


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The war is not going well.
Putin replaced his general.

Alexander Dvornikov, commander of Russia’s Southern Military District, is the new theater commander for the military campaign in Ukraine.

Dvornikov is famous as the butcher of Sylvia.

More blood will be shed.

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Russian previous operation commander was another Syrian veteran. I doubt he will put in anything new besides a new name.

His predecessor has certainly realised the screwup early, but it was already too late
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