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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Well, the Chinese should answer on that, their POV.

I am a Muslim so from a Semitic religion but a South Asian so probably not with Semitic ancestry. While I believe in most of Communism's desires I also speak for the means of production for at least the non-basic things to be private, for companies to be private. So where does that place me ? :)

Very interesting. Thanks for the info.

Bro, IMO it is not a surprise that socialism or atleast traditional welfare oriented currents have recieved huge support among muslims in general.
Muslims living in the west usually vote for socialistic parties. Sometime because they are viewed as more immigrant friendly, but even second and third generation highly educated, and affluent muslims seems to prefer socialistic models. Which is not a big surprise, as we know that welfare state was in many ways a Islamic invention. Saudi Arabia forexample is a welfare society, Libiya too was that, before it was destroyed.

Going by your political stand (pardon if i am wrong), i would say its actually as Islamic as it gets. By that i mean, the ideal islamic value.
For Islamic economic principle try to balance the needs of the society (poor, sick, worker rights etc.) and the need of the individual (property rights, trade practices, entrepreneurs etc.).
To conclude: Islamic economic values are neither fully communistic or capitalistic. It falls somewhere in between.

I always like to say that my home country Norway, from purely economical POV, probably is the best example of how good a society can be, if Islamic economical principles are implemented correctly. But as we say, ideologies are just that, ideas. And its interpretations will always be heavily eschewed by the mind of leadership of a nation.

In Norway we say "To read The Bible as the devil does". Sadly there are too many egos among muslims today, which IMO is the root problem of muslim disunity and proverty.
Scandinavians always have a soft side for the common good. To be honest and sincere is a ethos. Which explains the success we enjoy.
I happily pay my taxes, so too does a majority of population here, including the very rich.
April 7 (Reuters) - Russia's central bank said on Thursday that due to a "significant change in market conditions" it would buy gold from commercial banks at a negotiated price from April 8.

On March 25, the bank had said it would buy gold at a fixed price of 5,000 roubles a gram until June 30. read more

Since that announcement, the rouble has strengthened sharply against the dollar. Five thousand roubles was worth around $52 on March 25 and around $63 on Thursday.

Gold prices on the international market have remained stable at around $60 a gram, or $1,900 an ounce.

Russia is one of the world's biggest gold producers, but the country's refiners were barred from selling bullion into the London market, the world's largest, after the Kremlin sent troops into Ukraine in February.

($1 = 78.6830 roubles)
Yes. There will be a declination in Russia GDP this year which will have no impact on Russian generally.

So what? It is all anticipated.
Russia can weather them.

When Russia replaced EU goods with lower costing Made in China goods, it means better value for money exchange.

Russians are happy and so are the sellers in China.

Soon Russian supermarkets like their Western counterparts or elsewhere will be filled with Chinese consumer goods that are value for money.

Ruble is now back to the level before the invasion started 6 weeks ago.
Omg where do you come up with this crap, everything you typed is false
You can do that to see for yourself that the stop exchange rate is bogus and simply used by russia to take USD from its own companies and citizens.

The relaity is that the real exchange rate is over 200 to the dollar if you can find someone to take your rubles. But you wont find such a person. No one is going to take your rubles. Not even a Russian bank.
You are wasting your time argument with a moron.

I suggest talk to average Russian international students who live in Australia and you will know the reality.

They have extreme capital controls so much so international students from Russia having hard time to bring Tution and living expenses. And in black market Russian parents buying dollar in way higher rate. Parents are forced to buy from black market to send money to these students.
Bro, IMO it is not a surprise that socialism or atleast traditional welfare oriented currents have recieved huge support among muslims in general.
Muslims living in the west usually vote for socialistic parties. Sometime because they are viewed as more immigrant friendly, but even second and third generation highly educated, and affluent muslims seems to prefer socialistic models. Which is not a big surprise, as we know that welfare state was in many ways a Islamic invention. Saudi Arabia forexample is a welfare society, Libiya too was that, before it was destroyed.

Going by your political stand (pardon if i am wrong), i would say its actually as Islamic as it gets. By that i mean, the ideal islamic value.
For Islamic economic principle try to balance the needs of the society (poor, sick, worker rights etc.) and the need of the individual (property rights, trade practices, entrepreneurs etc.).
To conclude: Islamic economic values are neither fully communistic or capitalistic. It falls somewhere in between.

I always like to say that my home country Norway, from purely economical POV, probably is the best example of how good a society can be, if Islamic economical principles are implemented correctly. But as we say ideologies are just that, ideas. And its interpretations will always be heavily eschewed by the mind of leadership of a nation.

In Norway we say "To read The Bible as the devil does". Sadly there are too many egos among muslims today, which IMO is the root problem of muslim disunity and proverty.
Scandinavians always have a soft side for the common good. To be honest and sincere is a ethos. Which explains the success we enjoy.
I happily pay my taxes, so too does a majority of population here, including the very rich.

1. Some Muslims do really quote the Scandinavian model as being more Islamic than most Muslim-majority societies though one thing I object is the tax system because I believe that income tax and other taxes on the citizen are an obsolete artifact of the era of monarchy and feudalism.

2. However, I agree with the underlined sentence of yours.

3. Yes, the Welfare Society concept is essentially an Islamic invention with is advantages and somethings that remained to be done. Your are correct that Islam is neither fully Communist nor entirely Capitalist. I will in two days or so write to you in 'Whatever' thread on this.

4. Indeed, the Libyan Jamahiriya was a Socialist-Communist welfare society though I am surprised that you consider Saudia as one. What are all the items you tick and consider it so ?

5. Yes, among Muslims today are the priests / ritualists who are put up as puppets by the Anglo countries to wage war and sabotage against the progressive Muslims.

6. Unfortunately, many Muslims in the West today are not contributory members of society but since they have regressive, non-Islamic ideas like being members and followers of the misinformed and misguided Tableeghi Jamaat and such others like Dawah Man and that Hijab fellow, both in Britain, they are used by USA, Canada, Britain and France against progressive Muslim individuals, movements and countries.

7. Lastly, you are correct that my political and socio-economic stands are quite Islamic and I see the teachings of Prophet Jesus, Prophet Muhammad and the later ideas of Marx and other Communists to be quite suitable to meld into each other.
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Cuba, it still exists. An example of the US destroying a country purely out of spite and for daring to ever challenge it.
A blockade is a physical barrier, specifically a MILITARY naval kind. There is none. And you might want to look up who trades with Cuba and since there are trades with Cuba, that mean there is no naval blockade.

Seems the Russians authorities have found a way to stop the looting Problem.

Instead of confiscating looted stuff or punishing their soldiers ,they came up with a much better solution.

They simply ordered all the CDEK postal services near Ukrainian border , to switch off their live feeds.


Reminder :

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In his last twitter thread, Kamil has pointed to similarities between the Russian Z operation and Soviet's 'Operation Danube' in 1968. The operational similarities between the two invasions are eerily similar and cannot be overlooked. People who are interested can read his thread and post your take. Putin's plan bungled because he went in with just 200K troops while the SU went in with 500K troops into a much smaller country like CZ :coffee:

You are wasting your time argument with a moron.

I suggest talk to average Russian international students who live in Australia and you will know the reality.

They have extreme capital controls so much so international students from Russia having hard time to bring Tution and living expenses. And in black market Russian parents buying dollar in way higher rate. Parents are forced to buy from black market to send money to these students.
Yes. You are right.

:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

So many ignorant morons in here.

Did you include yourself in the list?

Buying US dollars from the black market is the only option for unaverage and pathetic Russian students who has only rubles in the land down under headed by who is the guy in the corner? (That what Biden said). Ruble is not included in the SDR and so is many currencies.

That was eversince Russia ditched the US dollar and excluded its from its foreign reserve a year ago.

So what is so surprising?

:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Does that means Russia economy is in deep shit?
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