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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Its all over for Russia. The withdrawal from Kiev and surrounding areas is a clear signal of Russian defeat. They should now withdraw from all Ukraine and bow down to Nato.
Or maybe a faint retreat to attack heavier ... well , They said " we won't attack Ukraine " in days before attacking Ukraine , so you can't really judge Russians ( and all westerns ) by what they say
Steward Ramsey talking about his ambush when he was covering for Sky News in Bucha (Yes, he was there when Bucha felt in the first 10 days and probably lucky he escaped seeing how it turns out)

So far the Russians have struggled to take Kharkiv. NATO is very motivated to slowly escalate the heavy weapons delivery. Soon Ukraine may have more anti aircraft support.

Achieving what you say will be more difficult for Russia than what they have faced so far.

Analysts here in Germany say that this should spill on russian soil. Push them out of ukraine and then attack russian cities.
First of all, US Sanction is NOT really the nail in Russia coffin. EU sanction is much more serious than US (for example, SWIFT is EU sanction, it is not an US organisation) and Russia have asset in EU bank, not US bank, so basically US sanction is not really a big deal for Russia, EU deal more hurt than US in the entire sanction perspective.

Second of all, that is the pre-condition for peace, not peace talk, as in they will not roll it back when they come to peace talk, if Russia and Ukraine achieve peace, then there are roll back, not before.

I don't envision any rollbacks from Kherson, Myackileiv, Zap, Donetsk, Luhansk and Crimea oblasts probably not Kharkiv either but I could see a world where there is DMZ and Ukraine in 2 parts where round 2 fighting takes place again few years down the road but the DMZ partition is a reality. I also agree with the EU sanctions being more effective due to them having more assets in the Euro-Zone but it's also surprisingly how Russian currency bounced back there is no explaination could perhaps be the gold...

Why not? Are Iraqi, Yemeni, Syrian, Libyan, Afghan, Palestinians, Kashmiri less human then the Ukranian??

I don't think so.

Btw, I'm not pro-Russia. I'm pro Whitie killing off other Whites.

Awe cute .. he got to endure 10% of what Iraqi, Yemeni, Syrian, Libyan, Afghan, Palestinians, Kashmiri have been for decades....

This is absolutely off-topic and thread derailment.. @LeGenD @The Eagle @waz @Foxtrot Alpha
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Zelensky rejected peace offer days before Russian offensive – WSJ

3 Apr, 2022 13:10

German Chancellor had reportedly attempted to convince the Ukrainian leader to drop NATO membership plan

German chancellor Olaf Scholz had offered Volodymyr Zelensky a chance for peace just days before the launch of the Russian military offensive, but the Ukrainian president turned it down, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) has reported.

Scholz had made what the US outlet described as “one last push for a settlement between Moscow and Kiev” less than a week before the Russian forces were sent into Ukraine on February 24.

The chancellor told Zelensky in Munich on February 19 “that Ukraine should renounce its NATO aspirations and declare neutrality as part of a wider European security deal between the West and Russia,” the paper writes. The daily also claims that “the pact would be signed by Mr. Putin and Mr. Biden, who would jointly guarantee Ukraine’s security.”

However, Zelensky rejected the offer to make the concession and avoid confrontation, saying that “[Russia’s President Vladimir] Putin couldn’t be trusted to uphold such an agreement and that most Ukrainians wanted to join NATO,” the WSJ reports, without revealing its sources for the information.

“His answer left German officials worried that the chances of peace were fading,” the report points out.

Scholz and Zelensky did meet on that day on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference, at which each delivered an address.

Russia attacked its neighbor in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements signed in 2014, and Russia’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics in Donetsk and Lugansk. The German and French brokered protocols had been designed to regularize the status of those regions within the Ukrainian state.

Russia has now demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the rebel regions by force.


People are dying now because of USA and this clown Zelensky.
Its all over for Russia. The withdrawal from Kiev and surrounding areas is a clear signal of Russian defeat. They should now withdraw from all Ukraine and bow down to Nato.

That's too bad... Hopefully Russians regroup and attack from another point and prolong this hopefully never ending war-on-terror ... 'er sorry, I meant, Ukraine-Russia war.
Analysts here in Germany say that this should spill on russian soil. Push them out of ukraine and then attack russian cities.

lol , well , as I already told you , by prolonging war , it will become more brutal ...

anyway , this war is just showing the savagery of the westerns ...

we fought Iraq for 8 years and we didn't do anything like these to Iraqis after losing more than 100,000 persons ... I can proudly say , we are more civilized in our worst days than you Europeans in your best days ...

Blogger Reveals How She Was Used to Create Fake About ‘Russian Air Strike’ on Mariupol Hospital



Photos snapped by an Associated Press photographer of a pregnant woman at a demolished Mariupol hospital which Western media claimed had been “bombed by Russian forces” spread like wildfire, with US and European officials and media characterising the incident as evidence of Russian “war crimes”. The Russian MoD dismissed the allegations.
Marianna Vyshemirskaya, a Mariupol beauty blogger who has been turned into a symbol by Western media to shore up claims that the Russian military deliberately bombed one of the city’s maternity hospitals on 9 March, has come forward to explain what really took place.
In a series of story posts on her Instagram page, Vyshemirskaya, whose name was erroneously reported as "Vyshegirskaya" in many Western reports, stressed that the hospital was not struck in an air strike, but apparently shelled by artillery.
Vyshemirskaya also explained that immediately after the shelling, photos of her and other women were taken without their permission by an Associated Press reporter wearing military fatigues and a helmet.

“I spent probably 30 minutes near the maternity hospital. This was where I was photographed. I was the last one to be photographed. When I saw the Associated Press reporter taking pictures I asked him to stop because I didn’t want or need this. He answered ‘Yes, yes, okay’, but after I and a policeman who agreed to accompany me to the second floor of the building to get my things came back down he again started snapping us”, the woman said.
According to Vyshemirskaya, even Ukrainian law enforcement told the reporter not to shoot, with the photo correspondent ignoring them at first, before finally leaving after being warned a second time.
“I did not give my permission for my photos to be taken and published. They published them by their own initiative”, Vyshemirskaya stressed.
The woman said that two days after the incident, Associated Press reporters came back and asked her for an interview. “I replied that I am apolitical and did not want to give any interview. They said ‘We are also apolitical, but we’ve published your photos on the Internet’”, she recalled.

That’s when the slew of fakes and information attacks began, she said. “Because the situation that developed, which they plopped me into –because I never agreed to have my photos published, I was forced to comment, since my situation was considered a fake, that there was nobody in the maternity hospital. I said there were women in labour and pregnant women in the hospital…They also asked me if there was an air raid. I replied that no one heard an air raid. Explosions took place but there were no noises before or after them [to indicate aircraft]. This information didn’t seem to be to their liking. They cut it out”, she said.

In a separate interview published Saturday, Marianna said she and her husband went to Mariupol’s Maternity Hospital # 3 after being rejected by Maternity Hospital #2, which was not accepting patients, and Maternity Hospital #1, which she said had been “occupied by the military”.
Russian Ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzya mentioned Ukrainian troops’ occupation of Maternity Hospital #1 in an address on 7 March.
Vyshemirskaya also revealed the difficult conditions at the hospital, saying that husbands of the pregnant women had to live in the hospital’s basement, and that food had to be prepared in a field kitchen in the yard. Vyshemirskaya said Ukrainian troops at the hospital did nothing to help, and one day even came and took food away from staff, saying they had not eaten in days.

‘Information Provocation’​

Four people were killed, one baby died as a stillbirth, and at least 17 others were injured in the Mariupol hospital attack.
EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell called the incident a “heinous war crime” by Russia. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said it was evidence that “a genocide of Ukrainians is taking place”.
Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov dismissed claims of Russian involvement as an “information provocation by Kiev”, noting that a ceasefire regime had been declared by Russian forces on 9 March to allow for the evacuation of Mariupol’s residents, and that Russian aircraft did not take to the skies over the city that day. The Russian military also warned repeatedly about the presence of Ukrainian troops and neo-Nazi Azov militants at the city's hospitals.
After being published by the AP on 10 March, photos of a battered Marianna carrying a blanket against the backdrop of the bombed out hospital spread like wildfire online. The news agency ran the story with the lead: "A Russian airstrike devastated a maternity hospital Wednesday in the besieged port city of Mariupol amid growing warnings from the West that Moscow's invasion is about to take a more brutal and indiscriminate turn".
The photos were immediately picked up and used extensively by a host of other outlets, from the BBC and CNN to The Guardian, The Mirror, and a host of other outlets as a symbol of "Russian torture and brutality". An ill-fated series of tweets by the Russian Embassy in the UK saying that the incident appeared staged sparked further outrage, and ultimately prompted Twitter to remove them.
Vyshemirskaya's story is the latest in an increasingly dense ecosystem of fakes, misinformation, and disinformation which has appeared online during the Ukraine crisis, from the legend of Snake Island, where the Ukrainian troops that Russia was feared to have indiscriminately cut down later appeared alive and well in Crimea, to the famous "Ghost of Kiev", the mythical Ukrainian fighter ace reported to have shot down an innumerable number of Russian planes.


Banderites are pathological liars.
Well , Its look like Russians are going to lose their patient and we will see their usual heavy bombardment tactics ...
now , that they can't win in clean way , they probably just split more blood ( although Ukrainian blood has no value for NATO ) ...
lol , well , as I already told you , by prolonging war , it will become more brutal ...

anyway , this war is just showing the savagery of the westerns ...

we fought Iraq for 8 years and we didn't do anything like these to Iraqis after losing more than 100,000 persons ... I can proudly say , we are more civilized in our worst days than you Europeans in your best days ...

And your comment helps?
That's too bad... Hopefully Russians regroup and attack from another point and prolong this hopefully never ending war-on-terror ... 'er sorry, I meant, Ukraine-Russia war.

Your just trolling at this point. No one in the West is going to care about the Middle East, when the people of the Middle East don’t care. You hate each other, so why should people on the other side of the planet care?
The EU came to the Indians and said that India must stop buying Russian oil. The Indian External affairs minister reminded them that Europe's purchase of Russian oil had increased 15% this month.
Russia sells oil with 20 or 25 percent discount on the markets to willing buyers. cheap oil is sexy.
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