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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I read that at april 1st it will be changed to Rubel and then there will be a 7 day timeframe for the EU countries to pay the price in Rubel. If not, then gas delivery will stop.
Speculation. You send this message to the market, Rubel values rises, you can buy hard currency/imports cheaper and show how determinated you are. Economicly this does not change anything. Gasprom right now gets EURO for Gas and needs to exchange 90% of it into Rubel in Russia. It`s to force EU to break their own sanctions.
Speculation. You send this message to the market, Rubel values rises, you can buy hard currency/imports cheaper and show how determinated you are. Economicly this does not change anything. Gasprom right now gets EURO for Gas and needs to exchange 90% of it into Rubel in Russia. It`s to force EU to break their own sanctions.

No, not speculation. If you understand russian you can hear it here in an interview with Wladimir Tschischow. Alternativ you can translate the german short version text.


Interview with Turkey's chief adviser to their President. He explains about the conditions from Putin for negotiation and the realization that it may not fly :pop:
MoD Russia, [3/28/2022 3:26 PM]
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🗓 Top News Today

▫️ Kalibr high-precision sea-based cruise missiles destroyed large ammunition depots near Ushomir and Veselovka, Zhytomir Region.

▫️ Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter, which was heading for the emergency evacuation of the Azov national battalion commanders who had abandoned their subordinates, has been shot down near Mariupol.

▫️ Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation published footage of destruction of Ukrainian Grad MLRS systems firing from camouflaged positions.

▫️Russian servicemen delivered more than 20 tonnes of humanitarian cargo for Dymer’ residents in Kiev Region.

▫️Over the past day, the Russian Armed Forces, without the participation of the Ukrainian authorities, evacuated 12,825 people to Russia from dangerous areas of Ukraine, Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics, 2,045 of them children, and since the beginning of the special military operation, 469,683 people have already been evacuated, of which 97,345 are children.

#Russia #Ukraine #Briefing
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Russian central bank has suspended fx trading, so the street price can really be anything. In Kazakhstan, and nearby countries, the street price of RUR to USD is < 0.0066 now
Wouldn't they use the spot price plus extra ~3% spread?
No, not speculation. If you understand russian you can hear it here in an interview with Wladimir Tschischow. Alternativ you can translate the german short version text.

I read it in German. Specultation, means sending messages and saying things like this to the market, this is what I meant. If this in reality going to happen - Let`s see, if Russia wantes to put sanction on itself.
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That's the second time you're posting this tweet,and it is from karabakh...

It is a typo issue with my mouse from Twiiter, but I've already fixed it. It just happens you're a slow guy who jumped too quickly to point it out without checking it again. :lol:
So you have changed from your previous position where you demanded that Putin's wife and children be arrested in Europe because they have to answer for his "crimes" and also should be used as bargaining tools ?

In English - White House version 2.0 Beta ?
Well, if ISIS "CLAIMED" responsibility on a bombing, doesn't it means that ISIS "ADMITTED" to be behind the bombing?

Dude, it's simple English..........

@jhungary was writing very long dissertations about how Russian economy would collapse within few months.

And there was this another dude who was saying that it is costing $20 billion a day for Russia and essentially endorsing the above mentioned narrative.

I am really confused. Am I in some parallel world right now where Russians are not slowing down and Ruble is actually gaining?

PS: Some really good signs that talks scheduled for tomorrow will make some good progress to end the war. Lets hope for the best!
First of all, you do know Russia economy is a 1.6 trillion economy (in 2020), with government expense last reported as 38% GDP in 2020 (For those who don't own a calculator, it's 608 billions dollar)

With oil and gas revenue valued at roughly 1.5 billions a day, if the West did not stop the buying of Russian oil and gas (US, Canada, UK and Australia already stopped buying) you are talking about somewhat 547 billions.. And then they don't have a war going on before. And that is if Russia nationalise 100% of the profit from selling oil and gas. Russia don't own the company that drill oil and gas...It's private own by those Oligarch.

The next best Russian export is Wheat, less than 7 billions market a year.

Just because you have some magical believe, it would not magically balance the balance sheet, you are looking at 50 or so billion in the red, and nobody is willing to lend money, last counted, even the Chinese frozen loan to Russian. Where are you going to get that 50 billions? And then there are already 43 billions debt to settle, and they don't take Rouble.

On the other hand, Rouble rebounded because Russia stop trading foreign currency and increased interest rate (Which draw Rouble back into central bank because you cannot sell it and you are encourage to deposit to it) in Financial term, this is a "Freeze" but you cannot freeze it for long because you are essentially taking Rouble out of the market, that does not mean people are not going to need it to trade or buy stuff.

Also, Rouble did not rebounded back to the original level (Today at 1: 0.0096, it was 1: 0.012 before the war) even with this measure, which you don't need a economy degree to know this is serious, because those measure are supposed to support the currency, and they are still somewhere 20% below the value of USD before the war. That mean those measure are not enough to take it back to the level, and the world is expecting another Rouble drop since the west also sanctioned Russian gold, which is the last thing Russia can trade with foreign currency.

What do you expect from yahoo who know nothing about economy.....
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