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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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To get the rubles you must exchange the money. Practically contacting Russia central bank. However the Russia central bank is under total sanction. Even if anyone in Germany is willing to pay in rubles it’s impossible to get rubles to pay the bill. It’s strictly forbidden. You will be arrested immediately and put to prison.

You will be imprisoned for trying to get rubles and buy some gas to keep your house warm in winter ? sound like the freedom @Apollon craves

Probably that is his limit. 3.1% would be a big no-no. ;)
hahaha ..the price for his freedom. Freedom is ok if the damage is within 3%.
To get the rubles you must exchange the money. Practically contacting Russia central bank. However the Russia central bank is under total sanction. Even if anyone in Germany is willing to pay in rubles it’s impossible to get rubles to pay the bill. It’s strictly forbidden. You will be arrested immediately and put to prison.

The German central bank needs to join in the recently announced SPFS (System for Transfer of Financial Messages). That way, they can do business with the Russian central bank. I think this is how the Russians intend to deal with the "unfriendly" countries" who sanction them.

For Russia's "friendly" countries, they'll need to sign up with China's Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS) and/or SPFS. They have either or both options.

In essence, Russia's efforts here is to boycott the SWIFT financial system; and for any entity or country that is doing business with them should either use the SPFS and/or CHIPS. This is what the war in Ukraine is all about, and this is how both Russia and China intend to beat the Western-dominated sanctions through the SWIFT system.
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The German central bank needs to join in the recently announced SPFS (System for Transfer of Financial Messages). That way, they can do business with the Russian central bank. I think this is how the Russians intend to deal with the "unfairly countries" who sanction them.

For Russia's "friendly" countries, they'll need to sign up with China's Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS) and/or SPFS. They have either or both options.

In essence, Russia's efforts here is to boycott the SWIFT financial system; and for any entity or country that is doing business with them should either use the SPFS and/or CHIPS. This is what the war in Ukraine is all about, and this is how both Russia and China intend to beat the Western-dominated sanctions through the SWIFT system.

The problem is that the german central bank isnt in the position to do that. The EZB has taken over and is the sole player in the EU.
@jhungary was writing very long dissertations about how Russian economy would collapse within few months.

And there was this another dude who was saying that it is costing $20 billion a day for Russia and essentially endorsing the above mentioned narrative.

I am really confused. Am I in some parallel world right now where Russians are not slowing down and Ruble is actually gaining?

PS: Some really good signs that talks scheduled for tomorrow will make some good progress to end the war. Lets hope for the best!
He also said that there were "thousands" of transformer substations in a country so you can't disable the grid without hitting power plants.

He is apparently unaware of the existence of step up substations and transmission substations.
3% recession is absolute worth it. Do you think Churchill looked on bullshit like this when declaring war on Hitler.

No, Churchill didn't worry about the consequences. Once the Germans were finished with them the sun set on the British Empire pretty quickly, and they were reduced to a has-been.
This is from 2018. Did you read what I wrote ?

How do you Justify staining all Ukrainians , when right wing parties only got 2% of the votes in the last elections ?

Le pen national front in France , got a lot more votes than that. Should Russia invade France now as well ?


ISIS was also from 2018.... I guess no longer discussion worthy?
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