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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I think people saying one side has won bias fashion are being unreasonable this is just the first day of a new conflict jeez.. Let the combatants fight and we will see in few weeks where things are but don't expect this to end in 24 hours or 1 week but rather months so chill and learn the anatomy of wars..

The Russians will patiently attempt to grind them down whereas the Ukrainians will patiently attempt to push them out as of right now the Russians have made some pushes inside and meeting resistance which is expected something both sides were well aware off and counted on in their calculus this is war but it is only first day.. There is question mark on how long can the resistance hold because something gotta give eventually as time passes on

I just don’t see the Russians sticking around. They’ve learned their lesson from Afghanistan and Chechnya, and apparently so have the Ukrainians.
They need to make the war as costly as possible for Russia and the West needs to help them to make that happen. The longer the war, the more problematic for Russia, especially when sanctions bite at the same time. It will come at a terrible cost for Ukraine, no doubt, but it is a huge country and difficult to control even with a large army. Ukraine becoming Russia's Afghanistan scenario is what the goal should be, with guerilla incursions and constant attacks.
The Russians will ultimately prevail, but this is about making this illegal invasion as painful as possible for the Russians.
Are you willing to condemn a people to Hell just to get one over on Russia? Are you that spiteful? This is your brain on the West. West... not even once.
This is what we need,

I need a $5 billion loan from Bill Gates and 5 of Victoria's Secret models to be my wives.

I probably have the more realistic dream.
Looks like Russians have breached Kiev and have entered the city :

“But as night fell, fears of a Russian assault on the capital grew. Gunfire and explosions were heard in the city throughout the day and the president was quoted in Ukrainian media as saying "saboteurs" had entered Kyiv.”

This is what we need,


I wouldn't say its impossible. Iran and Russia are allies, Pakistan and China are allies, China and Russia are allies, Turkey and Pakistan are allies and Turkey is very close to the other Turk States and by 2040 they will form TurkUnion. Turkey and Russian/China may not be allies but are not enemies, Pakistan/Turkey are not allies with Iran but are not enemies. I dont see any issue for a alliance as long as Turkey leaves Nato.
Maybe he wants to settle some old score with Russian Federation or Tsar? But will eventually end up ceeding more British Territory to Russia.
Seems more like a chance to get back at EU and prove that they are the top dog in the European continent. Basically, the UK has been wondering its role as a member of the Five Eyes now post-BREXIT. It is developed, strong and innovative even today, but yet it does not lead an international forum or grouping of its own.

The other objective could be just to let Royal Shell and BP to recuperate the losses from COVID-19. I don't see BAE selling that many arms to Ukraine or even in British government contracts, unlike the American companies.
Well, he is your PM for now and has succeeded in distracting the UK.

What are the chances of British forces sending covert ops teams to take our Russian area commanders? Too much of a stretch?
Doubt it, Ukraine will be supported by weapons and equipment, and even funding wise, but uk will never put feet on the ground in Ukraine, be it by a covert ops or a different method. uk nor us wants war with Russia unless Russia attacks a nato member which it wont.
This is what we need,

You are only looking at the issue from your own point of view and because you have difficulty in understanding at the geopolitical realities of the nature of Russia-Turkey relations. Please do not take the topic out of context. There is a war on the other side of the sea that I am looking at right now.


Regarding Putin/Russia, it is clear that the invasion of Ukraine is definitely not about Ukraine. Russia overturned the table and challenged the world order by risking everything.

Listen to the speech he gave at 6 am yesterday. He gave a manifesto speech and very little of what he said was about Ukraine. History will judge him by how sincere he was in this speech, and whether he did what he promised.
I wouldn't say its impossible. Iran and Russia are allies, Pakistan and China are allies, China and Russia are allies, Turkey and Pakistan are allies and Turkey is very close to the other Turk States and by 2040 they will form TurkUnion. Turkey and Russian/China may not be allies but are not enemies, Pakistan/Turkey are not allies with Iran but are not enemies. I dont see any issue for a alliance as long as Turkey leaves Nato.
Turkey won't leave NATO without a concrete assurance of a similar military alliance. Why not stay and extract whatever benefits it can until the right time comes.

It is located in one of the most valuable crossroads of the world; straddling both Europe and Asia. If they leave NATO then they get into the crosshairs of the West; if they remain in NATO, they view Russia a bit uncomfortably and for obvious reasons.
Are you willing to condemn a people to Hell just to get one over on Russia? Are you that spiteful? This is your brain on the West. West... not even once.

The amount of Russian trolls on this forums are a joke. Pure manipulation. Russia and Iran on here want to really cause trouble they need to be encircled and stopped.
Well, yeah. They're not gonna instantly switch suppliers. It takes time to switch over.

I don't know why everyone expected Europe to instantly abandon Russian gas, and have no gas for the next few days.
So EU shall also shut about threat to Russia until they weed off Russia gas and oil.
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