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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Russian Units Advancing From Crimea Have Reached the Dnieper River
60 kilometers in half a day
Anti-Empire 9 hours ago 3147 10

Passing through Crimea border control
Ukrainian military seems to be holding up somewhat in the east, but its southern front seems not to have put up much resistance.

The Russian military was able to break out from the Crimean isthmus and then march to the Dnieper river at Nova Kakhovka in only half a day.

That’s pretty disastrous for the Ukrainian side since the Crimean isthmus is a bottleneck. If they had a chance of holding up the Russians it would have been there.

The obvious move for the Russians now is to cross the Dnieper and carve out a valuable bridgehead. Maybe march on to Odessa when more forces catch up.

The other option is to pour from Crimea going east. Advance far enough and you’re starting to threaten the rear, and the escape routes, of the Ukrainian units that were positioned against Donbass.

In any case, this is probably the biggest Russian success of the day.

There are only two roads leading out of Crimea, the rest is swampy salty lagoons

The amount of Russian trolls on this forums are a joke. Pure manipulation. Russia and Iran on here want to really cause trouble they need to be encircled and stopped.
Thank you for proving u are the one here..

The Moscow Times

French President Emmanuel Macron held a heated telephone exchange with Vladimir Putin on Thursday evening — the first Western leader believed to have spoken with the Russian president since Moscow launched an invasion of Ukraine.

Macron demanded an "immediate halt" to Russia's attack on Ukraine, according to a readout from the Elysee Palace.
Updated: 4 hours ago


The Moscow Times

The United States has expelled Russia's number two diplomat in Washington in a tit for tat move after Moscow's expulsion of a senior U.S. envoy, a State Department official said Thursday.

Sergey Trepelkov, the second-highest ranking official at the Russian embassy, was informed Wednesday that he had to depart, after Moscow ordered the US deputy chief of mission in Russia, Bart Gorman, to leave earlier this month
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The Moscow Times

The UN refugee agency said around 100,000 people had fled their homes in Ukraine and several thousand more had left the country since neighbouring Russia invaded early Thursday.
The Moscow Times
A Russian Antonov An-26 transport plane carrying military equipment crashed in Russia's southern Voronezh region near Ukraine, killing all crew members on board, the defence ministry said Thursday. Officials declined to specify how many people had been killed in the incident
I am being dead serious. The majority of Americans wanted us to manage the East Pakistan affair with logic and compassion and viewed our actions there to be morally and legally corrupt. The divide between the Government and pro East-Pakistan group was very big, which in some ways limited the actions the administration may have wanted to take to support West Pakistan but the administration still provided military assistance through illicit means.

You may want to read up on the National Security Archives (US) and other neutral accounts and news of the crisis/war and history of US sanctions on Pakistan since 1965.
I have read american secret papers where Nixon and Kissinger detailed discussions are mentioned.
It clearly states that American did not provide the military weapons while Yahya pleaded them for a long time.

Nothing short of a suicide bombing campaign will deter the Russian advance and its subsequent occupation of Ukraine. Even if Russia installs a puppet government in Ukraine, it will need an occupying force to support it. This can only lead to the assimilation of Ukraine in the Russian Federation.

The Ukraine government's request to join NATO has already been turned down by western countries. This can only mean that everyone is ready for that outcome.
what sort of nazis? anti communists? anti russians? right wing people? or just people who use nazi paraphernalia but arent really a part of them? to the western liberals anyone not agreeing with them is a nazi, and to the western conservatives anyone not agreeing with them is a commie.
So Americans think the Chinese are both Communists and Nazis. Well, it doesn't conflict, just as Chinese are both waves and particles.
So Americans think the Chinese are both Communists and Nazis. Well, it doesn't conflict, just as Chinese are both waves and particles.

Chinese is Capitalist also according to their Propaganda media in Africa
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