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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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He is a spoiled, uneducated kid, haven't even finished school yet and worked a day for his living, but bragging loud about the money of his parents. Writing things like: 10 € gas price is ok. Because he is rich!

Do you REALLY expect this lunatic do understand even basic things? And no, he does not give a shit about germany or europe, the people here, it is all about his lunacy. All about being the loudest, when it comes to political correctness.

People like him are the death sentence for europe and the west.

You are totally wrong. Im not political correct. Im far right conservative and i see Putin as disgusting pancake face. Im against political correctness and i believe in the absolute superiority of Europe in evry aspect.

Its people like you who somehow connect that laughable botox clown in the kremlin as conservative. Time to destroy that connection. Kaiser Wilhelm I and Bismarck is my form of conservatism not your pathetic kotau to a country where 80% have no functional toilet.
China has huge influence in Europe. European countries are all small and vulnerable to Chinese influence. Hell, even Mercedes biggest owner is Chinese government.

BMP-3 in Mariupol

China doesnt even influence Greece, which took chinese money and then voted pro sanctions on china.

Same as mercedes benz, you own papers. Ask russia what value papers in western nations have. One day and its all taken away, frozen and confiscated.

Russia also owned alot in Europe. Its all gone.
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I am all for blocking accounts fresher than 1 year from posting in this topic, or at least ones which registered literally days ago, and already posted hundred posts of twitter spam.
This thread is completely hijacked. I know that there are companies in India that offer to influence social media opinion by flooding the space with bogus reviews etc. Companies in the west hire them for minimal expense. Seems like the Russians have started to utilize their services :rolleyes1:
Dont expect Russian borders to stay the same in the Caspian. They will take the Kazakh casein coastline and claim it as theirs. Maybe even Azerbaijan, but im not certain of that one.
It’s possible, it’s do or die time for the Russkies, they are not holding back and it looks like no one is gonna stop them.

Does Turkey have any troops in Azerbaijan? Even if they do, I don’t think there is anyone to secure the Eastern Bank of the the Caspian in Kazakhstan and or Turkmenistan.

Putin looks like he is gonna rebuild the Russian empire one way or another.
Russian bums who go to Ukraine to snatch land and women taken Mariupol center.

China doesnt even influence Greece, which took chinese money and then voted pro sanctions on china.

Same as mercedes benz, you own papers. Ask russia what value papers in western nations have. One day and its all taken away, frozen and confiscated.

Russia also owned alot in Europe. Its all gone.

Try it and see what happens.
  • Haha
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