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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Then what are they waiting for? Your big talk won't help them get guts.

Well i guess even you must admit that russias performance in Ukraine proves they are not a threat for Europe. Also not a threat for China.
Well i dont want to vaporize...but im quite sure russia is extremly weak. I doubt they go nuclear.

We know now that their army is no threat for us. Its indeed just a gas station with nukes
you should invade russia then!
Then what are they waiting for? Your big talk won't help them get guts.
Because, kid, the few nukes that they can fire, can unleash a lot of death and destruction on the world. It's really not worth it.

Russia's nuclear bogey is their only trump card. Conventionally they are a farce. Even India, Pakistan, SK and Japan have better trained and motivated armies.
i am ure 10% will be more then enough to vaporize white boys!
Are the Russians brown boys?
Ukraine-Russia war thread could be the most unnecessary place for these type skin-color based discourses or populism.

White-man, Nazis, Fascism allegations.. All are reminds that
Well i guess even you must admit that russias performance in Ukraine proves they are not a threat for Europe. Also not a threat for China.
Only after Nato shows their capabilities in Ukraine, but too bad Nato just doesn't have the guts, it's always easy to laugh at others when they are working on something while you are sitting in an armchair.
Wanne try?

I want try. Putin is a weakling who brought his little yacht home before he attacked Ukraine. A guy who cares so much for something laughable as a yacht does not use nukes

Only after Nato shows their capabilities in Ukraine, but too bad Nato just doesn't have the guts, it's always easy to laugh at others when they are working on something while you are sitting in an armchair.

We see that our MANPADS cause extreme devastation on russian troops.
Only after Nato shows their capabilities in Ukraine, but too bad Nato just doesn't have the guts, it's always easy to laugh at others when they are working on something while you are sitting in an armchair.

NATO is pumping weapons into Ukraine, that's all it needs to do. And its working. Russia is bleeding dry and becoming an international laughing stock.

Why doesn't Russia have the guts to attack NATO for supplying weapons to Ukraine? What is Russia waiting for?
I don't think they have 14000 casualty (I think that mean all)

I did read a US report, it said 60% of the Russian unit are now Combat Ineffective (which mean they have 20% or more casualty from that unit) which would indicate around 10000 casualty. US DOD reported up to 7000. So, I don't know

And yeah, I would be yell like crazy on my MBITR if I ask for gunship support and they did this..........
The Russians will reform the units and send in fresh troops to make up the numbers, probably giving out high wages for contract soldiers. Probably also send in police units to try to pacify the areas that have already fallen to them. Probably offer convicts their freedom if they serve for the duration of the conflict as frontline soldiers. They will probably throw everything they have at this war, now that they are issuing some of their best weapons.
NATO fought and lost after 20 years in Afghanistan is calling the Russian invasion of 4 weeks "slow" :rofl:
In other news Russians have started using hypersonic missiles and Zelensky has started using greenscreens and begging for talks.
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NATO is pumping weapons into Ukraine, that's all it needs to do. And its working. Russia is bleeding dry and becoming an international laughing stock.

Why doesn't Russia have the guts to attack NATO for supplying weapons to Ukraine? What is Russia waiting for?
It's very normal for countries buying weapons from other countries, India buys weapons from Russia, does it mean that China should attack Russia for supplying weapons to India? Russia's problem was with Ukraine, why Russia needs to attack other countries? as for what Russia will do after finishing Ukraine, that could be everyone's guess.
The Russians will reform the units and send in fresh troops to make up the numbers, probably giving out high wages for contract soldiers. Probably also send in police units to try to pacify the areas that have already fallen to them. Probably offer convicts their freedom if they serve for the duration of the conflict as frontline soldiers. They will probably throw everything they have at this war, now that they are issuing some of their best weapons.
That wouldn't do much good for the Russian tho.

You need people that know what they are doing, attacking a city like that is not something you can do out of the bat, i mean from some general entry, you are gonna get kill pretty quick and just be a cannon fodder.

They need people who are trained to capture a city, they had time to train or drill this batch that they send, anything else will have to come in after a few months of drill.

Otherwise, they are no good.
NATO fought and lost after 20 years in Afghanistan is calling the Russian invasion of 4 weeks "slow" :rofl:
In other news Russians have started using hypersonic missiles and Zelensky has started using greenscreens and begging for talks.

Greeks are white?
View attachment 825528
Ukraine aren't an insurgence..........Yet

It took us 38 days to invade and capture the entire Iraq (similar size than Ukraine) and it took us 14 days to capture the entire Afghanistan. So yes, Russian initial invasion is slow at this point seeing in Iraq, we had already captured Najaf, Basra and Baghdad on day 24 already. None of the big city in Ukraine fall.
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