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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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First of all why do you call him "Poutine"?
It sounds like a French word.

Second,since you talk about realpolitiks,
the pro-Russian government of Yanukovich was toppled by riots of ultranationalist and pro-Western political parties and organizations.

There's no moral high ground in the West's fanatical anti-Russian policies and encouraging of Ukraine to take on Russia even before the war started.
You could have made it clear and agreed with Russia that Ukraine should be a neutral country and solve this.
just said this on the other post. Yanukovich government were NEVER toppled.

Yanukovich is a minority government (He did not get over 51% on the 2nd poll, he got 48.7), he can only form a government because he entered a power sharing deal with Yulia Tymoshenko's BYuT (who get 45.2) and also the parliament (Party of Regions get 30% while fatherland (Which is BYuT after taking in some other party) get 25.5)

Fatherland pulled the power sharing deal in October/November when Yanukovich government decree the suspension of EU ascension agreement. And dissolving the Parliament (Yanukovich need Fatherland's 25.5% of parliament member to be able to function as a government) and trigger a election, and that is what triggered the Euromaidan.

When Maidan began, Yanukovich government has already dissolved, and while technically he was still the president, but the government is gone and he is only there as a care taker. He fled because he knows he cannot win another election, seeing the reason why he "Won" in 2010 is because of the former President (won 2004 election) Viktor Yushchenko (Another Pro-EU president) and infighting with Julia Tymoshenko to begin with and also suspected election fraud.
There are only 2 problems.

1.) US is the biggest Oil Production country in the world. Not Iran and Russia, and also US Dollars is the world dominance reserve currency, not Yuan or Ruble or whatever currency Iran is using. It's one thing you settle the oil payment with local currency, it's another thing to be able to use them. Which mean even if you settle your payment with Yuan or Ruble (which is pretty dumb), you will still need to exchange it to US Dollars for Saudi or any country that are trading them.

2.) It's a misconception that Petrodollar is the reason of US Dollars dominance. The world Oil market is estimated at 342 trillions dollars a year, while this alone is impressive (Roughly 14 times US GDP every year), this is a drop in the bucket if you compare to the sheer trade volume in US Dollars with SWIFT alone, it was estimated by SWIFT that 5-6 trillions worth of USD settlement in a single day, which give you roughly 2 quadrillion (that's 2,000 trillions) USD being settle every year. And that's only SWIFT.

This is what and why US dollar have its power

Yes right now almost all transactions are in usd. However history shows the nighty fall when they become too big for their boots. America is way too big for its boots. The foundation has been laid by this war
Yes right now almost all transactions are in usd. However history shows the nighty fall when they become too big for their boots. America is way too big for its boots. The foundation has been laid by this war

Well, this war on the other hand show how strong is US Dollar. Not the weakness.

Economy of Russia crashed overnight because US refused to allow Russia Central Bank to exchange USD, and freezing all the oversea Russian central bank asset (Estimated at 300 billions) which left Russia holding their rouble and gold alone. You cannot exchange those gold or oil or any resource because you cannot issue either buy/sell order from overseas, which majority uses SWIFT, the only logical way is for Russia to trade with China with a tangible trade. (eg Oil for Electronic). But how much can you trade tangibly? And what happen if Russia want something China don't have? IC Chip for example?

Just because China and Russia (or if you bring along Iran or Syria as well, it wouldn't matter much) promote regional trade, that does not mean they can dethrone USD status as world reserve, because unless China is willing to use Ruble domestically and Russia is willing to use Yuan domestically, it did not change the fact that you cannot use someone else's denomination in your own country, which mean you need to exchange it somehow.

And it would be stupid at least for China to start using Ruble as official denomination. At least right now it's not feastible.

Russia mocked after tit-for-tat sanctions target wrong Joe Biden – ‘Sanctioned his Dad’​

Moscow sanctioned 13 US officials in total, banning them from entering Russia in a reciprocal move following a similar move against Russian officials from Washington. However, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, who was among those sanctioned, pointed out that the Kremlin had mistakenly sanctioned President Biden’s later father after they removed the “junior” suffix from his name.

None of us are planning tourist trips to Russia, none of us have bank accounts that we won't be able to access, so we will forge ahead.”

he current US president's full name is Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

President Biden’s son Hunter, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin were also among those sanctioned.


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by Taboola

Russia mocked after tit-for-tat sanctions target wrong Joe Biden – ‘Sanctioned his Dad’​

RUSSIA has been mocked for sanctioning the wrong Joe Biden in a hilarious cock-up.​

01:44, Wed, Mar 16, 2022 | UPDATED: 07:47, Wed, Mar 16, 2022
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Biden administration sees Putin as 'partner' claims Bartiromo​

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Moscow sanctioned 13 US officials in total, banning them from entering Russia in a reciprocal move following a similar move against Russian officials from Washington. However, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, who was among those sanctioned, pointed out that the Kremlin had mistakenly sanctioned President Biden’s later father after they removed the “junior” suffix from his name.



She said: “President Biden is a 'junior' so they may have sanctioned his Dad, may he rest in peace.

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by Taboola

“None of us are planning tourist trips to Russia, none of us have bank accounts that we won't be able to access, so we will forge ahead.”

The current US president's full name is Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

President Biden’s son Hunter, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin were also among those sanctioned.

Joe Biden

Russia have accidentally sanctioned the wrong Joe Biden (Image: Getty Images )
Antony Blinken

Secretary of State Antony Blinken has also been sanctioned (Image: Getty Images )

According to a statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry, the sanctions were the result of a “Russophobic” policy followed by the Biden Administration.

They said: “It is the consequence of the extremely Russophobic policy pursued by the current US administration.”
Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine last month, the Biden Administration has banned Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov from the USA.

They have also imposed a series of economic sanctions that have effectively left Russia cut off from the outside world.

Russia also put a number of top US officials on its "stop list" including America's top general, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, and CIA Director William Burns.

The Canadian Prime Minister has also been added to the list and sanctioned.

The Russian Foreign Ministry also said it would announce additional sanctions against “Russophobic” US lawmakers, businessmen and celebrities.

Moscow did not specify the nature of the sanctions which it labelled “personal sanctions” and a “stop list”.

This is how NOT to do sanction....
RIP Big Mac (1990-2022)

The last time I had a Big Mac was literally yrs ago. How many yrs ago, I do not know. But ever since I found Five Guys, I stopped going anywhere else. Five Guys make the best burger. Spider-Man is Five Guys burger. Hawkeye is In-And-Out burger. And they argues about it.

But it is interesting, though. For so many here who railed against US, how much of US are in their countries at the cultural level? I love Italian and JPNese food, but MD are there as well and MD make good moolah there. I will admit am shocked at the Russian response at the coming loss of the American McDonald's burger, a culinary abomination that it is. :lol:
The last time I had a Big Mac was literally yrs ago. How many yrs ago, I do not know. But ever since I found Five Guys, I stopped going anywhere else. Five Guys make the best burger. Spider-Man is Five Guys burger. Hawkeye is In-And-Out burger. And they argues about it.

But it is interesting, though. For so many here who railed against US, how much of US are in their countries at the cultural level? I love Italian and JPNese food, but MD are there as well and MD make good moolah there. I will admit am shocked at the Russian response at the coming loss of the American McDonald's burger, a culinary abomination that it is. :lol:

I wonder if they have KFC, Popeyes Chicken or Pizza Hut franchises?
Experts say Putin now switchs to plan C.

Plan A was to quickly take all of Ukraine and install a puppet regime - failed...

Plan B was to achieve this with more brutal actions - failed

Now Putin switched to Plan C. Terrorize the people and cause as much damage as possible. We already see mass executions of civilians. The russians attack hospitals, children and schools. Same tactics were done by them in Chechenya and Syria, now its just open to see.
Lol Your overpriced shiity drone is so bad that even your step dad UK can't afford more than 10. Pathetic
US was not willing to sell its sophisticated drones to other countries until Trump administration decided to relax terms and conditions for sales.

For perspective:

Overprised shitty drones? You have no idea, John Snow.

More Russian men heading to real life training. Including T-72B3M which is on par with M1A2.

T-72B3M is not even remotely close to M1A2.

Not even that paper tiger Armata which is nowhere to be seen in a war.

Armata is War Thunder video game champion. I give you this.
The last time I had a Big Mac was literally yrs ago. How many yrs ago, I do not know. But ever since I found Five Guys, I stopped going anywhere else. Five Guys make the best burger. Spider-Man is Five Guys burger. Hawkeye is In-And-Out burger. And they argues about it.

But it is interesting, though. For so many here who railed against US, how much of US are in their countries at the cultural level? I love Italian and JPNese food, but MD are there as well and MD make good moolah there. I will admit am shocked at the Russian response at the coming loss of the American McDonald's burger, a culinary abomination that it is. :lol:
My Last McD is the day before yesterday, I still go to Maccers (As it was known here) and that's because there aren't any good Burger joint here in Oz. There used to be a joint here where i lived called "You, Me and Beef" but it was closed down after COVID....

Anyway, as the man said, McD is not just a fast food joint, for a lot of Russian (I personally knows a lot of Russian and Ukrainian) It mean a taste of Western Value, many of us think this is just greasy junk food, but for them, it's a connection to the west.
We are now three weeks into the Russia-Ukraine war. Where is the VKS?

The most resounding Soviet affirmation of the dominant role played by air power in Desert Storm came barely two weeks following the cease-fire. Not surprisingly, it emerged from an interview with the chief of the main staff of the Soviet air force, Lieutenant General A. Malyukov. After suggesting that the war had constituted "a textbook example of what air supremacy means-both for the country that gained it and for the country ceding it to the opponent," the interviewer asked the general whether he felt the war had reflected a practical application of the American "Air-Land Battle" doctrine.​
In a reply that showed much perspicacity, General Malyukov answered: "I do not think so. There was no classical 'air-land battle.' Why? The point is that this war-and here General Dugan comes to mind-was obviously conceived from the outset as an air war to wear out the opponent by means of air strikes, disorganize his command systems, destroy his air defenses, and weaken the ground forces' striking power. In terms of the choice of objectives, it was more a case of a classic air offensive. And these objectives were achieved. Broadly speaking, this is the first time we have seen a war in which aviation took care almost entirely of all the main tasks [emphasis added]."​

Basically, what Malyukov said 31 yrs ago that US airpower came to %90 of forcing an enemy into submission, that US airpower %90 scrapped the concept of 'air-land battle'. Or more like %90 air and %10 land. Apologies to our Army and Marines brothers and sisters. What have the VKS done for itself for the past 30 yrs? Apparently, with the last three weeks showing the world: NOTHING. The Su-57 does not qualify as an achievement. When this war is over, the Su-57 will be relegated to the museum.

With the Russia-Ukraine war, the world was looking for a Desert Storm replacement. Instead, the world was forced to return to Desert Storm as example of how far airpower have come, how much US airpower can do, and that the world's second air force failed by a miserable margin even just to meet the par set by US airpower, let alone hope to surpass. Thirty yrs passed and all the VKS done was produced one new platform and when the air force was called into battle, it failed its ground forces brothers.

It is not just any one observer of this war but of the entire world that the time for being generous to the VKS is over. Maybe it is time for all the VKS generals to commit seppuku by impaling themselves on the pitot probes of their jets.
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