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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The scuttlebutt is that Poutine fired 8 generals. We have no second confirmation at this time so we should not place too much value on this. But what if it is true? We are looking at senior army commanders, if not THE army commander, and senior air commanders, if not THE air commander. The FSB head is 'arrested', for what?

Three weeks into the war and still the army and the air force cannot coordinate their ops. Another rumor is that the VKS is afraid of fratricide, meaning the VKS is afraid of being shot down by the army, so the VKS do not fly unless the pilots feel safe. Coordination between friendly army and air force is called 'airspace deconfliction'.

Airspace decon is a BASIC capability and skillset. One major factor is that Russian pilots do not fly as often as US/NATO pilots do. Reportedly about 10 hrs/mth. US/NATO pilots doubled or even tripled that. The average training sortie is about 1.5 hr. If you go to the range, it will be 2 to 2.5 hr. At the range is where you learn how to ingress to a ground target, make your delivery, then egress. Along the way, you learn how to coordinate with ground controllers simulating friendly ground forces. So flying 1-2 hrs/week as how the Russian train is not enough. That is just time to takeoff, gain altitude, maybe rendezvous with an air refueler, maybe do a few touch-and-go, then land. This seems to be the bulk of the VKS fighter pilot experience.

Observers are giving the Russian military much leeway, probably too much and that is because of the perception of the Russian military as a competent and capable force, but we are looking at 3 weeks and still the Russians are struggling.

If it is true that Poutine replaced his army and air commanders, that three weeks passed mean the new commanders will have doubled the difficulties since the Ukrainians gained valuable experience fighting against the Russian military. Regardless of how this war turn out, whether Russia withdraw from Ukraine or completely take over, the Russian military will NOT be seen as a peer military to the US/NATO alliance.
Are you serious? -" But what if it is true?", the likely hood of anything coming out true at times of hostilities is zero.
More like Putin becoming Putler for real. He sounds just like him :agree:
pdf fanboys getting excited. dear leader will now start killing his own country man lol.
This isn't exactly fairly framed. Russians never stated their goal being taking over all of Ukraine. Maybe their game here is to make it seem like and then settle for what they want, annexing certain parts of Ukraine. This allows Russia to escape the trap of occupation vs insurgency war.

Russia militarily cannot afford to be trapped in such a type of war.

Ukraine also said they wanted to compromise and reach some agreements and previously said Russian demands were too great. I suspect these are just two sides haggling over a deal and both employing haggling tactics like one would do with a vendor in a tourist area lol. Ukraine making deals and previously saying they're willing to make deals doesn't mean "Ukraine regime is not according to plan".
Russia can if they build camps
More like Putin becoming Putler for real. He sounds just like him :agree:
More like Stalin in this regard, it's going to be the Stalin purges 2.0. But his model of government, in particular the role of the oligarchs, is probably closer to Nazi Germany than Soviet communism. There is no party ideology in Putin's government, only Putin - 'Two legs bad, Putin good'.
No one in the US army proudly discusses their Neo-Nazi facts like Azov leaders done. You're comparing something that may not even exist to a literal Nazi military force while sullying the name of US armed forces? Damn! That's some hardcore belief.
So you only use a small unit called Azov as an example or representation of the whole entire Ukrainian military along with the militias or Territorial troops? Perhaps along with the Ukrainian government? Because if thats the view, you might as well trying to Denazify the whole country then because you have a long way to go.
A ceasefire should be coming up within weeks if not days based on Lavrov and Zellenskyy latest comments. Perhaps Zellensky knows that the West will fight Russia to the last Ukrainian and Russia knows that Russia greatly miscalculated. The two nations are kins for the most part. They know each other.
If Russia manages to block off the sea access for Ukraine and take even a few dozen miles in eastern Ukraine and place Russian weapons targeting Kiev, such a North Korea does to Seoul, and preferably, for Russia, make the Dnieper River as the front line then a big Russian win.
We need to understand this: Russia maybe a pale shadow of its former power but as long as it is willing to take losses to gain territory and as long as it can use its vast natural resources, Russia will more than survive. And it is possible it may even thrive in short to medium term....
That Ukraine president has to die in order to ahead peace. He is like hitler due up his Neo nazi links.
So you only use a small unit called Azov as an example or representation of the whole entire Ukrainian military along with the militias or Territorial troops?

I believe in "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere". Also...why defend Nazis even if there is only 1?

Perhaps along with the Ukrainian government? Because if thats the view, you might as well trying to Denazify the whole country then because you have a long way to go.

Who knows what the new borders will be like. 🤷‍♂️
I believe in "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere". Also...why defend Nazis even if there is only 1?

Who knows what the new borders will be like. 🤷‍♂️
Yeah I'm starting to think Putin thinks there are Nazis within his own government and among his own people which some are true. And who knows, as you said, what the new borders going to look like.


I guess Russia will give weapons to Iraq freedom fighters now.
The Russians are having a hard time supplying themselves then to think about arming Iraqi freedom fighters. Actually I need to take that back, the Russians need to stop supplying Ukraine with their new tanks and other vehicles.
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