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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Lol wut. As so often, you missed the point. Note I said '...give China a new Desert Storm...' Because you never served, you missed the context of 'new'. So I will explain it to you.

Every war will garner attention and these are always the questions:
  1. Who are the combatants?
  2. What are the technologies, including new technologies?
  3. How are the technologies employed?
  4. What are the outcomes?
  5. Can we replicate the outcomes?
The last time were questions 1-4 with Desert Storm. Since then, no one came up with anything new.

When Xi ordered Poutine to invade Ukraine, he expected the Russian military to CREATE a new version of Desert Storm, one that used technologies unknown to the rest of the world and/or uniquely applied that no one thought of before. Take GPS, for one example. Who thought of coupling a GPS guidance unit to bombs? The US did. The world knew of the F-117, but never seen the jet applied to such a scale before. For decades, the world was continuously impressed about Soviet/Russian technologies, so Xi fully expected the Russian military to deliver a new version of Desert Storm and the Russian military failed regarding questions 2 to 4. The Russian military, Army and Air Force, performed as if it was in WW II, contrary to all the glossy brochures Russia have been handing out all these yrs. Russia sold China the proverbial 'bill of goods' and Xi gambled China's future on Poutine. And the Russian military failed. Russia will take Ukraine and make occupation, but that success will rest on sheer numerical superiority instead of innovations.

For the PLA's leadership, the generals are mouths agape with shock, and not of the positive kind. Without the positive answers from Russia on questions 2 thru 4, the PLA cannot answer question 5, especially regarding Taiwan. So the PLA have to go back to the old Desert Storm where it is uncertain if China can replicate the outcomes on what it has today. That is what I meant with 'new Desert Storm'. But I guess you got a few 'Likes' out of that misunderstanding and that was all that mattered.
In the past 10-15 years there has been no tech or doctrine transfer from Russia to China or vice versa so there's no comparison. Russia has their way of doing things, China has another way of doing things. It's interesting that in a thread about Russia and Ukraine you can't get your mind off China though.
Video shared below. One of Zelenskyy's diplomatic advisers giving a long interview to an Indian channel. Too early to tell what he is really trying to say, minus the required bravado. To me it looks like Israel maybe playing a significant role in a de-escalation @sammuel . Ukraine is still asking for significant air-support-- but backing off from the No Fly Zone request but other support like more powerful missiles and aircrafts; also looks like Ukraine's control of the skies is under grave threat. Ukrainians are in constant touch with Americans [surprise, surprise!]. The Russian position is slightly 'generally more positive' in negotiations.

I just hope peace prevails.

And to the Pakistanis: Don't let the recent issues with America cloud your judgement. Except for gains for Pakistan's ally China, Pakistan doesn't have a dog in this fight. India, on the contrary, is significantly affected at least in short term in case of a Russian debacle. One would not be wrong to think that a Russian defeat and a Russian becoming more dependent on China is a benefit for Pakistan and at least short term loss for India.

Anyway, here is the video:

Israel like many other countries that talk with Putin , and try to advance diplomatic talks , would be honored to advance or host talks between the sides.

But it is all up to Putin , and so far he does not seem to be in a hurry to end this war.

“Cancel culture” hits the medical system as European hospital REFUSES to treat Russian patients who have nothing to do with the war
March 14, 2022032
by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

The Iatros Clinic in Munich is now refusing to treat Russians and Belarusians amid a NATO-led crusade of hatred and xenophobia against all things Russian.

A statement from the German hospital explains that “from now on and until further notice, we will not treat Russia and Belarusian citizens.”

The German media outlet RTL, one of the nation’s largest, reported that the Bavarian private clinic is receiving a hell-storm of complaints against its racism-fueled policy change.

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“We strongly condemn the invasion of the Russian army with the help of the Belarusian government,” the announcement from Iatros explains about the reasoning for the change.

In other words, because the owners of the Iatros Clinic watched the news and saw Russian man bad, they decided to punish everyone of Russian and Belarusian descent who lives in Germany by depriving them of access to medical care.

Seems reasonable, right? Maybe to corporate media consumers.

In response to a backlash of criticism, the Iatros Clinic issued a follow-up statement claiming that its only intention was “to show sympathy for the Ukrainian people.”

“At that point in time, this thought had not been thought through to the end,” it further stated. “We fully accept this criticism.”

In other words, the knee-jerk propaganda campaign launched by the media immediately following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine caused panic and hysteria among people who believed it, causing them to feel hatred towards Russians and Belarusians.

“We are far from discriminating against or excluding patients because of their origin,” Iatros now Meanwhile, Iatros has donated 10,000 euros to Doctors Without Borders to help support its operations in Ukraine, whatever those might be.

Same people who decried “anti-Asian hate” are now openly hating people of Russian and Belarusian descent
Anti-Russian racism appears to be spreading throughout the NATO world as angry corporate news consumers pour out their Russian vodka, block Russian people on social media, and even fire Russian people from their jobs.

The very same people who screamed and wailed when the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) was linked to China, calling that revelation “anti-Asian hate,” are now on a hate spree themselves against all things Russian because of what they saw on television or from the White House.

The hypocrisy is simply stunning, and something we have come to expect from the types of people who digest and believe everything they are told, even when none of it makes any sense.

These folks fully bought in to the narrative that wearing a paper and plastic face mask would magically protect them from a plandemic virus. They also believed that taking a “vaccine” produced at warp speed for a few sniffles was the best thing they could do for their health.

Now, these people are outraged and plastering their social media accounts with Ukrainian flags because the same sources that lied to them before are lying to them once again – and stupidly, these people are believing the lies a second time.

“The current conditions resemble Germany 1933,” wrote someone in response to the Iatros Clinic memo. “The evil elite have designated our scapegoats, and now we blithely go about doing their bidding.”

“It’s funny how the only people we’re actively allowed, and encouraged, to hate are white,” wrote another. “No more brother wars.”

Leftists Volunteering To Fight in Ukraine Killed After Posting Selfies Disclosing Their Location
Fact checked
March 14, 2022 Baxter Dmitry 37 Comments
Large numbers of foreign leftists have been killed by Russian missiles in Ukraine after posting selfies on Reddit that disclosed their location.
Large numbers of foreign leftists have been killed by Russian missiles in Ukraine after posting selfies on Reddit that disclosed their location.

As if traveling to a warzone to engage in combat for an army riddled with Neo-Nazis wasn’t foolish enough, the leftists proved themselves worthy of the 2022 Darwin Award by posting clout-chasing selfies on the internet for the whole world to see – including the Russian military.

Ukraine President Zelenskyy announced last week that 16,000 foreign fighters have been recruited to serve in Ukraine’s Foreign Legion, however given recent events it appears the foreign fighters may represent a liability rather than an asset for Ukraine.
In the past 10-15 years there has been no tech or doctrine transfer from Russia to China or vice versa so there's no comparison. Russia has their way of doing things, China has another way of doing things. It's interesting that in a thread about Russia and Ukraine you can't get your mind off China though.
If there were no technological advances from Russia, then all the more reasons Xi erred in overestimating Russia. You may not like China being dragged into this, but Xi dragged China into this. The discussion is no longer about Ukraine. We know that Russia, thru sheer numerical superiority, will take over Ukraine. I do not know of anyone in this discussion thinks otherwise. The inevitable coming questions will involve China. Two great powers made one great fv<k-up.
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