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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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This war is setting the stage for a final showdown which will involve a nuclear exchange. I think that no matter which side we support in this conflict, every single one of us is going to emerge out of this as a loser.

After the collapse of the USSR there was an opportunity for the US to become the undisputed leader of the whole world. That is, if they used their power to genuinely promote peace, democracy, economic and technological development etc. around the world. That would have included solving conflicts like Palestine, Kashmir etc and ridding the world of hunger and disease. They had the power to do that, but they didn't.

Instead they went berserk and launched a war on 1.8 billion Muslims, killing up to 20 million people or more. That was a horrendous crime.

What does "Western" culture mean anymore? Christianity, which taught morality, has been thrown away. What we're left with is free sex, pornography, drugs, alcoholism, LGBTQ, unstable relationships, high divorce, low birth rates, obsessive materialism, neo-nazis, etc. In America there are fully armed black and white militias that look like militaries that are ready to go to war against each other when the time comes.

Additionally, there's huge gaps in income, with some millionaires and billionaires enjoying life while the masses are poor and are barely surviving from week to week.

You know that the West has lost all claim to being arbiters of morality when the US embassy hangs LGBTQ flags outside.

Sorry, but I don't think that the West, as it is, is sustainable. It's a failed society. The world can do much better than that. I think that, sooner or later, this conflict will result in a nuclear holocaust, and then the people who are left alive will build a better world.

Almost perfect post.

I just hope you are wrong about the nuclear exchange part.
If you listen to Putin’s speech he said that in the year 2000 he asked Bill Clinton to let Russia into NATO. There was the chance to integrate Russia into the Western world. They refused. It’s a separate issue that having Russia in NATO might have meant a total holocaust of Muslims.

The point is that Russians think of themselves as European Christians and part of the West. But some vested interests did not let them in. Who? Probably Zionists and the weapons industry.

America and the West seem to be in a self-destruct mode. People like you and I will go down with it.
They could not join nato. because you cant become nato when you are run by the KGB.

you need to reform the country, make it into a functioning democracy, have rule of law. give up ideas of reviving your empire. They could never be NATO. not without real reforms.

New mayor installed in Russia-controlled Melitopol after the Ukrainian city's elected mayor was detained​

From CNN's Paul P. Murphy and Josh Pennington

The Zaporozhye regional administration says a new mayor has been installed in the Ukrainian city of Melitopol, which is under Russian military control, after the elected mayor was detained on Friday.

Ivan Fedorov, the elected mayor of Melitopol, was detained by armed men on Friday and accused of terrorism offenses by the prosecutor's office for the separatist Russia-backed Luhansk region.

The newly installed mayor is Galina Danilchenko, a former member of the city council, according to a statement on the Zaporozhye regional administration website.

Danilchenko, who was not elected by the people, was introduced as the acting mayor on local TV, the statement said.
In her televised statement, which was posted by the administration on Telegram, Danilchenko said her "main task is to take all necessary steps to get the city back to normal."
She claimed there were people still in Melitopol who would try to destabilize "the situation and provoke a reaction of bad behavior."

"I ask you to keep your wits about you and not to give in to these provocations," Danilchenko said. "I appeal to the deputies, elected by the people, on all levels. Since you were elected by the people, it is your duty to care about the well-being of your citizens."

Danilchenko proposed the creation of a "People's Choice Committee" to "solve all the critical issues for Melitopol and the Melitopol region."

I wonder if this model is a sign of what is to come. If they topple Zelensky’s govt.
I wonder if this model is a sign of what is to come. If they topple Zelensky’s govt.
It will be more interesting to see how such puppet administrations are recieved by the people
I wonder if this model is a sign of what is to come. If they topple Zelensky’s govt.

Hate them or love them but there is one thing nobody can disagree with about the russians which I deeply admire. They are so freaking ice-cold and unapologetic about it.

They didn't yield to all this gibberish sounds being made and imho they showchased true character of strength and a giant.

Russia is gonna eat it's fill without asking for it and the fact that they are already appointing new mayor's is completely badass
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