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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Putin's forces may eventually prevail through sheer numbers, ignoring casualties, and viciously annihilating whole areas. But then comes the occupation, and no Russian soldier or administrator will ever be safe. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians who have lost husbands, wives, children, grandparents - as well as home and country - will exact a terrible revenge.
If Put-Ins objectives are met rest is irrelevant, no NATO at its door steps...PEROID.
If Put-Ins objectives are met rest is irrelevant, no NATO at its door steps...PEROID.

Put-In hasn't put it all the way in yet. When he does there will be a lot more shrieking and no more periods.
ummmm, no they didn't kill millions in western europe.

they do have a history of subservience. unfortunately, they were bred for subservient traits by genocidal white slave masters over 300 years. Yes white masters literally selected who was going to breed with whom and eliminated the ones that were deemed not suitable. its quite sick when you think about it.

Japanese are still occupied by the US armed forces and dont have a say on who their allies are and dont have a say on which weapons they can build and have. If given the choice, you might be surprised.

Chechens are the afghan national government with whiter skin. Ready to desert ready to kill Russians at the first opportunity. If a Chechen soldier sees an unarmed Russian Soldier in the field together with a Ukrainian unarmed soldier in the field, and the Chechen is the only one with a gun, and there is noone anywhere, ask yourself, would you rather be the Ukranian or the Russian facing that Chechen? I'll tell you, I would rather be the Ukrainian.

Yea you might think that but it doesn't make them facts.

ummmm, no they didn't kill millions in western europe.
Really I thought they killed millions in the holocaust alone not to mention people killed in the war. Yet the Germans and the Zionists are best friend these days. Maybe you are just considering only western Europe then ok.

Japanese are still occupied by the US armed forces
The Japs are no longer occupied and do make their own decision much more independently compared to EU. They have treaty which is different from occupation.

Chechens are the afghan national government with whiter skin
I am sorry to say but your regard for ANA is way out of proportion. The ANA had no legs and no chest just a head which ran. They are nothing alike. The Chechnyans fought valiantly against an overwhelming adversary but now they have come to terms with them just like the Germans and the French and the British came to terms with each other. It is now quite stable and progressing so I don't think they will start a fight with the Russians the first , the second or even the third chance they get. They are allowed to live in peace, practice their religion as they deem fit unlike the west where few countries have banned Hijab or even in extreme cases just a basic covering of the body on a beach (The French).

Proof Of Russia Using Suicide Drones In Ukraine Emerges​

Well into its third week, Russia's invasion of Ukraine continues to morph as new capabilities are brought to bear and new tactics are deployed. While Russia's side of the conflict appears to have been surprisingly light on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, that is changing. Russia is now posting UAS footage from the front lines much as it did with Syria. And now, for the first time, it is confirmed that Russian suicide drones/loitering munitions have been employed, as well.

They are allowed to live in peace, practice their religion as they deem fit unlike the west where few countries have banned Hijab or even in extreme cases just a basic covering of the body on a beach (The French).
they are are allowed to live in a dictatorship within a tyranny. if they go to Russia where actual Russians live, they face bans on hijab in places,

Russia's Stavropol region has a ban on hijabs - the first of its kind imposed by a region in the Russian federation. The ruling was upheld by Russia's Supreme Court in July 2013.

The few places where muslims can wear wear what they want in the evil Angloshpere.
If the Russians knew how to fight and were prepared with logistics they could have finished this in a awek with the equipment they had in theatre. Instead the state of preparation of the Russians makes me think if they ever went up against even a single US battlegroup it would be a cake walk for US forces.
they are are allowed to live in a dictatorship within a tyranny. if they go to Russia where actual Russians live, they face bans on hijab in places,

The few places where muslims can wear wear what they want in the evil Angloshpere.

As I said I am not talking about Russia in general just Chechnya.

On a different note ... To be honest I don't really care what west does regarding these ban on women. It is there country and they can make whatever law they deem fit. Just don't pretend to be working for human rights and thinking you have moral high ground.

Proof Of Russia Using Suicide Drones In Ukraine Emerges​

Well into its third week, Russia's invasion of Ukraine continues to morph as new capabilities are brought to bear and new tactics are deployed. While Russia's side of the conflict appears to have been surprisingly light on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, that is changing. Russia is now posting UAS footage from the front lines much as it did with Syria. And now, for the first time, it is confirmed that Russian suicide drones/loitering munitions have been employed, as well.

The bellow images show the remains of a shot down Kalashnikov Zala Aero roving munition (Suicide Drone). You can see the warhead failed to detonate with the explosive lattice still containing the ball bearings.

March 12th 2022 - Kyiv
After the collapse of the USSR there was an opportunity for the US to become the undisputed leader of the whole world. That is, if they used their power to genuinely promote peace, democracy, economic and technological development etc. around the world. That would have included solving conflicts like Palestine, Kashmir etc and ridding the world of hunger and disease. They had the power to do that, but they didn't.

Instead they went berserk and launched a war on 1.8 billion Muslims, killing up to 20 million people or more. That was a horrendous crime.
yeah we blew it man. Our leaders blew it. hijacked by zionism and greed.

year 2000 was it seems the zenith of power of the west, and instead of solving these critical problems they/we went to war with islam. Giving china time to develop, build cars and stop using bicycles. Russia to turn from an ideological regime to a mafia regime.

but im not sure if anything could have been done to steer russia to something like Poland. It was probably always destined to be run by the KGB who were out of work.

And now we all have to pay for it.
yeah we blew it man. Our leaders blew it. hijacked by zionism and greed.

year 2000 was it seems the zenith of power of the west, and instead of solving these critical problems they/we went to war with islam. Giving china time to develop, build cars and stop using bicycles. Russia to turn from an ideological regime to a mafia regime.

but im not sure if anything could have been done to steer russia to something like Poland. It was probably always destined to be run by the KGB who were out of work.

And now we all have to pay for it.

If you listen to Putin’s speech he said that in the year 2000 he asked Bill Clinton to let Russia into NATO. There was the chance to integrate Russia into the Western world. They refused. It’s a separate issue that having Russia in NATO might have meant a total holocaust of Muslims.

The point is that Russians think of themselves as European Christians and part of the West. But some vested interests did not let them in. Who? Probably Zionists and the weapons industry.

America and the West seem to be in a self-destruct mode. People like you and I will go down with it.

New mayor installed in Russia-controlled Melitopol after the Ukrainian city's elected mayor was detained​

From CNN's Paul P. Murphy and Josh Pennington

The Zaporozhye regional administration says a new mayor has been installed in the Ukrainian city of Melitopol, which is under Russian military control, after the elected mayor was detained on Friday.

Ivan Fedorov, the elected mayor of Melitopol, was detained by armed men on Friday and accused of terrorism offenses by the prosecutor's office for the separatist Russia-backed Luhansk region.

The newly installed mayor is Galina Danilchenko, a former member of the city council, according to a statement on the Zaporozhye regional administration website.

Danilchenko, who was not elected by the people, was introduced as the acting mayor on local TV, the statement said.
In her televised statement, which was posted by the administration on Telegram, Danilchenko said her "main task is to take all necessary steps to get the city back to normal."
She claimed there were people still in Melitopol who would try to destabilize "the situation and provoke a reaction of bad behavior."

"I ask you to keep your wits about you and not to give in to these provocations," Danilchenko said. "I appeal to the deputies, elected by the people, on all levels. Since you were elected by the people, it is your duty to care about the well-being of your citizens."

Danilchenko proposed the creation of a "People's Choice Committee" to "solve all the critical issues for Melitopol and the Melitopol region."

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