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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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well soldier boy. I dont know what army you have served in. But there are very few soldiers who enjoy some officer sitting comfortably behind his desk and send them on dangerous missions.

infact many over ambitious american field seargants were "fragged" in vietnam . (had a grenade thrown into their tent at night) from disgruntled soldiers who didnt want to put their lives on the line on dangerous missions to advance that guys career. Let alone desk jockeys sitting in air conditioned rooms..

It is well documented that Russian officers are taking a front line role. regardless of your opinion of the matter. I can assure you with 100% certainty that the fatalities are not because ukies overran russian positions and killed the general in his office. that is laughable.

The reason the US can get away with it. Is because they sit an ocean away. with mexico/canada being their border neighbours. And they can afford to pick and choose their battles at the exact time they want. And overwhelm a weak enemy with superior resources.
First of all, I COMPLETELY agree with what you said, Officer should NEVER be sitting in the office while people under his command fighting.

But then you are not talking about a company grade officer or even NCO (in this case, sergeant you mentioned) you are talking about a FLAG OFFICER, now, I don't know what you know about military, and I am not in a mood or at all interested in argue with your "version" of reality. I mean, if you think losing "Generals" (Bear in mind, multiple, with s) is normal, well, I can only say you should not be in the military at all.

I mean, do you have enough general to accompanied every company in operation? I mean, maybe for you, everyone is a general, but for most military, it's 1 general to roughly 10,000 troop. So if you have any sense of how military work, you would know what you are saying is impossible,

But as I said, if you want to live in your "version" of reality, I don't really mind, just don't call me on it, I have no interest in discussing with you what you think and what we really do.
First of all, I COMPLETELY agree with what you said, Officer should NEVER be sitting in the office while people under his command fighting.

But then you are not talking about a company grade officer or even NCO (in this case, sergeant you mentioned) you are talking about a FLAG OFFICER, now, I don't know what you know about military, and I am not in a mood or at all interested in argue with your "version" of reality. I mean, if you think losing "Generals" (Bear in mind, multiple, with s) is normal, well, I can only say you should not be in the military at all.

I mean, do you have enough general to accompanied every company in operation? I mean, maybe for you, everyone is a general, but for most military, it's 1 general to roughly 10,000 troop. So if you have any sense of how military work, you would know what you are saying is impossible,

But as I said, if you want to live in your "version" of reality, I don't really mind, just don't call me on it, I have no interest in discussing with you what you think and what we really do.

Russia has a lot of generals.

In US I know you legislatively limited their number to 231

Russia has certainly more than that
Russia has a lot of generals.

In US I know you legislatively limited their number to 231

Russia has more than double of that
Russia have a bigger force than we do, and we don't use military personnel for civilian work (ie anything above JCS is civilian while it would be held by a general in similar posting in Russia, ie all the secretary, under secretary, all the homeland security council member, national security council member)

By the way, Russia have between 15 to 20 general in this AO. That's from the number of unit and group deployed, the extra 5 figure is on the staff side, which is as I said, they would be civilian in the US
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How can reserves of a country be taken like this? I mean it belongs to the ppl of russia and is their money. But i guess the russians can make it even because Russia have around 400 billion of external debt as well, so Russia is justified not to pay any of that, they are also banned from the swift so no way either. I think Russia will also not pay lease of the planes and other stuff. Seems the west is shooting itself in the foot with these sanctions.
Find myself in agreement with Meirsheimer. My only objection would be the use of the "West". It seems that France, Germany and other European countries had enough sense to foresee what further eastward expansion would entail. It's the reckless and arrogant push from the US that caused this mess. Merkel, Sarkozy knew European history and the balance of power order.

Historically Indians are ardent supporters of Russia and even now our Nation will try to help as small as we can do to Russia but as an individual I can say that it was not the best thing to do by Russia. Not only they are seeing demonstrations against it in Russia but no Nations has a right to attack other country just because he wanted to join another bloc. It is Russian mistake that they let out Ukraine out of its influence but how can they influence a country with its own broken currency ? I did not even heard about Zelensky before the start of the war. He might be a comedian but the way he acted during the whole scenario shows he has man of steels whereas he was asked twice to be evacuated. He consolidated Ukrainians as one people and that's what Russia did not expect. I can feel the pain of Ukrainians dying at the hands of Russia, my hearts goes out to Women,Kids and old people who has been forced to leave their country, their home and they have lost everything. Putin not only killed Ukrainians but he killed humanity as well. One should give pain to other which other can be able to withhold. Whatever we are seeing in Ukraine are the will power of common Ukrainian who does not accept the hegemony of Russia and are ready to die defending their land rather than living the life of a slave under Russia occupation.
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