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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

I appreciate an honest response when I see it. Nobody will question those who are providing conflict updates. People must have a certain level of Freedom of Expression.

But I see attempts to justify Russian aggression on moralistic grounds - this is absolutely ridiculous. Ukraine does not have a tyrannical regime like Saddam regime that is trying to impose its will in the region. Ukraine has Presidential system with Ukrainian nationals having constitutional right to elect a President to govern the country and make decisions in its best interests. Ukraine has peacefully co-existed with its neighbors.

Ukraine does have its political problems but it is up to Ukrainian nationals to settle these problems. Ukrainian youth was in favor of Ukraine having a partnership with European Union due to cultural and economic reasons but Russia had a problem with this deal. Russia offered 15 billion USD loan package to former Ukrainian President Yanukovych to sway him but Ukrainian youth was not impressed.

If you (figuratively speaking) have this much money to give to a country, it is better spent on your own. Protests in Ukraine grew in scale and acts of violence compelled Yanukovych to flee to Russia after Ukrainian Parliament declared him Persona Non Grata due to his mishandling of the situation and not respecting Public demands.

Yanukovych lost his position and appeal and fled to Russia. Russia acted on suggestions of this bhagora to orchestrate a separatist movement in Donbas and other sectors where pro-Russian sentiments supposedly existed but no country finds separatism acceptable.

I look at all developments fairly. Russia faced a separatist movment in Chechnya and moved to contain it. Russian intervention in Chechnya was violent and destructive but Russia had legitimate grounds in this case. Even though Chechnya has Islamic orientation and many Muslims sympathesized with Chechens at the time.

But rules are different for the weak and vulnerable?
Georgia in 2008?
Ukraine since 2014?

Ukraine gravitating towards Russia on its own accord is understandable much like Belarus. But Russia trying to impose its will on Ukraine is not right or a moralistic move.

When they are told, “Do not spread corruption in the land,” they reply, “We are only peace-makers!” - Surah Al-Bakra (verse 11)

Russia might issue statements in favor of Palestine but it also recognize Israel and will work with Israel if has something to gain from this bilateral relationship. This is how things are between countries in general.

Muslims should know better honestly. You do not have to partake in Russia - Ukraine War, if this is a concern. But a good Muslim understands what is right and what is wrong.

Those who are rooting for Russians instead of respecting their host country positions, your identity is tied to your host country in the end. British nationals in particular. If Russia ever had a chance, it will try to impose its will on UK as well. This would be a sight to behold - most amusing in fact.

Express your views (one can agree with Russian positions as well), but don't go overboard and become a fool. I am surprised to see some mentalities here.
I really do not care for ukrainians, russians can crush them all they want, if you want by me to be more precise it was ukrainian UN troops that collaborated with serbs during Srebrenica/Zepa genocide, not russians.
i had my sympaties for them at the beginning of war as they were weaker and attacked force but that is lost gradually along the hypocrisy followed by west who rushed in numbers to save them while giving moral lectures in some other conflicts and that pointed out racial component of how western politics really works.
I am not fool that russia is friend of any of muslim states likewise palestine but at least it is not open enemy as west is. Your country suffered also a lot by west and for reward you get moral lecturing about human rights and economic sanctions with some ngo peanuts and diaspora money while they propped up india which is worse country by far then pakistan, so as far as i am concerned let the russia win, there can not be worse outcome if the west win this war in ukraina.
You have no qualms about supporting Israel. You're the last one to be doing the judging around here.

I'm not - in fact in no way - pro Israel, but what Hamas did is terrorism, unjustified terror against mostly civilians.

And that's in fact the point: For most of you it is a plain simple black-white decision on Israel or Palestina.

You guys don't accept any intermediate grey and while I and many European countries support a two-country solution, Europe deliver aid to Palestina, condemns illegal settlements of ultra-orthodox and radical Jews - in fact an issue alone often rated as antisemitism in my country - and criticises the Israeli government unlike certain circles do in the US, you want a total condemnation of Israel, total destruction and even killings!

Why is there barely any Muslim or ME country that condemned these attacks from HAMAS as crimes and terror? In fact this is one point, which makes finding a solution so difficult and I almost fear impossible, since the Palestinian people are a perfect medium to keep the hate against Israel n high level. Why is there no joint political initiative to find a solution? Simply since there are especially on the Arab side hardliners who only accept black or white ...

But this again is not the point, since the topic is Ukraine: My point and in fact concern is, that some like you in their blind hate again Israel and the US support whoever is against them regardless how cruel, terrorising or plain unjustified and whatever reason is found to justify the destruction by Russia. In fact plain stupid and moraly most questionable.
Of course Europe is not a threat to Russia we are living in old ages where Hitler or Napoleon still alive. All Putin’s cheap and cheaper propaganda supported by brainless Ccp.

If NATO or Europe is a threat, why the russians withdraw all troops to the NATO? Look at the border Russia to Finland, the new member of the alliance. The number russian soldiers there is close to 0. Putin needs every single man and women in Ukraine.
I think NATO is a threat because it is controlled by US. I don't think Europe is the problem, it is US.
There are news that Coke plant south of Terricon started to be pushed by Russian forces as they already control the railway line. The map can change quiet a bit depending on the recent developments. As you said artillery control may require too much ammo. Russia needs to use artillery/mlrs launched mines over the main supply roads to mine that road from distance. Both anti personnel and anti armor mines need to be dropped from above. If Ukraine tries to demine the roads, Russian drone survaillance and artillery ammo can be used so artillery ammunition can be spared.

Dude, it can change a bit but that won't change a few kilometers in one or two side. Which you will need if you try to interdict the highway going to and from, at this stage, I wouldn't even considering there is a siege in Avdiivka, let alone the closest road junction to the north is some 10s click away, which again will be well within Ukrainian Anti-Air battery. Anything that flew above Avdviikva is going to get shot down, be it drone or Fighter.

Tb-2 and Anka ucav FLIR system developed by Aselsan can laser paint targets from 27km range. I dont know the level of FLIR and laser target designators on Russian uavs. They need good optics to track targets from around 6k altitude that is for sure. The FLIR can distinguish and detect hot targets like artillery since their infrared signatures. No Sar is necessary to detect hot tanks and artillery but rwr is necessary for Orions to run away under enemy radar and alert other drones-aircraft to search for radars in that sector. Sar-imaging pod and Elint-pods are more expensive but they have more range that can be used to detect ad systems. They can be used by drones and aircraft flying above Russian controlled areas to get pictures and radio location data from longer ranges securely.

Laser Painting is not the same as advance Aperture Radar, which is what you were talking about, you need ground input if you want to use laser painting or beam riding function.

Nothing as far as I seen in the entire US arsenal can do 6,000 meters surveillance if you are talking about a drone that size, the closest I can get to that level of APS is RQ-4, which flew at 60k feet (about 15km above) and it's 8 times the size. A drone like TB2 can probably get between 8000-10000 ft if you use them as surveillance, and you will need SAR to detect tank or anything on ground if you don't have ground input and want to at that altitude beam riding won't work.
There is an older video here showing about 5800 m altitude targeting Russian D-30 artillery by Ukranian Tb-2 drones.

Again, you are talking about attack mode, not search mode, you won't be able to identify that target using that footage alone, that mean someone on the ground is lasing the target. which mean it is already acquired.

You can strike something at 8km away does not mean you know that something is at 8km away, you need to be able to pick up their signature, that's why you need APR and some advance AI that I don't know if Russia have.
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But this again is not the point, since the topic is Ukraine: My point and in fact concern is, that some like you in their blind hate again Israel and the US support whoever is against them regardless how cruel, terrorising or plain unjustified and whatever reason is found to justify the destruction by Russia. In fact plain stupid and moraly most questionable.

Right. So denounce Israeli war crimes just like you denounce Russian ones.

You wont lmao. Double standard 2 faced western hypocrite.
I'm not - in fact in no way - pro Israel, but what Hamas did is terrorism, unjustified terror against mostly civilians.

And that's in fact the point: For most of you it is a plain simple black-white decision on Israel or Palestina.

You guys don't accept any intermediate grey and while I and many European countries support a two-country solution, Europe deliver aid to Palestina, condemns illegal settlements of ultra-orthodox and radical Jews - in fact an issue alone often rated as antisemitism in my country - and criticises the Israeli government unlike certain circles do in the US, you want a total condemnation of Israel, total destruction and even killings!

Why is there barely any Muslim or ME country that condemned these attacks from HAMAS as crimes and terror? In fact this is one point, which makes finding a solution so difficult and I almost fear impossible, since the Palestinian people are a perfect medium to keep the hate against Israel n high level. Why is there no joint political initiative to find a solution? Simply since there are especially on the Arab side hardliners who only accept black or white ...

But this again is not the point, since the topic is Ukraine: My point and in fact concern is, that some like you in their blind hate again Israel and the US support whoever is against them regardless how cruel, terrorising or plain unjustified and whatever reason is found to justify the destruction by Russia. In fact plain stupid and moraly most questionable.
Do not lie, you never sanctioned israel for ongoing occupation for that two state solutions borders, why do you lie blatantly and what kind of support is that?
On the other hand when they suffered first military defeat you rushed in doves to lick their balls condemning last liberation movement in palestine and send them weapon and money for retribution mostly on civilians. What kind of support is that?
I think NATO is a threat because it is controlled by US. I don't think Europe is the problem, it is US.
What threat? Russia is in the same league with North Korea. Aka irrelevant. Nobody cares of Russia. The west just wants cheap oil and gas. If uncle Kim doesn’t threaten to nuke the US every month, nobody notices there is North Korea. Both Russia and North Korea make noise to become relevant.
5y ago the NATO called China as biggest threat. Since 10y the US pursue a policy of China containment.
What threat? Russia is in the same league with North Korea. Aka irrelevant. Nobody cares of Russia. 5y ago the NATO called China as biggest threat. Since 10y the US pursue a policy of China containment.
Strongly enough, if USA wants to contain China, then being the best buddy with Russia would be the best possible option.
Obviously they don't see it like that.
By the way , I am glad that your parents could had reached that ship in Saygon.
Strongly enough, if USA wants to contain China, then being the best buddy with Russia would be the best possible option.
Obviously they don't see it like that.
By the way , I am glad that your parents could had reached that ship in Saygon.
The world looks for green revolution. We want to stop hunger, water shortage, global warming. We want new electric cars. We want new iPhone. What Russia has to offer? Nothing.

Of course we know, the Chinese use the russians as a cheap shoe to kick the west. The longer the west is busy with Russia the more time China gets to become stronger.

The Russians Got Close To Avdiivka In The South. Military Summary And Analysis For 2023.10.27

If NATO or Europe is a threat, why the russians withdraw all troops to the NATO? Look at the border Russia to Finland, the new member of the alliance. The number russian soldiers there is close to 0. Putin needs every single man and women in Ukraine.

It is cause of use of tactical nukes along this border if needed.
The world looks for green revolution. We want to stop hunger, water shortage, global warming. We want new electric cars. We want new iPhone. What Russia has to offer? Nothing.

Of course we know, the Chinese use the russians as a cheap shoe to kick the west. The longer the west is busy with Russia the more time China gets to become stronger.
We have saying in the streets of Sarajevo, it goes like this " You are unaware how unaware, you are" . Your observation is beyond naive.
Let's add this, by strengthening Turkey they also can add Pan Turkist element to so called the containment of China. More over the same goes in regards of Iran. Even. It can help to some extent in Africa. Obviously Kurdish " fight " against isis is more important that. Obviously as we can see on daily basis, the freedom of people is top priority of USA.
I can go on about this, how about that USA and EU, the money and the support which they have given to Israel, went Let's say to Vietnam or Philippines Malaysia or Indonesia?
Seems to me that the containment of China is not such priority as it appears.
All of this is very very simple equation
Believe me the equation with one or two unknown values.
Truly, you are beyond naive .
The enthusiasm is not for everyone
We have saying in the streets of Sarajevo, it goes like this " You are unaware how unaware, you are" . Your observation is beyond naive.
Let's add this, by strengthening Turkey they also can add Pan Turkist element to so called the containment of China. More over the same goes in regards of Iran. Even. It can help to some extent in Africa. Obviously Kurdish " fight " against isis is more important that. Obviously as we can see on daily basis, the freedom of people is top priority of USA.
I can go on about this, how about that USA and EU, the money and the support which they have given to Israel, went Let's say to Vietnam or Philippines Malaysia or Indonesia?
Seems to me that the containment of China is not such priority as it appears.
All of this is very very simple equation
Believe me the equation with one or two unknown values.
Truly, you are beyond naive .
The enthusiasm is not for everyone
I don’t know what you talking about. Fact is Ukraine and the west want to see this war rather over today than tomorrow. It’s the russians they want to continue. It’s Putin’s decision to go to war.
Actually it’s a simple math. To sustain the resistance Ukraine needs about 400,000 fresh soldiers every year. Russia needs at least about the same number. Realistic number is double if Putin pursues a victory. That’s unrealistic. Russia can never recruit 800,000 men per year.
Russia official military budget will be $120 billion next year. In 5y the military spendings will swallow all gov budget.
What’s the russia end game?
When this war is over both Ukraine, Russia will be in ruin, millions of deaths and wounded, trillions USD in costs.
I don’t know what you talking about. Fact is Ukraine and the west want to see this war rather over today than tomorrow. It’s the russians they want to continue. It’s Putin’s decision to go to war.
Actually it’s a simple math. To sustain the resistance Ukraine needs about 400,000 fresh soldiers every year. Russia needs at least about the same number. Realistic number is double if Putin pursues a victory.
Russia official military budget will be $120 billion next year.
What’s the russia end game?
When this war is over both Ukraine, Russia will be in ruin, millions of deaths and wounded, trillions USD in costs.
You kinda give an answer in the last part, on the things you kinda asked in the beginning. Still it is not much of answer, just mear observation.
You see Putin couldn't have done anything else apart to follow what has always been the Russian instincts , ambitions and wish. I can't explain it now , though I partially did on Gaza thread , few days ago.
As I see all of this, Putin and Russians by the certain moves lost to grasp of greatness, unfortunately.
Nevertheless, though they lost the opportunity at least they could have been great. People whose tune you whistle if they live 1000 years, a decent thought can't occur to them.
Nevertheless, between Eastrn dystopia and the people who openly see and say that the conflict in Mid East for them is of " religious " nature and Putin, there is no much choice there. That's if someone has any normality in him.
Mind you , for me , my choice is always mine kind primarily.
I will give you an indicator or two, dearis of Chang Hay Shek wife in some instances are pretty revealing. Also, I appreciate some ideas of Douglas McArthur and Patton.
Make out of this what you will

The Fall | Infrastructure Collapse. Blackout Is Coming. Military Summary And Analysis For 2023.10.27


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