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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

After 2 years of fighting Russia is stronger than ever

Turkey , Qatar and UAE are taking in the Rich Russians to save their assets from thieves in the West

And China and India are helping the Russian economy

There is no way Russia can be defeated that is clear after 2 years of war

All Muslim nations should stand by Russia now as its been made 100% clear the West is against Muslims

Dumb Europeans didn’t even brother to try and hide it

Unconstitutional support for Israel means a more united Islamic nations

This can mean only good news for Palestine

Russia needs to use high altitude drones to take out Ukr artillery which is 6+km and 200+km radius minimum. Himars -glsdb cant reach command posts and basic aa cant reach 6km. Mohajir 6, Orion and similar drones can do the job. After Atacms these can still be used within 150-200km distance but needs to change location frequently to block spy sat target designation of command posts for Atacms launches. Otherwise long endurance drones like Orion , Shahed 149 and similar can stay out of Atacms reach while conducting all types of operations against artillery and similar.
Russia doesn’t have high altitude drones. Perhaps Putin can buy from China I don’t know. Or Putin can send Russia strategic bombers, but he risks those high value bombers to be shot down.
Then Russia is naked should it come to a nuclear exchange with the West.

Biden just needs to say 4 words: major attack option 1.

Every single Oryx loss is labeled and visually documented. If there are duplicates they always update the list.

There’s not enough copium in the universe for you

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Stop spamming military forum with trash propaganda for low iq copium Ukrop and NATO trolls living in its own fantasy world of Ghost of Kiev.
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Take you medicine and calm down …

Whats up, looks like Oryx medicine isnt helping with counter offensive? :lol:


How is that 4th Reich going? Enjoying new poverty? Its just a beginning :lol:

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