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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

China a country that produced nothing and depending on US aid stayed afloat and resisted the Japanese invasion - didn’t it? common sense isn’t so common after all
That's not totally true.

China is too large, mountainous, and very large population. While Japan has relatively smaller population. Have to cross the sea to attack, supply is an issue.

Japan can't conquer China with/without U.S. aid. U.S. aid helps a lot, I admit. Thanks for the help.

Ukraine has smaller population, while Russian has more. I am not saying Russia gona win the war, in the opposite, I think Russia can't achieve the goal in Feb. 2022. I am not sure how much aid Ukraine can get if Trump is elected again.

The Fall | World War 3 Is Just Around The Corner | Disaster At Verbove. Military Summary 2023.10.17


Putin’s fingerprints are all over the Hamas attack​

There was only one real winner last Saturday when war broke out in Israel — Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Putin’s enabling of his “Arsenals of Evil” ally, Iran, resulted in the opening of a new front in Gaza in his war against the West.

Moscow has brutally suppressed uprisings in Chechnya and Syria, supported insurrections in Niger and Sudan, illegally annexed “Russian-speaking” territories in Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Crimea, and, in February 2022, launched its “special military operation” in Ukraine — so far a failure that threatens Putin’s aspirations.

He needed a distraction, and last weekend he got it.

The Kremlin’s surreptitious activities resurfaced in a surprise attack on Israel by the terrorist group Hamas, code-named Operation Al-Aqsa. Israel’s ambassador to Germany, Ron Prosor, described the attack as “the single deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust.”

It was a multi-domain assault — air, land, sea, and cyber. Well beyond the recognized capabilities of Hamas, fueling speculation that the terrorist organization received direct support from Iran, and likely from Russia as well.

The Washington Post and Wall Street Journal confirmed the speculation with respect to Iran. Both reported that Hamas “began planning the assault at least a year ago, with key support from Iranian allies who provided military training and logistical help as well as tens of millions of dollars for weapons” — and greenlighted the operation last week in Beirut. They also reported officers from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had trained Hamas.

Putin also likely saw an opening after Congress passed its 45-day continuing resolution last week that provided no additional funding for Ukraine.

Russia’s relationship with Iran — a principal supporter of Hamas — suggests a more nefarious relationship.

Hamas leaders traveled to Moscow in March 2023, where according to the Russian Foreign Ministry, their meeting “touched on Russia’s unchanged position in support of a just solution to the Palestinian problem.” More recently, Hamas politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh was in Moscow on Sept. 10. At the time, Hillel Frisch, a senior fellow at the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, thought the purpose of the meeting was “to signal [Moscow’s] displeasure with Israel, perhaps in relation to Ukraine.”

Given the events of Oct. 7, a more likely explanation would be that he back-briefed the Kremlin on Hamas’s final preparations for the attack timed to take place on Putin’s 71st birthday — a quid pro quo.

Other activities suggest Russian support and organization.

Wagnerians trained Hamas terrorists for attack on Israel - Resistance Center of Ukraine reports​

Part of the Wagner Private Military Company (PMC) fighters who left Belarus in the direction of African countries have been involved in training and transferring combat experience to Hamas terrorists, the National Resistance Center of Ukraine reported.

The critical training areas for Hamas militants included storming operations and using small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to drop explosive materials.

The National Resistance Center adds that among the allies of Hamas, only Russians have experience using UAVs with dropping mechanisms. These mercenaries passed on their expertise to the militants during training in African countries.

Russian Wagner group's hands are 'all over Hamas attack on Israel', expert claims​

Russia's feared mercenary Wagner group has allegedly been training Hamas terrorists with the attacks on Israel having “Russian hands” on it, an expert has claimed.

Earlier this week, it was reported that Chechen warlord Ramzan Kadyrov, a close ally of President Vladimir Putin, had offered to find a “peaceful solution” while also offering to back Hamas with “units ready” to do so. But now, according to an ex-Prime Minister of Ukraine, Russia might already be involved in the conflict, with its Wagner forces supposedly training fighters through its Syria base – and with Hamas using some of the group's signature moves.

Petro Poroshenko, speaking to Euractiv, said: “I’m absolutely convinced that there is Russian interest, Russian hands, in the preparation of the Hamas terror attack on Israel.

Wagner Trained Hamas Militants for Attack on Israel, Ukrainian Partisans Claim​

Ukrainian partisans claim Wagner mercenaries trained Hamas fighters in assault tactics and the use of small UAVs in the deployment of explosive weapons.

Elements of the Russian private military company (PMC) Wagner are alleged to have participated in the training of Hamas militants, the Ukrainian Center of National Resistance (CNR) reports.

“The Center of National Resistance thanks the Belarusian underground for the information about the enemy,” its message reads.

According to the CNR, the primary fields of training given to Hamas fighters included assault tactics and the use of small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to drop explosive devices on to vehicles and other targets, a technique documented during Hamas’s assault on Israel over the weekend.

The CNR underlined the view that among Hamas’s allies, only Russia possess experience in the use of drones equipped with the means to deploy explosive devices onto enemy targets.

Vladimir Putin's Wagner mercenary group involved in 'training Hamas terrorists'​

The Russian mercenary Wagner army group was involved in training Hamas terrorists ahead of the weekend's deadly attacks in Israel, the Ukrainian military claimed yesterday.

A spokesman for the centre, established by the Ukrainian army’s special operations forces, said: “Instructors of the Russian internationally-recognised criminal organisation Wagner PMC trained militants of the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas to attack Israel.”

During the Summer, Wagner fighters billeted in Belarus are understood to have left for Africa. Once there, they were “involved in training and transferring combat experience to Hamas militants,” according to the Ukrainians.

“Key training areas for Hamas militants were assault training and the use of small drones to drop explosive materials,” the spokesman for Ukraine’s national resistance centre said. “Only the Russians, among allies of Hamas, have experience in using drones with mechanisms for dropping explosives on enemy equipment.

“This is exactly what the Wagner mercenaries trained Hamas militants to do during exercises in Africa.”

This is the smoking gun:

Russia took captured weapons from the Ukrainian battlefield and gave them to Hamas.

And this too:

One of the two parties in the war in Ukraine trained Hamas. Either Russia or Ukraine.

How many major Ukrainian organizations linked to Hamas. Zero.

How many Russian organizations linked to Hamas. Wagner, the Russian media lets itself be a mouthpiece of Hamas, and the Russian government. Also, Iran supplying weapons to Russia. Syria, "ally of Russia".

Putins response is an admission of guilt.

Russia benefits from the war in Gaza in three ways.

Ukraine would not be part of starting a war against Israel knowing it would draw a huge amount of foreign focus and aid, away from Ukraine. This tinfoil hat theory of Ukraine behind Hamas makes zero sense. Russia would want to spread chaos to divert global attention (and aid) away from Ukraine.

Ukraine needs weapons, a seemingly endless amount of weapons, yet according to Putin and the Muscovites, say Ukraine is selling weapons to the friends of Russia and Iran, terrorists no less. None of this adds up.

Has Russia done false flags before, yes:

The US warned of Russian false flags before the war involving blaming Russian crimes on Ukraine. And it looks as though the Americans are buying the Russian stories.
More articles that make like Putin is a genius / all knowing and Hamas or Arabs idiotic robots that can be manipulated by superior white Russians.

I am not in support of how Hamas went about it, but give them some credit for dreaming up something violent on their own withour Putin's wisdom. US intelligence knew when Russians were ordering more toilet paper to invade Ukraine months before, but somehow this bold move with Hamas went unnoticed? Hamas is capable of running its own terror campaign.

That's not totally true.

China is too large, mountainous, and very large population. While Japan has relatively smaller population. Have to cross the sea to attack, supply is an issue.

Japan can't conquer China with/without U.S. aid. U.S. aid helps a lot, I admit. Thanks for the help.

Ukraine has smaller population, while Russian has more. I am not saying Russia gona win the war, in the opposite, I think Russia can't achieve the goal in Feb. 2022. I am not sure how much aid Ukraine can get if Trump is elected again.
Japan wasn't planning on concurring any place beyond the population centers of eastern China. The 'strategic depth' in western China was no interest to Japan.
$100 billion is a good number. However just a start. To defeat Russia, the Hamas and deter Chinese aggression more money must be poured in. the US, the west need to spend more. lots more. Trillion in USD. Russia military spendings and associated security apparatus alone will be around $200 billion per year. China, Russia, Cuba, North Korea want WW3. Let’s do it.
Russia needs to take immediate precautions to protect their airforce assets. Helicopters are more easy to conceal since they are vtol and they can change locations several times a day and scatter around to different positions to complicate spy satellite target planning. Su-25 can land on semi prepared runways even dirt strips. New makeshift runways can be prepared and some of them like in ww2 can be fake strips to fool spy satellites as total preparation is not necessary for these types of planes(also fod blocker planes like Mig35s Su35s can also land at least in semi prepared runways but better to store them away from Atacms ranges) to land.

Ammunition within Atacms range should be stored underground where cluster warhead cannot reach. In future mountain bases to store supplies should be prapared in Crimea that would stop Atacms with bunker buster warheads.

Best defense of today is not to be where the punch is coming. Tomorrow as Buk M3 production increases Atacms can be intercepted with more probabilities.
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