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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Told you so...
Stomach pains from Hungary and Moldova about the patriot batteries being sent to Ukraine. All is not well in the eastern front apparently.

That said, this is now a stalemate.
It's official. Russia lost the battle of Bakhmut according to UK intelligence. They also about to get kicked out of Kremina.

I sure hope Prigozin isn't anywhere near a window right now.

There is no fighting in the centre of Bakhmut, the Ukrainians hold the city, and they hold the high ground. They have no need to push out from the defensive positions that were dug months ago. The Russians are largely trying to advance over open fields up hill all for Wagners boss to try and gain influence over the Russian Army.
this is war of nato vs russia on ukraine soil, the russians are at most the early 1990s nato satandard of weaponry and tactics on ground, while the ukrainians are the 2023 nato standard even ahead of nato members in mastering this standard.
but this is Russia they lost 20 millions and destroyed hitler at the end...
what has caused russians this level of loses are the men behind small drones , drones,and drones implementing smart new artillery rounds (gps, laser, proximity,optical) has really put russians on a doom course.... but the russians still can press the game over, they need to open their eyes they have the necessary devices.
on another hand the best thing for planet earth all parties sit to negotiations...
the first round that hit the bmp is an anti tank smart ammo... the rest are gps aided nato mortars probably 81mm
this is war of nato vs russia on ukraine soil, the russians are at most the early 1990s nato satandard of weaponry and tactics on ground, while the ukrainians are the 2023 nato standard even ahead of nato members in mastering this standard.
but this is Russia they lost 20 millions and destroyed hitler at the end...
what has caused russians this level of loses are the men behind small drones , drones,and drones implementing smart new artillery rounds (gps, laser, proximity,optical) has really put russians on a doom course.... but the russians still can press the game over, they need to open their eyes they have the necessary devices.
on another hand the best thing for planet earth all parties sit to negotiations...
the first round that hit the bmp is an anti tank smart ammo... the rest are gps aided nato mortars probably 81mm

i dont understand why the Russian troops are doing so poorly.. i thought they were supposed to be one of the top millitaries in the world? are they being exposed as a paper tiger..? have they been saving their "real" troops for some other conflict, and instead sending a bunch of noobs / convicts to fight instead..? obviously it is great Ukraine is hanging on, and also flourishing when most did not expect it.. does anyone know the reason(s)..?

Ukraines HIMARS about to get more advanced
What's the difference between the two?

this is war of nato vs russia on ukraine soil, the russians are at most the early 1990s nato satandard of weaponry and tactics on ground, while the ukrainians are the 2023 nato standard even ahead of nato members in mastering this standard.
but this is Russia they lost 20 millions and destroyed hitler at the end...
what has caused russians this level of loses are the men behind small drones , drones,and drones implementing smart new artillery rounds (gps, laser, proximity,optical) has really put russians on a doom course.... but the russians still can press the game over, they need to open their eyes they have the necessary devices.
on another hand the best thing for planet earth all parties sit to negotiations...
the first round that hit the bmp is an anti tank smart ammo... the rest are gps aided nato mortars probably 81mm
Soviets only won because the Germans had to split their forces in order to face the British/Americans/Canadians in the West.

Also that war had true legitimacy in the eyes of the Soviets, whereas the Ukraine war doesn't have the support of every Russian civilian.
i dont understand why the Russian troops are doing so poorly.. i thought they were supposed to be one of the top millitaries in the world? are they being exposed as a paper tiger..? have they been saving their "real" troops for some other conflict, and instead sending a bunch of noobs / convicts to fight instead..? obviously it is great Ukraine is hanging on, and also flourishing when most did not expect it.. does anyone know the reason(s)..?
No russia did also use their good troops.

Russia…seen as the fearsome bear. The near peer of Nato….Was shown to be far behind Nato tactics, tech, training.
Russia had the brute power of numbers (tank/artilery/jets) but huge issues with command and control, doctrine, corruption.

Now that their entire army is being run into the ground in ukraine…what will be left is a bigger north korea 🇰🇵.
Footage of a self-made military communications relay of the Ukrainian army. The installation was created by craftsmen, on the chassis of the Soviet Volga GAZ-24-10 converted into a pickup truck. There are no technical details of the communication repeater.

Rare footage of the work of the operators of the Russian Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system on Ukrainian GMLRS missiles fired from the HIMARS MLRS has appeared. The results of the attack, 4 out of 6 HIMARS missiles were shot down, the consumption of Pantsir missiles was 5 pieces. Good performance for air defense systems, especially considering that HIMARS missiles are difficult targets. Judging by the end of the video, part of the fragments from the HIMARS MLRS missiles hit the Pantsir air defense system.

The work of Russian pilots in Ukraine is shown quite often, but no one shows the life of pilots. Footage of the field camp of Russian pilots in Ukraine.

The Buk-M1 air defense system of the Ukrainian army came under attack from the Russian Lancet kamikaze drone. After the impact of the Lancet drone, the missiles of the Buk-M1 anti-aircraft missile system exploded.

A batch of modernized T-90M "Proryv" tanks entered service with the Russian army. At the training ground, instructors train crews taking into account modern combat experience. One of the commanders spoke about these combat vehicles.

Listen we are not living in Russia. I can assure you everyone is same in every corner its the media press that shows only negative side of the countries. To west and many asians Russians are evil to some they are good. We will never know the reality as we know the real west situation right now.

The reality in Russia is shit, and you don't even need to know people in Russia to know that (I do know Russian still living in Russia by the way)

Econmic activities has stopped more or less. and then young people either left or been drafted to fight in Ukraine, how do you think Russia would fare?

What's the difference between the two?

Soviets only won because the Germans had to split their forces in order to face the British/Americans/Canadians in the West.

Also that war had true legitimacy in the eyes of the Soviets, whereas the Ukraine war doesn't have the support of every Russian civilian.

The difference between IFCS and UFCS, basically it gives them more mode of firing. It also mean the Ukrainian HIMARS can now use ATACMS missile.
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It’s more. Russia conventional ammo stockpile is huge. The Russians say peace but since years they preparing for wars.
During summer offensive Russia artillery fired 60k per day or 1.8 million shells per month. Now the stockpile is low however they still fire that 20k per day or 600k rounds per month.

They have fired years of Soviet accumulation. It will take them years to manufacture something like that again. No one can say exactly how much they have left , but we do know they fired an insane amount , and got their stockpiles exploding by surprise.

I would not be surprised if they run out.

The Guns too can fire 2500 rounds before the barrel needs to be replaced , and at the rate they where firing that should also take a toll.

I noticed that in Kherson the Ukrainian where able to match Russian artillery and that in Bakhmut there are rumors that Wagners had issues with artillery shells , could be signs that their supply situation is getting worse.

this is war of nato vs russia on ukraine soil, the russians are at most the early 1990s nato satandard of weaponry and tactics on ground, while the ukrainians are the 2023 nato standard even ahead of nato members in mastering this standard.
but this is Russia they lost 20 millions and destroyed hitler at the end...
what has caused russians this level of loses are the men behind small drones , drones,and drones implementing smart new artillery rounds (gps, laser, proximity,optical) has really put russians on a doom course.... but the russians still can press the game over, they need to open their eyes they have the necessary devices.
on another hand the best thing for planet earth all parties sit to negotiations...
the first round that hit the bmp is an anti tank smart ammo... the rest are gps aided nato mortars probably 81mm

Again … even if this may be rated a proxi-war, it is NOT a war NATO against Russia, since so far no NATO country is actively involved with NATO tanks, aircraft, soldiers and so on. If it would be a NATO war, it would be already over (if still conventionally) or already WWIII if nuclear!

What's the difference between the two?

Soviets only won because the Germans had to split their forces in order to face the British/Americans/Canadians in the West.

Also that war had true legitimacy in the eyes of the Soviets, whereas the Ukraine war doesn't have the support of every Russian civilian.

Faster and more efficient targeting
“In addition to the Soviet 122-mm and 152-mm calibers, 155-mm cannons appeared in the arsenal of the Ukrainian army. Despite this, something still manages to be found. If you look at the latest package of military assistance to Ukraine from the United States, among other things there are 45,000 152 mm artillery shells, 20,000 122 mm artillery shells, and 50,000 122 mm shells for Grad systems. According to a report by the US Department of Defense, more than 1 million artillery shells of various calibers were transferred to Ukraine by the end of November.” writes the author of the Spy Dossier channel.

This statement is interesting. Part of it could be former-Soviet countries have "respun" up their ammo factories and these are being made new - and ukraine has managed to get some of its ammo factories working again - but is the other part that Pakistan/POF is still suppling weapons ?
Soviets only won because the Germans had to split their forces in order to face the British/Americans/Canadians in the West.

Also that war had true legitimacy in the eyes of the Soviets, whereas the Ukraine war doesn't have the support of every Russian civilian.
And also because Russia had unlimited financial and military help from US and UK who together produced 60% of the worlds steel in 1945. And while Germans were losing millions of troops fighting the Russians, British bombers would reduce German cities to rubble by day and Americans would continue the bombing by night committing genocide against German civilians and destroying their industry piece by piece.

And even during all this, the Volkswagen factory never stopped producing, not even for a day.

Had US and UK not intervened and started WW2, russia would be totally and utterly wiped out. it would just be rumour. A historical question mark. No more russia, and probably no holocaust as the German victory would have been swift and painless for Germany.

So the Russian red army is just the army that paid in blood to save the Anglo empire from getting its hands dirty.

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