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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

They have fired years of Soviet accumulation. It will take them years to manufacture something like that again. No one can say exactly how much they have left , but we do know they fired an insane amount , and got their stockpiles exploding by surprise.

I would not be surprised if they run out.

The Guns too can fire 2500 rounds before the barrel needs to be replaced , and at the rate they where firing that should also take a toll.

I noticed that in Kherson the Ukrainian where able to match Russian artillery and that in Bakhmut there are rumors that Wagners had issues with artillery shells , could be signs that their supply situation is getting worse.


Another $45bn in weapons already being delivered to Ukraine. Patriots and Himars while Putin crawls to Iran and North Korea for their junk. Only one way this conflict is going to end - and it's not good for Moscow
i dont understand why the Russian troops are doing so poorly.. i thought they were supposed to be one of the top millitaries in the world?
So how many soldiers did Ukraine lose in Bakhmut? please let the facts speak for themselves...Ukraine lost so many good soldiers, it wont be able to hold the whole frontline..Ukraine has been losing small territories daily for the last few weeks now..why?
are they being exposed as a paper tiger..?
NATO is the paper military tiger that hasnt won a war in the past 2 decades despite having everythign it needs to win wars- lost in backwards Afghanistan recently..Russia's war is still ongoing..wait for final results.
have they been saving their "real" troops for some other conflict,
Yes, for NATO- saving Su-35s, Tu-160s, and Iskanders, and ICBMs , etc too...Russia is playing the long game..meanwhile NATo is using Ukraine for quick fries..expendable...
and instead sending a bunch of noobs / convicts to fight instead..?
what does it matter? it actually proves Ukraine's military is in horrible shape if it cant even defeat a bunch of excons and noobs on the battlefield...but Ukraine is deploying ALOT of noobs to the battlefield too these days..lost so much manpower.
obviously it is great Ukraine is hanging on, and also flourishing when most did not expect it.. does anyone know the reason(s)..?
how is Ukraine flourishing when it has NO power, low ammunition, rail doesnt work, internet is bad, babushkas have to fight in pick up trucks for the Ukranian army? even the mayor of Kyiv asked residents to leave the city..whhhy would he say this??
Again … even if this may be rated a proxi-war, it is NOT a war NATO against Russia,
this is already known.
since so far no NATO country is actively involved with NATO tanks, aircraft, soldiers and so on.
then how did over 1200 active members of Poland's army die on the frontline in Ukraine already? And US army and British army has both admitted to having some troops in Ukraine presently...so you are hiding behind semantics- Russia caught NATO trying to integrate Ukraine into NATO, on Russia's border, so NATO IS on the hook for the war, because it keeps it going- saying its a proxy war vs a direct war changes nothing important about this conflict. NATO will meet its waterloo in Ukraine..it wont be able to fight another war after Ukraine..cuz Russia will make sure that if its not gonna win, NATO leaves Ukraine broken too, how does Biden get out of this? Ukraine doesnt have infinite # of soldiers.
If it would be a NATO war, it would be already over (if still conventionally) or already WWIII if nuclear!
LMAO- all theory bullshit- why cant NATO enter directly to finish "broken down" Russia? action speaks louder than words- and NATO cowards fear direct conflict with even a Russia at war and with losses...tells me how weak NATO is--..cant even boot up and stage troops around Iran for military pressure due to not getting back into the nuclear deal..NATO only has enemies to fight that will ensure NATO troops also die after starting the aggression....that's why NATO is hesitant- its troops will die in larger numbers than ever, and it wont be able to fight China -stupid NATO alreaddy lost to China without a bullet actually fired..lmaooo.
So how many soldiers did Ukraine lose in Bakhmut? please let the facts speak for themselves...Ukraine lost so many good soldiers, it wont be able to hold the whole frontline..Ukraine has been losing small territories daily for the last few weeks now..why?

NATO is the paper military tiger that hasnt won a war in the past 2 decades despite having everythign it needs to win wars- lost in backwards Afghanistan recently..Russia's war is still ongoing..wait for final results.

Yes, for NATO- saving Su-35s, Tu-160s, and Iskanders, and ICBMs , etc too...Russia is playing the long game..meanwhile NATo is using Ukraine for quick fries..expendable...

what does it matter? it actually proves Ukraine's military is in horrible shape if it cant even defeat a bunch of excons and noobs on the battlefield...but Ukraine is deploying ALOT of noobs to the battlefield too these days..lost so much manpower.

how is Ukraine flourishing when it has NO power, low ammunition, rail doesnt work, internet is bad, babushkas have to fight in pick up trucks for the Ukranian army? even the mayor of Kyiv asked residents to leave the city..whhhy would he say this??
If anything then Nato light.

NATO combined military spending is $1.2 trillion. If adding Japan, SK, Australia, Singapore and many others then we see north of $2 trillion. In contrast Putin’s annual military budget is kindergarten. If he means serious with fighting against NATO then he must stop spending from healthcare to pension, stopping on everything accept military. Even that that’s still too little.

Next year will be funny. How will he finance the war with less money, economy crashing? Maybe he will lease out his palace to China.
If anything then Nato light.
NATO combined military spending is $1.2 trillion.
so what has NATO achieved for itself recently after spending all that insane amounts of debt, sorry money it doesnt actually have?? because NATO is unable to win modern wars...and is now low on ammunition...and money...and it hasnt even fought China yet...NATO gotta pay- bankrupt weak minded runts!
If adding Japan, SK, Australia, Singapore and many others then we see north of $2 trillion.
all McNamara fallacy- its all power...on paper..not in reality...SOuth Korea that couldnt even find and destroy 5 crude North Korean drones recently?? lmao---their fake fighter jet actually crashed- at least Iran didnt fly its "fake jet" in war situation.
In contrast Putin’s annual military budget is kindergarten.
so why cant NATO crush Russia directly then if it has such an overwhelming advantage? this is the same overwhelming advantage NATO had against Afghanistani and Iraqi insurgents....and then lost to them...from attrition, dedication, motivation and persistence.. US and NATO had to run out of those countries, now they're facing a much more potent adversary...right after leaving Afghanistan foolishly and frustratedly just some months ago?
If he means serious with fighting against NATO then he must stop spending from healthcare to pension, stopping on everything accept military.
Russians decide that, not you, fyi.
Even that that’s still too little.
If anything then Nato light.

NATO combined military spending is $1.2 trillion. If adding Japan, SK, Australia, Singapore and many others then we see north of $2 trillion. In contrast Putin’s annual military budget is kindergarten. If he means serious with fighting against NATO then he must stop spending from healthcare to pension, stopping on everything accept military. Even that that’s still too little.

Next year will be funny. How will he finance the war with less money, economy crashing? Maybe he will lease out his palace to China.
Let him back up his claims before adressing them. He is constantly trying to derail from reality on the ground.
And also because Russia had unlimited financial and military help from US and UK who together produced 60% of the worlds steel in 1945. And while Germans were losing millions of troops fighting the Russians, British bombers would reduce German cities to rubble by day and Americans would continue the bombing by night committing genocide against German civilians and destroying their industry piece by piece.

And even during all this, the Volkswagen factory never stopped producing, not even for a day.

Had US and UK not intervened and started WW2, russia would be totally and utterly wiped out. it would just be rumour. A historical question mark. No more russia, and probably no holocaust as the German victory would have been swift and painless for Germany.

So the Russian red army is just the army that paid in blood to save the Anglo empire from getting its hands dirty.
It was Russia (Soviet Union) and Germany that started WWII by the invasion of Poland.
Now Russia is the only one to blame for this war.
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A lot of Russian attacks..very important updates on the front..
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so what has NATO achieved for itself recently after spending all that insane amounts of debt, sorry money it doesnt actually have?? because NATO is unable to win modern wars...and is now low on ammunition...and money...and it hasnt even fought China yet...NATO gotta pay- bankrupt weak minded runts!

all McNamara fallacy- its all power...on paper..not in reality...SOuth Korea that couldnt even find and destroy 5 crude North Korean drones recently?? lmao---their fake fighter jet actually crashed- at least Iran didnt fly its "fake jet" in war situation.

so why cant NATO crush Russia directly then if it has such an overwhelming advantage? this is the same overwhelming advantage NATO had against Afghanistani and Iraqi insurgents....and then lost to them...from attrition, dedication, motivation and persistence.. US and NATO had to run out of those countries, now they're facing a much more potent adversary...right after leaving Afghanistan foolishly and frustratedly just some months ago?

Russians decide that, not you, fyi.


Look! I welcome and respect Freedom of Expression in person. I really want to extend this benefit to all members on PDF but some target this forum with politically motivated propaganda in an effort to distort facts and mislead genuine readers and some never get tired of low IQ contributions in their own right. Your continuous outpouring of low IQ posts containing a mishmash of debunked points are becoming a problem and might be stopped in this thread if you fail to learn anything from repeated attempts to reason with you.

1. NATO dismantled Saddam regime in Iraq and rebooted Iraqi political system in a war that was fought in the (2003 - 2011) period. What do you think this achievement implies?

Iraqi insurgency was also put down in battles that were fought in several cities and most notably in Fallujah and Sadr City during the (2004 - 2008) period.

Iraq was stabilized in the (2008 - 2011) period and NATO pulled out from Iraq in 2011 because it is not cheap to keep a large military force in a foreign country for unnecessary reasons. NATO diverted its attention towards Libya instead.

2. NATO dismantled Qaddafi regime in Libya in a war that was fought in 2011. What do you think this achievement implies?

ISIL emerged across Iraq and Syria in 2013 due to absolute lack of capability of both countries to provide security to their people. This development prompted NATO to return to Iraq in 2014 and launch a military operation against ISIL across Iraq and Syria.

3. NATO dismantled ISIL in a war that was fought across Iraq and Syria in the (2014 - 2020) period. What do you think this achievement implies?

Iran also played its part in countering ISIL in its own ways which is appreciated.

Iraq is stabilized once again and WE hope that this stability will last.

NATO dismantled Al-Qaeda Network across Afghanistan and Pakistan in the (2001 - 2019) period with support of Pakistan - the perpetrators of 9/11 were chased and eliminated without remorse with NATO resorting to battlefield excesses in some of these pursuits. Afghan Taliban were allowed to return to power in view of Pakistan's strategic concerns and the fact that they agreed to prevent Al-Qaeda types from plotting and launching attacks on NATO assets in Doha Accords that were signed in 2020. This was a reasonable compromise for all stakeholders involved in the war. It is better to conclude a war when a political solution comes to the table.

To cap the above, NATO has achieved its LIMITED military and/or political objectives in each FRONT that was opened since 2001 under the garb of War On Terror. This isn't to say that Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Pakistan find themselves in ideal conditions. Afghanistan has landed in stone age, Libya is broke, and Pakistan is also broke which is a shame. Iraq is the only country that is showing signs of recovery but it needs more time to do better (hopefully). But these localized realities do not have any bearing on NATO battlefield exploits and warfighting capacity other then that they learned something from these experiences.

Speaking of North Korea and South Korea, WE do not know much about what had transpired there recently but a South Korean KA-1 propeller-driven light attack aircraft crashed due to a technical fault but this event does not reflect on South Korean warfighting capacity on the whole because there is ample footage of its military drills that are impressive otherwise.

Now, if you can stay on topic and discuss the Ukraine - Russian war effort in a sensible manner that by all means be my guest. Otherwise, stay out.

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