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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

With huge population loss in Ukraine, more than 10 million people fled Ukraine since February, now Ukraine population is less than 30 million. I doubt Ukraine can mobilize 1 million men considering in Ukraine the population is female heavy due to male losses in WW2 which changed demographics.

Welcome to the first permanent war in human history. Permanent. Just like CO2 increase is permanent. Permanent. Just like covid-19 is permanent.

In order for a war to end, there must be negotiation for peace. Neither Ukraine or Russia will ever negotiate. Without negotiation, war cannot end.
Ukraine rules out negotiation. They say as long as Russians occupy their territory then worthless to talk. Let’s see. Ukraine can mobilize 2 million men and women the army will fight until the bitter end.

Ukraine rules out negotiation. They say as long as Russians occupy their territory then everything will be decided on battlefields. The Ukraine army will fight until the bitter end.

No negotiation. That's why I said this is the first permanent war in human history. In the past, people negotiated and wars ended.

No negotiation. That's why I said this is the first permanent war in human history. In the past, people negotiated and wars ended.
No that’s not always the case. Lots of wars were decided on battlefields. The only way out is Putin withdraws the troops behind the line of Feb 24, then both sides start direct negotiation on the status of Crimea and Donbas, the status of Ukraine neutrality, with the military backing by NATO.
No that’s not always the case. Lots of wars were decided on battlefields. The only way out is Putin withdraws the troops behind the line of Feb 24, then both sides start direct negotiation on the status of Crimea and Donbas, the status of Ukraine neutrality, with the military backing by NATO.

Putin or any other Russian president will never accept such terms. The war will continue until Ukraine's population falls below 10 million and loses combat effectiveness due to lack of man power.
Moishe Shekelberg is parroting nato propaganda. How impressive!

Sure Propaganda.

Eliminating political rivals by Putin is a fact.

How do you explain this > also propaganda ? :

Putin critic Alexei Navalny sentenced to 9 years in prison by Russian court


Sure Propaganda.

Eliminating political rivals by Putin is a fact.

How do you explain this > also propaganda ? :

Putin critic Alexei Navalny sentenced to 9 years in prison by Russian court



Lucky for him. In the US he get life time jail like Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning got.
Putin has accomplished many goals! Expanding NATO, increasing NATO arms expenditure, reducing European reliance on Russian gas and oil, etc. Well done Putin!
Putin has accomplished many goals! Expanding NATO, increasing NATO arms expenditure, reducing European reliance on Russian gas and oil, etc. Well done Putin!

In a few years Russian gas supply to EU will fall to close to 0. Chinese need the gas for heating and industry. Why should Russians supply gas to people who arm Ukrainians to slaughter Russians? It makes no sense.

Putin or any other Russian president will never accept such terms. The war will continue until Ukraine's population falls below 10 million and loses combat effectiveness due to lack of man power.
As long as Putin is in power that’s extremely unlikely. That’s the problem if you deal with fanatics.
Putin is a fanatic. He will rather nuke Ukraine, NATO then accept a defeat. Russia won’t be better off. This war costs him billion USD per day, hundred thousands of troops per year.
He will stay in power until 2036 after he changed the laws to fit it. So this war will continue for another 14 years. By then Russia economy would be on the same level of Syria.
As long as Putin is in power that’s extremely unlikely. That’s the problem if you deal with fanatics.
Putin is a fanatic. He will rather nuke Ukraine, NATO then accept a defeat. Russia won’t be better off. This war costs him billion USD per day, hundred thousands of troops per year.
He will stay in power until 2036 after he changed the laws to fit it. So this war will continue for another 14 years. By then Russia economy would be on the same level of Syria.

Get real man. Putin is a walk in the park compared to the next Russian president. Just like Yeltsin is a walk in the park compared to Putin.
Taking Blahodatne, despite not being a significant target in itself, is a big blow for Ukraine. We've been hearing for months how a major counter offensive was going to take place to retake Kherson by September.
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