A Putin defeat in Ukraine would demoralize terrorist supporters of Putin around the globe:
international terrorists
Anti-Imperialist Camp
conspiracy theorists
gullible leftists
Defeat Putin and Trump and the gullible enemies of the US deepstate would be soundly defeated. In a rout. Yet this is not the Washington agenda to soundly defeat Russia in Ukraine with sending much more in heavily weaponry.
Why is Washington not finishing off Russia in Ukraine by sending enough arms supplies for a quick and decisive victory. Putinites in the West are bitcoiners. The plan is to use Putin to collapse the global currencies, the euro, the Pakistani rupee, and so on... and collapse nation economies for a new Bretton Wood System of Bitcoin demanded by the masses of Trumpers and Putinites and agreed to by the Oligarch and Plutocrats running capitals in the West. If you thought making money in a debt based money supply (where money is invented in every loan) was difficult, wait for a bitcoin global currency. Paper money with debt money is easy money with low interest rates. Bitcoin is far more deflationary than gold, extremely scarce, rare and would make the poor desperate for the tinniest fraction of a bitcoin to pay for some slices of bread.
Look at this chart. A gold coinage system (pre-1933) is moderately deflationary, yet there is enough growth in gold coinage to supply growth for the poor. Gold coins were used from the 1800s, banned around 1933 by FDR. Paper replaced gold and silver coinage stayed. Without deflationary gold coins; and with paper money, the economy grew in the 50s and 60s. Silver coinage ended in 1964/5. And the gold window closed in the first half of 1970s. After that debt dollars that replaced the last vestiges of gold and silver money fueled growing economies. There was no need to mine new gold and silver to add to the monetary supply. An era of easy money from bank loans is the era of today. Bitcoin is far more deflationary and rarer than gold. During the gold coin era, the Industrialists and Capitalists were the economy. They had the gold. In the bitcoin economy, those owning enough bitcoin would own the globe.
Poorer nations are going to have to sell their countries for sale: land, mining, and so on to get some bitcoin. The poor nations are going to be desperate for bitcoin. Bitcoin trillionaires would be able to buy whole nations as own fief. In 1900,
the British wanted to own the globe, bitcoin is precisely that, the Anglos owning the globe of slaves who are direly poor.
I am not advising you to buy crypto, I personally hate the stuff. I am simply saying the agenda. If the national currencies collapse, they must be replaced with new paper money or silver/gold coinage. Crypto is the distraction from silver and gold. National banks hold gold reserves to have gold be the default money if the paper currencies fail. Since gold was money for thousands of years. Gold was the default money until crypto was
promoted by Trumpers and Putinites to have bitcoin replace the national currencies. If you want Qanon Trumper Putinites to own the globe, events are in place for that plan. If you don't, then support your national policy of gold reserves, gold and silver as money.