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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

>> Honestly - if Belarus joins the war - it will be a favour to Ukraine as Ukraine will walk all over Belarus and will remove the ability of Russia to use Belarus to launch strikes against Ukraine..

Belarus won't make a different now, as I said before some page ago, if they had joined up WHEN Russian invaded back in Febuary, they may have make a different.

There are no more than 15000 deployable troop in Belarus, even given 6 months mobilisation training, they can get around 65,000 if that was used with Russian 210,000 troop at the beginning of the war, yes, that's a serious bump. But with Russian depleted manpower they don't even have enough troop to hold a front, let alone attack into Ukraine.

If you are looking at OS map and Satellite, Belarus has 6 Battalion deployed along Ukraine Border, Ukraine has 6 Brigade on the front, and 3 in reserve in Lviv and Kyiv. That's almost 10 times the troop Ukraine have facing Belarussian. And you need 3 to 1 advantage, not 10 to 1 disadvantage to attack.

There is more and more information that regular military personel from Russia is involved in the war in Ukraine.. Whats the difference? Tell Lavrov no one believes any russian narrative anymore, no matter how many twitter post his online army is spreading.
On the other hand, would US be dumb enough to send troop if they are to do Black Op like that? Ukrainian already has been using US Missile. It would have been a lot easier to fly US Jet in Ukraine (Which is absolutely allowed by the way according to international law) and have them turn off the Transponder and fire US made missile on Russian Target? If the Transponder is off you would not know whether it was a US fighter jet or Ukrainian fighter jet unless you have visual because it will just be a blip in Russian radar.
I dont know why I even care to respond to you guys spreading BS all over, just because you dont like the fact that a russian wonder weapon was shot down by a couple of ukrainians armed with a manpad minding their own business in Ukraine.
RescueRanger posted a clip which is clear evidence they were shooting down a cruise missile and not some crappy iranian drone sounding and moving as fast as a lawn mower.
Now admit you were wrong, and Yongpeng Sun-Tastaufen you go do all the things you claim russia is capable of and let me know how it goes. Until then youre back on my ignore list.

Cruise missile can be shot with MANPADS. Though difficult. Let's see him try shoot Iskander with MANPADS.

Belarus won't make a different now, as I said before some page ago, if they had joined up WHEN Russian invaded back in Febuary

Russia invaded in February 2014.

Belarus won't make a different now, as I said before some page ago, if they had joined up WHEN Russian invaded back in Febuary, they may have make a different.

There are no more than 15000 deployable troop in Belarus, even given 6 months mobilisation training, they can get around 65,000 if that was used with Russian 210,000 troop at the beginning of the war, yes, that's a serious bump. But with Russian depleted manpower they don't even have enough troop to hold a front, let alone attack into Ukraine.

If you are looking at OS map and Satellite, Belarus has 6 Battalion deployed along Ukraine Border, Ukraine has 6 Brigade on the front, and 3 in reserve in Lviv and Kyiv. That's almost 10 times the troop Ukraine have facing Belarussian. And you need 3 to 1 advantage, not 10 to 1 disadvantage to attack.

Kiev is near Belarus border. Iskander from Belarus easily hits Kiev with short reaction time.
Belarus won't make a different now, as I said before some page ago, if they had joined up WHEN Russian invaded back in Febuary, they may have make a different.

There are no more than 15000 deployable troop in Belarus, even given 6 months mobilisation training, they can get around 65,000 if that was used with Russian 210,000 troop at the beginning of the war, yes, that's a serious bump. But with Russian depleted manpower they don't even have enough troop to hold a front, let alone attack into Ukraine.

If you are looking at OS map and Satellite, Belarus has 6 Battalion deployed along Ukraine Border, Ukraine has 6 Brigade on the front, and 3 in reserve in Lviv and Kyiv. That's almost 10 times the troop Ukraine have facing Belarussian. And you need 3 to 1 advantage, not 10 to 1 disadvantage to attack.

On the other hand, would US be dumb enough to send troop if they are to do Black Op like that? Ukrainian already has been using US Missile. It would have been a lot easier to fly US Jet in Ukraine (Which is absolutely allowed by the way according to international law) and have them turn off the Transponder and fire US made missile on Russian Target? If the Transponder is off you would not know whether it was a US fighter jet or Ukrainian fighter jet unless you have visual because it will just be a blip in Russian radar.
The US might aswell do it. NATO is going to be directly involved in Ukraine down the road anyway. I guess passing someones red line in slow motion seems more acceptable. I honestly believe total destruction of russian forces in ukraine wouldve been a much better respons to the russian invasion than playing along with these talks about “nobody is going to win a nuclear war”. Let Putin worry about nuclear destruction. He is not crazy.
The US might aswell do it. NATO is going to be directly involved in Ukraine down the road anyway. I guess passing someones red line in slow motion seems more acceptable. I honestly believe total destruction of russian forces in ukraine wouldve been a much better respons to the russian invasion than playing along with these talks about “nobody is going to win a nuclear war”. Let Putin worry about nuclear destruction. He is not crazy.
Well, he wouldn't resolved to use Nuclear Weapon.

People always forget about the first rule of being a dictator

"You need to be alive to be a dictator"

And if "Nobody is going to win a nuclear war" then why Russia keep talking about it? I mean, do they want to lose? Because as they said nobody is going to win one.

On the other hand, we don't really know if US had already done that, as mentioned before, ALL NATO Air Traffic in that area has gone dark since the referendum, the US can be flying their jet in Ukraine and taking down Russian targets in Ukraine for all I know.....
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Lol yeah we don't do that. When US has disasters most countries also donate to USA idiot.

You think USA doesn't receive natural disaster assistance from others?

You sound bitter because I pointed out that the US has murdered millions of civilians in just the last 90 years. This is a fact. Saving millions?! HAHAHAHAHahahahahahahahaha..... ahahahaAHAHAHAHAHA ohhhhh dear you stupid stupid man.

USA and UK basically took slaves, stole everything from many countries, killed and took as they please and then claim to be saviors only after becoming rich off the back of others and stolen land. You are not better just because you stole in the past and did your crimes then in previous generations and now of course you're rich. And the way you use your richness is to further your ways.

So you took 100 and give back 10 and you say look how great I am for giving you something. Idiot. Go to hell. BTW America has never saved millions in Africa. American killed millions in Africa and took African slaves in large numbers. You are just desperate to look good when you are worse than even Russians. The same shit you talk down to about Russians, you are guilty of to much higher degree. There will be justice for you here on this earth and later on too. Don't worry old man, you are bound for fire. Enjoy your demise and punishment.

Calling all other countries that USA and it's old masters have invaded and stolen from, enslaved etc as shitholes (RoadAmerica's words not mine) is rich. Saying dont beg America for aid money when your money came from stealing most of India's and China's money, enslaving Africa, buying up everything using stolen money, paying for people using stolen money. Very rich lol. China and India have our separate disagreements but on this topic, UK owes nearly everything to India. Without capital injection into their colonies, those colonies could not be built up at all. It's not a hard concept to understand. We have our fights and disagreements but Global South wants the world to go from 70% owned and dominated by Europe and USA to their fair share.

No comment on Russia, that's their choices to make and their consequences to deal with. But backing and talking for USA in the context of this war is just hypocrisy to the nth degree and more. The rest are just USA trolls and fanboys suckers batting for their team because team USA means they benefit a tiny bit from USA hegemony. No surprises where and who. No human force to stop USA's divine path to devastation and destruction. It is so because nature has its balance as much as suckers like to deny. We see the evil and the prices to pay. That is all. The rest want to deny and distract.
You’ve been reported, get sad 😢

Obviously you’re not up on current events as americas donations save millions per year, yeh but history bro history.

Lol yeah we don't do that. When US has disasters most countries also donate to USA idiot.

You think USA doesn't receive natural disaster assistance from others?

You sound bitter because I pointed out that the US has murdered millions of civilians in just the last 90 years. This is a fact. Saving millions?! HAHAHAHAHahahahahahahahaha..... ahahahaAHAHAHAHAHA ohhhhh dear you stupid stupid man.

USA and UK basically took slaves, stole everything from many countries, killed and took as they please and then claim to be saviors only after becoming rich off the back of others and stolen land. You are not better just because you stole in the past and did your crimes then in previous generations and now of course you're rich. And the way you use your richness is to further your ways.

So you took 100 and give back 10 and you say look how great I am for giving you something. Idiot. Go to hell. BTW America has never saved millions in Africa. American killed millions in Africa and took African slaves in large numbers. You are just desperate to look good when you are worse than even Russians. The same shit you talk down to about Russians, you are guilty of to much higher degree. There will be justice for you here on this earth and later on too. Don't worry old man, you are bound for fire. Enjoy your demise and punishment.

Calling all other countries that USA and it's old masters have invaded and stolen from, enslaved etc as shitholes (RoadAmerica's words not mine) is rich. Saying dont beg America for aid money when your money came from stealing most of India's and China's money, enslaving Africa, buying up everything using stolen money, paying for people using stolen money. Very rich lol. China and India have our separate disagreements but on this topic, UK owes nearly everything to India. Without capital injection into their colonies, those colonies could not be built up at all. It's not a hard concept to understand. We have our fights and disagreements but Global South wants the world to go from 70% owned and dominated by Europe and USA to their fair share.

No comment on Russia, that's their choices to make and their consequences to deal with. But backing and talking for USA in the context of this war is just hypocrisy to the nth degree and more. The rest are just USA trolls and fanboys suckers batting for their team because team USA means they benefit a tiny bit from USA hegemony. No surprises where and who. No human force to stop USA's divine path to devastation and destruction. It is so because nature has its balance as much as suckers like to deny. We see the evil and the prices to pay. That is all. The rest want to deny and distract.
Yes they saved millions in Africa look it up.
Oh and the Africans started the slave trade genius.
I’m done with you
US has bombed embassy in the past. Just call it an error. Either it is truly an error showing junk quality US weapons or it is intentional act of evil to kill civilians. Either way not better than Russians. And the Americans are crying about Russians being bad.

Maybe Russian weapons are junk like American ones or maybe they are nearly as evil as Americans. Maybe both, global south doesn't care.

If you find yourself angry at the Russians, go join the volunteers and fight the Russians. Do something useful rather than complain online and telling your old abuse victims why they need to hate your enemies for you.

This thread is just a collection of American bitching and anti-Russian propaganda.

I have little to no love for the Russians but honestly some people need to speak out about the ridiculous double standards.
Go away you’re contributing nothing to this thread

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