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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

~100 tanks in a week, all lost piecemeal

They clearly no longer function as a tank force. They could've easily taken at least half of these tanks, and threw them at something in an organised manner.

Also, their artillery losses seem to be getting critical as well. For the first time in months, UA is on offense without much signs of RU artillery showing.

Some Telegram channel even put the POW number to 3-4000 Russian Soldier. And those are SOBR and other Crack Troop too......

This is clearly more than just "few companies"
~100 tanks in a week, all lost piecemeal

They clearly no longer function as a tank force. They could've easily taken at least half of these tanks, and threw them at something in an organised manner.

Also, their artillery losses seem to be getting critical as well. For the first time in months, UA is on offense without much signs of RU artillery showing.

This is clearly more than just "few companies"
They can't hold off Ukrainian offensive in the south if there are just a few company, there is an entire Brigade pushing North toward from Sloviansk.

I would say they probably have a few BTG between Lyman, Drobysheve and Zarichne, mostly match or superior to the number of Ukrainian in the southern flank. Which put around 4 to 6,000 troop in that area alone. That's going to hurt as they are battle hardened crack troop.

On the other hand, intel suggest Russia trying to send newly created Armour unit staffed by conscript to reinforce Lyman, one report that the new unit got into an accident and block the road.....imagine you have a bunch of Ukrainian on your tail about to close the ring and you see your tank got into road accident because of incompetent driver...That's gonna hurt.

It's not nice to make fun of people with mental problem......

You were right before the West fell into an energy crisis.

But now she is a Russian spy.

And are you sure she needs your mercy? I'm sure she has much more property than you, and I believe you know how her property came about.

Just saw a Telegram post now. It's just unfathomable. Now that I don't know if this is true, but the method and th background seems legit. Many Russian try to escape Russia to Georgia via Taxi.

In it a video when a Russian man yell at a Russian woman inside a taxi near the border of Georgia, he said, "You don't need this, you are not getting drafted" and then proceed to pull the woman from the taxi and try to get in. It got on really ugly until someone intervene......

Whatever happened to woman and children first??
I assume they will run to death/surrender?

@jhungary with kharkiv counter, despite the speed, it seems the russians were able to run without too much losses (apart from equipment). That was suprising…any idea why ukraine failed to really press their advantage in regards of actually eliminating russian soldiers?
That's because of the speed, Ukraine cannot deploy a blocking force in time to cut off the Russian retreat route. With a speed like this, you will need to insert troop behind Russian escape point to cut them off, the only way it can possibly done is via Air Assault, you chopper in those troop behind their line to cut them off. Ukraine does not really have Air Assault capability on that scale.

Otherwise, an offensive like this would only brush the defender aside, without a blocking element, they can just retreat. If this was the US, we would probably send 101st Division and the 25th division to air assault over the river crossing to cut them off, and then squeeze the Russian with our main force.

On the other hand, the size of the entire Kharkiv offensive would make a cut off/encirclement operation more or less impossible.
Separatists and Russia troops are encircled at Lyman there is no way out.
After taking Lyman the assault on Luhansk can begin.

Das ukrainische Militär konnte in den vergangenen Wochen entscheidende Erfolge verbuchen - nun deutet sich eine weitere Rückeroberung an. Foto:Kostiantyn Liberov/AP/dpa

Das ukrainische Militär konnte in den vergangenen Wochen entscheidende Erfolge verbuchen - nun deutet sich eine weitere Rückeroberung an. Foto:Kostiantyn Liberov/AP/dpa

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