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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Those tanks are easy prey for antitank missiles.

Not really. Javelin range 2.5 km. Mi-28 and Ka-52 helicopters range 100 km with Hermes NLOS missile. Javelin would have trouble getting within 2.5 km of T-62M. T-62M also kills Javelin with 4 km range laser guided missiles. Javelin is not useful in Ukraine.
Not really. Javelin range 2.5 km. Mi-28 and Ka-52 helicopters range 100 km with Hermes NLOS missile. Javelin would have trouble getting within 2.5 km of T-62M. T-62M also kills Javelin with 4 km range laser guided missiles. Javelin is not useful in Ukraine.
That’s not going to change much. The more resources Putin pours into military campaign the faster he makes Russia a chinese colony.

EU to soften sanctions on Russian banks to allow food trade​

The M777s have had a significant impact in destroying Russian armor and soldiers. They’ve lost a handful at most.

No HIMARS have been destroyed and Russia can’t stop them. They’ve already stabilized the front line and more are coming.

Your tears are delicious :lol:
I don't know why you need to be emotional. It's a Russian war not Chinese war. You fanboys are cheering like no tomorrow for a war which has nothing to do with you. Yup no HIMARS destroyed, yet we saw all the blown up pieces. 4 piece of MLRS ain't gonna change much and for gods sake M777? We produce the equivalent in the hundreds.

You mean Send the US 82nd Airborne in north of Kiev and east of Kharkov as peace-keeping forces and to prevent any further Russian incursions into the Ukraine ! there wont be much left of your ally Russian army in Ukraine when they meet 82nd airborne
Do why don't you do it hero? Lol

The advantage of this model is if you succeed, you can credit the US equipment. If you fail, you can blame the "unskilled" Ukranian soldiers.
US have no balls to fight a direct war. If they did, it will be an apocalypse. US can shout and scream about Russia, they ain't dare to lift a single finger and face the Russians direct.
I am not discussing the “theocratic ideal” of muslim slavery ( and on top of that only according to certain schools of thought…others have far harsher and different interpretations), but how it was generally practiced in history by arab muslims…

This varies from some mild forms to absolute horrors. And formed the majority and/or was tolerated by the majority.
Where was your ilk when the barbary states constantly pillaged and slaved parts of the european coast…effectively depopulating it?

It is that history i am asking people to atleast be honest about.

It is like someone criticizing british colonialist crimes and i am like “well those were not “truly” christians/british. We are civilised and peaceful.

Dude, i can go back and forth with you all day long but it is futile i see you do not like muslims and consider us at least as hidden enemy in grand schemies of things but the truth is that you have real enemy in your state and society structure, so instead of pointing out on us finger for feel good sentiment, introspect how did you come to the point where state chase away farmers and forbid them growing cattle in favor of artificial meet and ask question to yourself what is next to destroy in society.
The M777s have had a significant impact in destroying Russian armor and soldiers. They’ve lost a handful at most.

No HIMARS have been destroyed and Russia can’t stop them. They’ve already stabilized the front line and more are coming.

Your tears are delicious :lol:
Are you sure you want to brag about M777 once?

We are replacing all towed artillery with PCL-181 and PZL-05. The output of PCL-181 is expected to exceed 10000(replace more than 10000 66type152mm).
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Is it possible to catch the most dangerous Russian bouncing mine OZM-72? Such an experiment was conducted by the Military Lens channel in Ukraine

We are replacing all towed artillery with PCL-181 and PZL-05. The output of PCL-181 is expected to exceed 10000.
What are the weight of these guns? Can PLA deploy these guns in mountains, I mean can these guns be airlifted from one valley to another using heavy-lift helicopters?
What are the weight of these guns? Can PLA deploy these guns in mountains, I mean can these guns be airlifted from one valley to another using heavy-lift helicopters?

PCL-181 is very light and has strong off-road ability. It can even be used on the Tibetan Plateau.

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US have no balls to fight a direct war. If they did, it will be an apocalypse. US can shout and scream about Russia, they ain't dare to lift a single finger and face the Russians direct.
You mean like the lack of balls the Chinese show over the South China Sea?
Or is it perhaps an ROI calculation?
You mean like the lack of balls the Chinese show over the South China Sea?
Or is it perhaps an ROI calculation?
Talking about balls, wonder why the Americans got chased away. Fat boy Kim is lol now. For all the loud bravado, US is still spineless against the Russians. Buggers could win in Syria with a crippled carrier, that explains alot about real strength.
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