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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Another “Ringtausch”

Slovenia gives 28x M55S tanks to Ukraine.
Germany gives NATO materials to Slovenia as compensation.

Der Kampfpanzer M-55S geht nun aus Slowenien an die Ukraine

Der Kampfpanzer M-55S wird nun von Slowenien an die Ukraine gegeben

Usa defeated the Taliban government within a week and overtook the whole country. Isn't that a victory? Where the USA failed was they could not defeat the low level insurgency and they could not bring in a powerful puppet government. After 20 years they had enough because they could not win allies to form a powerful government so they left Afghanistan. In terms of military to military fight the USA won but other than that they lost because the Taliban are back and controlling Afghanistan. Dont forget the USA didnt have control of all Afghanistan, maybe 60%, they had heavily guarded bases all over their controlled areas, they were too afraid to fight the insurgency because it would cost too much soldiers lives.

In Iraq it was a similar situation, they removed Saddam Hussain regime but the benefit for the USA was the anti Saddam Iraqi shias and Kurds allied with the USA and they were given power, effectively replacing Saddam regime.
I am not going to repeat my reply, if you have not gotten my point then you may never will, you may not agree with my point but that's my opinion.

I think that the annexation is meant as a paper justification for war mobilization. Just a trope for domestic audience.

There are doubts if Russia can even provide the necessary logistical support to troops if a war mobilization is officially announced. No lend lease agreement in place now unlike the WW2 days. Maybe China will help its junior partner with helmets and such:pop:

There will NOT be a full mobilisation, I don't think Russia even have the ability to fully mobilise their reserve. People are going to leave Russia in dove if Putin even hint at mobilisation.

It's one thing for the middle class in Russia to watch the funny comment and war on TV, it's another set of fact when you are forced, not even asked, to fight that war. That is why he hasn't called this war a war, he can at most mobilise some reserve and put them in a bin and ship them to Ukraine. This wouldn't change much.
You don't have to defend and or keep on reminding the obvious. There are dozens of posts from same 2 or 3 speakers that humiliation of Putin should be offset by evil colonial past, or rejoice in a past possible defeat.

Neither one is going to change the outcome of whats taking place and the pathetic manner it has been executed by a near superpower. They should have the common sense to start a new thread and thrash every NATO country or colonial power or US misguided adventures. For some reason these distractors that are out of justification for Putin's incompetence get some satisfaction out of changing the subject. They know to put that on this thread because they will get responses.
Yeah, I am done with this.

I mean, if you have to kick for the Taliban, then there is something seriously wrong with you.
The BBC exposed Trump as Mafia linked

Not fake news. Chabad connections of Putin and Trump confirmed by primary sources.

Chabad admits Putin lets Chabad run the economy of Russia.

Trump family donated land to Chabad decades ago and Trump is connected to Chabad Jews.

Trump and Putin links are not fake news. They have same cia-linked handlers, as exposed by primary sources and well documented news articles. This info triggers the trolls.
It seems that Russia is endeavoring to create conditions for an internal revolt and overthrowing of Zelensky Government. Then, the successor government can negotiate some peaceful settlement of all issues.
Yes that is odd. Maybe the ammo thing will stop ?

Interesting if true - quid pro quo - but I dont think so - Pakistan cannot withstand pressure from USA who wants Ukraine to win. Fairly certain if the deal is true - it is being done without conditions.
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Interesting if true - quid pro quo - but I dont think so - Pakistan cannot withstand pressure from USA who wants Ukraine to win. Fairly certain if the deal is true - it is being done without conditions.
I think the artillery rounds have not much impact thats why its ignored by russia or doesnt care.
I am not going to repeat my reply, if you have not gotten my point then you may never will, you may not agree with my point but that's my opinion.

There will NOT be a full mobilisation, I don't think Russia even have the ability to fully mobilise their reserve. People are going to leave Russia in dove if Putin even hint at mobilisation.

It's one thing for the middle class in Russia to watch the funny comment and war on TV, it's another set of fact when you are forced, not even asked, to fight that war. That is why he hasn't called this war a war, he can at most mobilise some reserve and put them in a bin and ship them to Ukraine. This wouldn't change much.
I think he will call full mobi. What other options he has? Zero. Russia loses on average 5 tanks per day per estimate, by this pace, Russia will run of tanks in 200 days. russia tank factory in Ural or so can compensate some however not full replace the loss.

He will double down before Russia goes down the drain. China will wait and see how Russia collapsing.

After faked referendum at occupied regions he will accuse Ukraine to attack Russia territory then declare war against Ukraine.

Then he will accuse Germany the country delivers Ukraine weapons to attack Russia mainland.
Jared before meeting Ivanka spoke to Chabad House. So Trump has daughter "dated and married" to Kushner linked to Chabad.

chabad links with US government goes back decades

Chabad are politically tied to the US deepstate. And politically tied to Russia and Putin.

Connected to Trump and Putin. Allowed to run the economy of Russia, according to Chabad in Russia. And get access to US politicians from Presidents to congress.

Jared Kushner is connected to them, before dating Ivanka.

The Chabad is the new Kissinger.

And, Kissinger is a confidant of both Putin and Trump.

So when you see names such as Putin and Trump, these are puppets of the supa deepstate of London, Washington, Hell Aviv.

Is Trump connections tied with the Supreme Leader of Iran. No. Is Kissinger connected to Supreme Leader of Iran. No. Is Chabad linked to Supreme Leader of Iran. No.

Why. For one thing, Putin is a zionist Jew who got outed by the President of Israel as a Jew. Putin has been a puppet since the 1990s. And was vetted by the security agencies to be the approved successor to puppet Yeltsin.

Trump and the US MAGA deepstate want the EU destroyed and China destroyed. Putin is the planned do-er of the deed against the EU. And cia trolls don't want this info out to Europe to expose the cia as the handler of this war.

The cia want cia assets in the halls of the Kremlin and EU to destroy the EU, not the Kremlin.
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Yes that is odd. Maybe the ammo thing will stop ?

let's hope not, it remains to be seen how Russia will ship refined fuel to Pakistan.
Russian refined fuel terminals are in the baltics. In a month or two these routes can only be serviced by 'ice class' ships. Further, Russia doesn't have enough tankers and the global fleet will be busy ferrying refined oil from the middle east to Europe this winter, so there isn't any spare capacity for Pakistan. Finally, Russian flag vessels will be banned from European waters by December so shipping refined petroleum from Russia to Pakistan will be challenging.
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