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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russia is pushing Europe into recession? In a parallel universe or what?
Even During coldwar soviet union kept gas flowing.
Putin however uses it now to pressure and weaken europe. However annexing large parts of ukraine is unacceptable for many.

Washington and London gave the order and the EU started the sanctions, NOT Russia. They are pushing Europe into a recession, they are destroying our Economy.
That is why gazprom stopped refilling supplies in 2021 already?? This was planned ahead of time.

How do you want to analyse things or get them explained by me, like the future gas prices, if you can't get the most basic facts straight? But instead, in your psychosis, you are twisting them to parrot the narrative: Evil Russians!
Avoiding the point with useless dribble.

Last recession gas prices dropped fivefold.
If current conflicts lead to another recession, this WILL impact the gas and oil price as demand WILL plummet.
A 9 year old parroting propaganda….

And many soviet bloc nations came basically running towards Nato for protection.
Maybe russia should treat its former colonies better instead?
“How dare you fear us!!” —> invades and annexes land.

Not that USA instigating is no factor here…but it does not excuse russias war of agression.

Clearly Xi thinks differently as china mostly “stayed out of this”.

Perhaps as he is not as paranoid as you about “the west/whiteys coming for us”

Most of europe was on road to closer ties with russia….putin threw that all away to play risk.

China has invaded before that, and recent years see a huge buildup of the army, heavy nationalistic propaganda, and more agressive claims. It seems “chinas peacefull rise” is nearing an end??

claims on others territory/territorial waters usually causes some stir.
Relations with india, japan, south korea, vietnam, indonesia, australia are shaky.
This is not some simplistic “heroic china” vs “evil nato” scenario.

Even if China is helping Russia behind, you think we will say it out loud? Hahaah. How naive can you woke cheerleaders be. Without China, Russia would have been bankrupt by now.

Perception of threat does not entitle others to create a hostile environment, how does joining an alliance designed specifically against Russia enhance peace? I sometimes wonder how they educate kids in Germany, if the West or to be precise US wanted peace, they would have asked Ukraine to sign a neutrality agreement, Russia is safe, Ukraine is safe but do you think US wants it?

Japan has border woes with Taiwan and Korea, Vietnam has rows with ASEAN too, India with Pakistan and all her smaller neighbours are afraid too. So? The point is we didn't do anything aggressive, we could have taken back macau and HK easily with war, but then what, we are very patient mate. Eversince Deng, China has been guided by a bunch of smart technocrat, US tried to create war with us, did we retaliate? So tell me who is the peaceful one here. Anyway, you best be a good poodle to US, they agent oranged your country, yet you love em lots. Maybe tahts the difference between the Han and Viets, we create civilizations and empires, we will not submit. We may bide our time and remain patient even with provocations, the Russian are not so patient.
Even if China is helping Russia behind, you think we will say it out loud? Hahaah. How naive can you woke cheerleaders be. Without China, Russia would have been bankrupt by now.
Keeping trade going and buying up resources is not what i am talking about.

Military aid will quickly get noticed on frontlines/by western intelligence services.
China has shown to be taking quite a “hands off” role so far.
Smart, considering the western trade is 10 times that of russia and china has its own economic issues (evergrand/corona).

Before the assembly vote, xi will not rock the boat. Why risk so much for russias dream of empire?
Perception of threat does not entitle others to create a hostile environment, how does joining an alliance designed specifically against Russia enhance peace?
1. It is not a perception of threath. Russia has numerously and structurally shown agression against eastern europe and other soviet states. If they dare to move outside of their influence they get the stick.

Proven once again now, with ukraine.

2. Nato is a defensive alliance. europe greatly reduced their armies and sought stronger trade ties with russia.
What “threat/hostile environment” for russia?

Stop annexing/opressing/manipulating your former colonies and they might not run to Nato for protection.

3. Ukraine is a sovereign state where russia vowed to protect its security (in return of getting rid of its nukes). Why are you chinese treating these countries as pure buffer pawns for russia to abuse as it sees fit to “feel safe”???

I sometimes wonder how they educate kids in Germany, if the West or to be precise US wanted peace, they would have asked Ukraine to sign a neutrality agreement, Russia is safe, Ukraine is safe but do you think US wants it?
Us wrongs does not make russia right on this….simple logic.
russia was already full on pressuring ukraine just for seeking closer eu ties. Including russia paying and supporting many EU far right nationalistic elements to try and break up/weaken EU….

Russia is not a passive neutral party in this.
And EU not passive poodles of USA.
Why do you think ukraine and poland fight so hard against russia?? Because Biden said so? Or because of things like holodomir and katyn?
Japan has border woes with Taiwan and Korea, Vietnam has rows with ASEAN too, India with Pakistan and all her smaller neighbours are afraid too. So? The point is we didn't do anything aggressive, we could have taken back macau and HK easily with war, but then what, we are very patient mate. Eversince Deng, China has been guided by a bunch of smart technocrat, US tried to create war with us, did we retaliate? So tell me who is the peaceful one here.
The point is you think it will be a rising china vs Nato. But it is likely that rising china is gonna trample over india/japan/vietnam.

I admired chinas peacefull rise. Much better then USA forever war that is true.
However. Now it seems to backslip into Mao style.
It is pushing claims like the ox tongue, fueling nationalism…alienating neigbours.
Chinese posters here have their mouth full of war….it feels like pre-WW1 europe.
Bro, common sense, even if he wanted a Russian Empire, you think he will publicly say it. Russia eversince the fall of the SU had been pretty peaceful until NATO began incorporating ex Soviet States against a verbal agreement to not do that. What do I want, if I were Russian I wouild want neutrality, joining an alliance against Russia is like openly declaring hostilities. After decades of patience, finally Russia snapped, can't blame them man. All of this was created by the West, almost all conflicts actually, not the West, USA to be precise.
its up to you if you don’t believe it. Also, one or two months before invasion he issued ultimatum to the US and NATO, demanding the withdrawal of US troops from Europe and reversing the NATO expansion. It’s clear to everyone Putin was ready to make his move if the ultimatum was not met. When I read the news in December 2021, January 2022 I knew the war coming.
About neutrality, it’s unrealistic to ask Poland, the Baltic’s and other in the East to remain neutrality.

The thing is it’s Russia.

If you are Swiss, then neutrality is the perfect choice.
Swiss is surrounded by Germany, France, Austria, Italy. If Swiss has a neighbor as Russia, the Swiss will join the NATO.

Seems the Ukrainians tricked the Russians into thinking the main counter offensive would come from Kherson but seems the main target was the Kharkiv front and Izyum/Kupyansk front.

Too bad for the Russians their reinforcements and "elite troops" were sent and are cut off in Kherson.

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