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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Hundreds millions will be killed by direct nuclear hits. the nuclear fallout is worse, will kill 90 people of world population.
The impact of 4000-5000 MIRV warheads USSR had at its peak would've been 60-70m in eighties if USSR did nothing, but striking biggest population centres only, and nobody hid in shelters.

Putin Has A Problem: 38,000 Dead Troops And 1,672 Destroyed Tanks In Ukraine​


Stavros Atlamazoglou
5 hours ago

Image of Russian T-72 firing.
On day 142 of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Russian military continues with its operational pause, and as a result, little has changed on the battlefield.

The situation in the Donbas
In its daily estimate of the war, the British Ministry of Defense focused on the situation in the Donbas and the next likely Russian targets but also touched on Snake Island and the Russian military’s inability to strike targets with precision.
“In the Donbas, Russian and pro-Russian Luhansk People’s Republic separatist forces claim to have entered the outskirts of Siversk,” the British Military Intelligence assessed.

Ukraine Strikes Significantly Reducing Russia's Offensive Potential, Kyiv Says​

By Reuters Wire Service Content • July 15, 2022, at 2:43 p.m.

By Max Hunder and Tom Balmforth

KYIV (Reuters) - Ukrainian rocket strikes have destroyed more than 30 Russian military logistics centres in recent weeks and significantly reduced Russia's attacking potential, Ukraine's defence ministry spokesperson said on Friday.

The official, Oleksandr Motuzianyk, singled out the role played by U.S.-produced HIMARS rocket systems, one of several types of long-range weapon supplied by the West to help Ukraine fight back against Russia.

"In the last weeks, over 30 of the enemy's military logistical facilities have been destroyed, as a result of which the attacking potential of Russian forces has been significantly reduced," Motuzianyk said on national television.

Motuzianyk told Reuters in separate comments that the 30 targets were destroyed by multiple launch rocket systems, including HIMARS.
@Desert Fox 1 - real world validation.. take a bow

This is what the Russian Nazis bring. Death, suffering, looting, raping etc.
That is terrible but so is the sensationalist add-ons:
Everyone is a Nazi or racist now… even that Uber eats guy deciding to deliver me cold pizza.
The terms will lose their meaning and effectiveness where they actually matter
It's a joke for crying out loud. Lighten up man, don't take everything so seriously.
I don't see misinformation as a joke.

I mean sure, when this war is over, we can post army fail all night long and tell jokes as if this is the shit. But when the war is still ongoing, stuff coming from people mouth (Especially the guy you posted is extremely pro-Russia) stupid people are going to buy it no matter how far fetch it is, you don't need to look far, there are tons of idiots in this forum alone would buy what the Russian is selling, no matter how stupid it looks. Which is why I see these things very seriously.

Putin Has A Problem: 38,000 Dead Troops And 1,672 Destroyed Tanks In Ukraine​


Stavros Atlamazoglou
5 hours ago

Image of Russian T-72 firing.
On day 142 of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Russian military continues with its operational pause, and as a result, little has changed on the battlefield.

The situation in the Donbas
In its daily estimate of the war, the British Ministry of Defense focused on the situation in the Donbas and the next likely Russian targets but also touched on Snake Island and the Russian military’s inability to strike targets with precision.
“In the Donbas, Russian and pro-Russian Luhansk People’s Republic separatist forces claim to have entered the outskirts of Siversk,” the British Military Intelligence assessed.

Ukraine Strikes Significantly Reducing Russia's Offensive Potential, Kyiv Says​

By Reuters Wire Service Content • July 15, 2022, at 2:43 p.m.

By Max Hunder and Tom Balmforth

KYIV (Reuters) - Ukrainian rocket strikes have destroyed more than 30 Russian military logistics centres in recent weeks and significantly reduced Russia's attacking potential, Ukraine's defence ministry spokesperson said on Friday.

The official, Oleksandr Motuzianyk, singled out the role played by U.S.-produced HIMARS rocket systems, one of several types of long-range weapon supplied by the West to help Ukraine fight back against Russia.

"In the last weeks, over 30 of the enemy's military logistical facilities have been destroyed, as a result of which the attacking potential of Russian forces has been significantly reduced," Motuzianyk said on national television.

Motuzianyk told Reuters in separate comments that the 30 targets were destroyed by multiple launch rocket systems, including HIMARS.
Damn, the Ukrainians and their allies are so strong, they destroyed more Russian tanks than Russia actually deployed into Ukraine in the first place

Thats pretty epic

This is what the Russian Nazis bring. Death, suffering, looting, raping etc.
And wtf did the US bring to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria? Flowers and love?
Damn, the Ukrainians and their allies are so strong, they destroyed more Russian tanks than Russia actually deployed into Ukraine in the first place

Thats pretty epic
lol how??

The Russian started this invasion with 10 tanks per Battle Tactical Group, that's about 1800-2000 tanks in total. And with replacement and all, it's not at all unimaginable to have 1600 taken out. In fact, the actual number probably more than that but then most tanks that are reported destroyed only with visual sighting (so the hull is seen) so probably you have maybe twice that amount destroyed or beyond repaired.

Mind you Russia had a 11,000 tanks armies when they started this, and now, they are deploying older model like T-62 suggested a lot of better weapon were out.
Lol the "reason" I couldn't is simply because you, A NOBODY, said it is. And when I suggested point to challenge the fact that both story and the picture have problem, you denied it outright WITHOUT given any explanation.

I mean, sure, if you are a artillery exerpt or what, maybe I will listen to you, but you are a NOBDOY with hat too big of your head. Am I to say "Sure, you are right and I am wrong BECAUSE YOU SAID SO??"

The better question is. Who the fuc are you??

:rofl: :blah: :blah:

Wow man, must have touched a nerve there :omghaha: you've been shown to be a fraud and fake, and either don't have the ability, or can't admit, when shown M777s being destroyed :rofl: I may be many things, but at least I ain't a fake narcissist :azn:
lol how??

The Russian started this invasion with 10 tanks per Battle Tactical Group, that's about 1800-2000 tanks in total. And with replacement and all, it's not at all unimaginable to have 1600 taken out. In fact, the actual number probably more than that but then most tanks that are reported destroyed only with visual sighting (so the hull is seen) so probably you have maybe twice that amount destroyed or beyond repaired.

Mind you Russia had a 11,000 tanks armies when they started this, and now, they are deploying older model like T-62 suggested a lot of better weapon were out.

Well, Russia has definitely lost over 1,000. Around 900 have been visually confirmed. Russian tank losses are likely between 1,200-1,500. It's believed they have around 3,200 combat capable tanks. The rest are rust buckets that haven't been properly maintained.
We're all "nobodies" on this forum, especially you, but you've been exposed as a fake and fraud, as well as a narcist :rofl::rofl:
expose by who? You?? Do you even know where is the dangerous end of a gun?

Not everyone created different, the very fact that I can negative rate you when I can and you can only give me a stupid :haha: is a very obvious reason.

Only you think you are all that, and if that is not narcist? Then I don't know what is.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So how does it like to be -12 in rating? Must be hard living in the negative HAHAHA

Well, Russia has definitely lost over 1,000. Around 900 have been visually confirmed. Russian tank losses are likely between 1,200-1,500. It's believed they have around 3,200 combat capable tanks. The rest are rust buckets that haven't been properly maintained.

I would put Russian tanks (only armour) reclamation rate a about 30-40%, which mean 30-40% of what they had deployed is destroyed.
lol how??

The Russian started this invasion with 10 tanks per Battle Tactical Group, that's about 1800-2000 tanks in total. And with replacement and all, it's not at all unimaginable to have 1600 taken out. In fact, the actual number probably more than that but then most tanks that are reported destroyed only with visual sighting (so the hull is seen) so probably you have maybe twice that amount destroyed or beyond repaired.

Mind you Russia had a 11,000 tanks armies when they started this, and now, they are deploying older model like T-62 suggested a lot of better weapon were out.
I was under the impression Russia deployed 1200 tanks
I was under the impression Russia deployed 1200 tanks
nah, 10 tank per infantry BTG, and 40 tanks per armour BTG.

They had around 80 infantry BTG and 20 armour BTG in theatre at the beginning, Comes out with around 1800-2000 tanks. (1800 or standard TO&E, 2000 if reinforced.) and I am pretty sure Russian had put another 70+ BTG in theatre since Feb 24, so it would be more than 2000 deployed.

NB. I know 80x10 + 20x40 = 1600, what I said is just Russian equipment, LNR and DNR both have armoured and they are fielding about 200 tanks at the beginning.

Ukraine will never fight with the NATO states of Europe which are helping them.
But the mentality and religion play very negative role in this part, and soon we will see Taliban fighting with other Afghans, and then Taliban will fight with Iran and even with Pakistan.

Already Taliban supported TTP killed thousands of Pakistanis and also killed thousands of other Afghans.

All the sane Western people should leave places like Afghanistan and Pakistan as they will destroy themselves sooner or later.

You don't belong in those countries anyway. Good advice. Leave.

Such an immense joy to see these Western poodles cry rivers and work overtime on PDF LOL Never ever have I seen Western stooges work so hard to convince the so-called third world inhabitants. They come here on our forum and ridicule everything that doesn't look like them. Today they are here and literally touching our feet to hear them out and believe their version of the truth. The irony is that there are hardly any buyers. Almost every person is willingly opting to support Russia. Of course every person and side has their own reasons. We all unanimously agree that US/Western powers are shedding crocodile tears. We also agree that you reap what you sow. Today it is your turn to pay for your sins. Today it is your turn to watch helplessly and feel the pain and agony.

These Western rascals are so full of themselves that their ambassadors write letters to governments for support. These rascals are so pathetic that if a government of a developing nation doesn't tow their narrative they simply replace them with the help of corrupt military regimes. You cannot force nor buy support. Support only comes when the cause is right.
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