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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Looks like pro-Russian politicians are not safe in Crimea. Just like Russian defenses are not safe in Crimea.


The Russians Were Firmly Entrenched At Avdiivka. November Will Be Hot. Military Summary 2023.10.31

They have chosen not to, it was never their intention to inflict such damage like the U.S is supporting the Jews to do in Gaza
Let's be serious

The Russians could have and can still absolutely decimate Kyiv, so why hasn't it.
Anyone who says they couldn't is speaking bullshit

They have chosen not to, it was never their intention to inflict such damage like the U.S is supporting the Jews to do in Gaza

Let me remind you clowns who think Russia is going to lose,, if the Russians get to that point, expect the Russians to level Ukraine.

They have tried going easy and it's the west taking the Ukrainians for a ride

Grozny and Aleppo say hello:

Grozny in ruins in 1995
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Chechnya declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, and in 1994 Russian forces invaded. The bombing of Grozny was intense

Grozny in ruins - February 2000
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In the second Chechen war from 1999-2000, Russian forces again laid siege to Grozny, and intense fighting lasted weeks

A devastated street in Aleppo, Syria, January 2017
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In a devastated street in Aleppo in January 2017
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Eastern Ghouta, outside the Syrian capital Damascus, June 2018 - BBC cameraman Nik Millard pictured
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In Eastern Ghouta in Syria in June 2018, with BBC cameraman Nik Millard
The Ukrainians were dumb,,

Fundamentally the problem was the eastwards expansion of NATO and the EU

Rather then respect Russian sensibilities they acted like pricks

The Ukrainian conflict could have been completely avoided and if the Ukrainians were smart they could have negotiated themselves out of the conflict whilst gradually having good relations with both the east and west

Instead they listened to the dum asses and put a Jew comedian in charge

The rest is history and now they will pay

The Russian objective to take the Eastern part of Ukraine has been achieved
They control the land border to the Crimean
And Ukraine throwing bodies at the front is now pointless

Ukraine has lost and NATO states have spent money and used up their resources to try and keep the Ukrainians supplied

The next 6 months to 1 year will see the Russians basically achieve dominance on the front as Ukraine runs out of men to fight the war

Putin's best (dead) man disagrees:

  • “[Ukrainian children] should have been drowned in the Tysyna [river], right there, where the duckling swims. Just drown those children, drown them right in Tysyna [river]… Whoever says that Russia occupied them, you throw them in the river with a strong undercurrent… Shove them right into those huts and burn them up… [Ukraine] is not supposed to exist at all,” Anton Krasovskyi, former Director of Broadcasting of Russia’s state-funded RT, said on 23 October 2022.
  • “The opponents of letter Z must understand that if they are counting on mercy, no. There will be no mercy for them. It all became very serious, in this case, it means concentration camps, re-education, sterilization,” Soviet-Russian filmmaker and Putin’s mouthpiece Karen Shakhnazarov stated on 4 May 2022.
  • “We will kill as many of you as we have to. We will kill 1 million, or 5 million; we can exterminate all of you until you understand that you’re possessed and you have to be cured,” Pavel Gubarev, a Russian politician and a founder of the Russian puppet Donetsk People’s Republic, located in the Russian-occupied territory of Donetsk Oblast, said in October 2023.
  • “We need to kill, kill, and kill [Ukrainians],’ as I tell you as a professor…,” Russian nationalist Alexander Dugin, who has a significant influence on Putin, stated in 2014.
  • “This [Ukrainian] language should not exist… Neither this [Ukrainian] nation nor this language should exist! Cleanse it all out, cleanse out all of its sources,” Aleksei Didenko, a Russian State Duma member, said on 25 May 2023 at a conference in the State Duma.
  • “People often ask me why my Telegram posts are so harsh. The answer: I hate them [Ukrainians]. They are scum and degenerates. They want death for us, for Russia. And as long as I’m alive, I will do everything to make them disappear,” wrote Russian Security Council Deputy Chair Dmitry Medvedev on 7 June 2022, on Telegram.

Europe needs to rearm against this terror of Russia.
The obvious answer is: because they cant.
But you avoided the question. Exactly what have Russia not been using against Ukraine that could level the country? Anything and everything is not an answer. I would really like to know precisely what Russia is holding back.
What do you mean they can't? They can do a Dresden type bombing of Kiev or even shorten the war with a Hiroshima/Nagasaki Nuke justification, if they want to.
According to the zionist regime, US should not be sending weapons to the zionists because the US seeks to be a mediator in the Gaza conflict. The USA and NATO have "to remain neutral in the Gaza conflict to act as a mediator." No weapons to the zionists. You can't sell weapons to one of the parties and be considered "a mediator."

If you buy these hypocritical zionist excuses for not defending Ukraine, then you are joked. Ukraine asked before the large-scale invasion of Ukraine to purchase the Iron Dome, and the zionist regime rejected it.

Why Israel Refused to Help Ukraine Defend Itself From Russian Missiles​

Israel not only refused to sell its Iron Dome missile defense system to Ukraine, but it also blocked the U.S. from sending Iron Dome batteries owned by the U.S. Army to Kyiv.

What do you mean they can't? They can do a Dresden type bombing of Kiev or even shorten the war with a Hiroshima/Nagasaki Nuke justification, if they want to.
What makes you think any planes carrying out this Dresden type bombing would have a better chance surviving over Kiev than a cruise or ballistic missile?
Finally you brought up the nuke. Russia can use it if they want to, as can any nuclear power, and watch the next 20-30 countries nuclear arm themself in a heartbeat. And they would achieve nothing but turning the entire world against Russia. So yes they can fire a nuke, but no they cant, because its not an option.
in short, russians are advancing on all fronts, panic among uaf forces in sense where it will break with operational significance, shiny toys from west does not intimidate russians obviously, they played their game with old fashion way, logistical and numerical superiority with basic laws of physics.
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Russia is running out of tanks to parade in Moskow.
What makes you think Ukraine is running out of soldiers willing to fight for Ukraines survival, before Putin is running out of plebs willing to die for his palaces? Its not a secret that russian losses are slightly higher than ukrainian losses, despite pro russian propagandist trying to hide it.
Russias so called offensive near Avdivka is stalled, and they are loosing their possibilities of major offensive operations if they continue these mindless assaults.
Putin made Russia to a joke when he had only 1 tank on victory parade.
About Advvika, the russians have amassed 60 brigades and battalions, in total 40,000 men. They seem to launch the final assault on Ukraine fortress soon. That will be a bloodbath.
in short, russians are advancing on all fronts, panic among uaf forces in sense were it will break with operational significance, shiny toys from west does not intimidate russians obviously, they played their game with old fashion way, logistical and numerical superiority with basic laws of physics.
Yes and additionally partial control in air close to conflict areas with untouchable fab-500+ pinpoint strikes. Russian forces are more aware now about the capabilities of Ukraine and plan their attacks accordingly. Especially Ukraine's signature capability of artillery precision strikes that can even hit moving targets like armor with fpv drone realtime coordinate info.

Russia needs to get hands on better FLIR technology to install on their drones like Orion, Mohajer-6. It will be useful in other sectors like Robotyne as well. Russia introduced drone technology lately so I think they also need to advance more on FLIR development and install them on their drones.

This is an example of a smaller flir camera that claims that can recognize vehicles about 10km range in visible channel. The ones installed on advanced drones like TB-2, Anka are way better than these and proved themselves in areas like Karabagh but just to give a small example even this smaller FLIR gimbal can recognize a vehicle at 10km which means about 7km range and 7km altitude. After air defences are reduced in areas like Robotyne high flying drones can detect artillery/vehicles from high altitudes-long ranges and strike in real time without delay.

Troop positions can be detected as well but vehicles are easier to detect and if vehicles are taken out troops can be encircled and taken pows and some even can cooperate. If this is possible it is a better option.


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