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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

First of all this military aid is not even 10% west has given Ukraine, plus add mercenaries, volunteers, training camps in border countries.
Secondly even if we compare your figures of military aid, still aid to Ukraine is much bigger.
If Iraq had 5000 Soviet latest manpads and 10000+ atgm's that can destroy Abrams imagine what would have happened.
The real damage Russia is taking and has taken is from manpads and ATGM's all other weapons don't matter much.
This is the comprehensive list. You said it like Soviet Union were not training Iraqi back in the 90s too.

And no way FIM-92 or Starstreak are "Latest" MANPADs. And Javelin and Pzk 3 was 80s technology. They had been supplying those to the First Afghanistan War (The one Afghan fought the Soviet Union).

And no, Ukrainian aid was not bigger than Soviet Arms in Iraq, again, look at the number and what had sent......
Oh dear! another influential Russian, the Chairman of Lukoil no less "accidentally" falls out of a hospital window today.

y'all be careful when you visit a hospital.

The West actually did not supply Ukraine the way Soviet Union did with Iraq. In fact, if the West supply Ukraine the way SU supplied Iraq back in 1991, Russia would most likely had already been beaten back by now.

You need to look at what the West had supplied Ukraine with vis-a-vis What Soviet Union did with Iraq.

Western Aid in Ukraine
136 M777 Artillery System
7 M270 MLRS
~20,000 Javelin Missile System
~5000 stinger Missile System
15 Caesar Mobile Artillery
10 Pzh2000 SPG
2 NASAM System
45 M109 SPG
~250 T-72M/T-72M1
~200 BMP-1
~100 M113
50 Bushmaster AFV
70 Krabs
40 BM-21 Grad
20 Mi-8/Mi-17
80 Mastiff
40 FV-107
30 FV-104
10,000 AT-4 Launcher
5500 NLAW Launcher
500 Switchblade Drone
160 Phoenix Ghost Drone
Assorted Small Arms, Drones, Helmet and etc.

Soviet Supplies of Iraq
1000 T-72(A/M/M1)
72 Su-25
40 Mig-29
1000 BMP1
250 BMP2
1100 BM-21 Grad
300 SCUD-B
A combination of SA-2, SA-8 and SA-13.

Notice that the West did not deliver a hell lot of advance weapons to Ukraine, the most advance weapon in that list is HIMARS and Drones, MLRS and other SPG existed for more than 30 years. The West also did not supply Ukraine with Tank (Other than the 200 or so donated T-72), Aircraft and SAM. While SU supplies of Iraq are more comprehensive, it ranges from Tanks to Fighter Jets to Ballistic Missile.
You are arguing with someone who thinks if taliban got 1/10th of what ukraine got, or iraq 1/5th of what ukraine got, that they would have crushed the coalition/USA and routed them in 2 months.
You are arguing with someone who thinks if taliban got 1/10th of what ukraine got, or iraq 1/5th of what ukraine got, that they would have crushed the coalition/USA and routed them in 2 months.
I think Taliban already had 1/10 of what Ukraine got. Seeing the US send the same thing they sent to Mujaheddin to Ukraine.....
This is the comprehensive list. You said it like Soviet Union were not training Iraqi back in the 90s too.

And no way FIM-92 or Starstreak are "Latest" MANPADs. And Javelin and Pzk 3 was 80s technology. They had been supplying those to the First Afghanistan War (The one Afghan fought the Soviet Union).

And no, Ukrainian aid was not bigger than Soviet Arms in Iraq, again, look at the number and what had sent......
Find 92 stinger has been updated with time, same with Javelin, no way west is giving old tech, all of the weapons are advanced.
What happened to the Ukrainian counter-offensive in Kherson? Any latest update?
I think Taliban already had 1/10 of what Ukraine got. Seeing the US send the same thing they sent to Mujaheddin to Ukraine.....
No, not true, if Taliban had lets say with 1/10 ratio 1000 Russian or Chinese Manpads that are advanced enough to beat modern Aircraft counter measures, and 2000 ATGMs also Russian or Chinese that can destroy even Abrams hypothetically speaking, what would have had happened? Unbiased opinion please.
lol, isn't that's what Russia is doing now?

Dude, there are always two side of an argument, if Russia is that great, why aren't they doing Ukraine in any NATO territories?? Why Russia dare not to invade NATO?

But then what do I expect you people to understand the term of "Strategic Value". Maybe I am asking too much. The only different I see here is US and Co can easily subjugate weak country like Iraq and Afghanistan, while Russia have problem subduing a pesky Ukraine......

I dont claim russia is great, that is done by americans only. russia is not as strong as NATO, u also claim NATO to be so powerful, so then why scared of directly intervening?
Find 92 stinger has been updated with time, same with Javelin, no way west is giving old tech, all of the weapons are advanced.
What can you update with Stinger and Javelin?

Their operational principal are extremely simple. You can't update anything from that. In fact, the 2 update in 2008 and 2018 is for both to have anti-freeze battery (Both runs on battery that freeze in winter) and Warhead upgrade for the Javelin so you can hit both tank and soft target....

It's like saying LAW M7 (a 2010 derivative of M72 Law) is an advance weapon.......
What can you update with Stinger and Javelin?

Their operational principal are extremely simple. You can't update anything from that. In fact, the 2 update in 2008 and 2018 is for both to have anti-freeze battery (Both runs on battery that freeze in winter) and Warhead upgrade for the Javelin so you can hit both tank and soft target....

It's like saying LAW M7 (a 2010 derivative of M72 Law) is an advance weapon.......
Well I don't know the technicalities of both Stinger and Javelin, but there are many things that can be updated on both of them with time, better IR seekers, better warheads, better optics, better software, better electronics etc.
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