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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2



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The NATO's cannon fodder aka Ukraine has lost over 45,000 soldiers for the so-called counteroffensive and all the progress they can claim is 100 square meters while their whole access to the sea has been taken out, and the only way they can export things is through Romania. And even that is under threat.

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With 45.000 soldiers killed in two months I guess Russians are at the doors of Lviv ? Oh wait. :lol:

Russia has already killed 2m Ukrainian soldiers and 40 armies, destroyed 45x time its air force and killed 5 trillion Polish mercenaries while losing only 150 men, how come Russians are still struggling to take Marinka or Avdiivka ? Must be anglo saxon satanic magic that is bringing Ukrainian neo nazis back to life I guess.

2 shotdown today!

With the rate these things get destroyed Russia will completely run out of them in another year or two.

It was only 1 that you all have been posting today but there was no even a proof provided for that. As you know, all of you NAFO shills are full of hot air. So unless a concrete proof is presented, anything that you all claim is just a hogwash.

Summer Operations | The Russians Won A Fierce Tank Battle In The South. Military Summary 2023.08.17


Dan Rice, special advisor to Ukraines military, believes that if the US delivers 2,000 M26 cluster rockets for HIMARS/M270, that Ukraine will sweep away and defeat Russian fortifications in the south.

Ukraine currently only have DPICMs 155mm munitions. Each DPICMs shell contains 72 submunitions.

Each M26 cluster rocket contains 644 submunitions and firing a barrage of 12 rockets from M270 would deliver 7728 submunitions per volley.

Dan Rice, special advisor to Ukraines military, believes that if the US delivers 2,000 M26 cluster rockets for HIMARS/M270, that Ukraine will sweep away and defeat Russian fortifications in the south.

Ukraine currently only have DPICMs 155mm munitions. Each DPICMs shell contains 72 submunitions.

Each M26 cluster rocket contains 644 submunitions and firing a barrage of 12 rockets from M270 would deliver 7728 submunitions per volley.

This is the Grid Square Removal System.

Dan Rice, special advisor to Ukraines military, believes that if the US delivers 2,000 M26 cluster rockets for HIMARS/M270, that Ukraine will sweep away and defeat Russian fortifications in the south.

Ukraine currently only have DPICMs 155mm munitions. Each DPICMs shell contains 72 submunitions.

Each M26 cluster rocket contains 644 submunitions and firing a barrage of 12 rockets from M270 would deliver 7728 submunitions per volley.
The US has 370.000 of these rockets in active inventory?

But just like with the ATACMS…it is taking its sweet time to deliver these weapons.

Time which is costing unnecessary Ukrainian lives.

If one pilot survived -- and by the looks of the crash site -- he must've had a successful ejection but the other pilot either didn't eject or went down with the helo. I doubt the pilot who did make it survived that impact.

The problem is they're flying really low to evade radar detection, but that lessens their chances of ejecting successfully. Flying low seems more risky, not only does it limit safe ejection altitude, but gets them closer to MANPADs and even small arms fire.

Despite the cockpit being heavily armored in those Ka-52s, the engine and dual props are still susceptible to heavy gunfire.
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