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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

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If Russia starts sending weapons to mali , Burkina Faso and Nigeria what would happen to french and usa bases ther ?

Russia has nothing left to send as ukraine has destroyed most of it...

Dont get me wrong - i fundamentally disagree with Frances colonial era approach to Africa - i am shocked that more people do not talk abou it..
The ruins of Novoselovsk, captured by Russians a week ago, are covered with Ukrainian vehicles and bodies

Russia has nothing left to send as ukraine has destroyed most of it...

Dont get me wrong - i fundamentally disagree with Frances colonial era approach to Africa - i am shocked that more people do not talk abou it..
Russia can build a large base in niger , the west cannot complete Russia industrialisation. Currently they are producing thousands of small drones every month which could wreak a havoc on Frenchies

Russia has nothing left to send as ukraine has destroyed most of it...

Dont get me wrong - i fundamentally disagree with Frances colonial era approach to Africa - i am shocked that more people do not talk abou it..
Imagine Russia and china builds an army base in niger the way usa and other western countries do
The ruins of Novoselovsk, captured by Russians a week ago, are covered with Ukrainian vehicles and bodies

Russia can build a large base in niger , the west cannot complete Russia industrialisation. Currently they are producing thousands of small drones every month which could wreak a havoc on Frenchies

Imagine Russia and china builds an army base in niger the way usa and other western countries do

China does not have many oversea army bases - and i dont all of a sudden see them starting now. As for Russia, they are a global problem, but Ukraine right now is doing a fine job of fixing it.
Imagine Russia and china builds an army base in niger the way usa and other western countries do
It would be stupid for Russia or China to build military base in Niger.

You don't just build base and left it there, you need to support it and reinforce the garrison. What can China and Russia use to support a military base in Niger?

Niger is a landlocked country, and the only way to access that is either by sea thru the Med and the Atlantic and approach from West Africa, half of those are anti-West and the other half is pro-West, both China and Russia do not have any asset that can control both Mediterranean and Atlantic, in fact, the Brit control the gateway out of Mediterranean into Africa by controlling Gibraltar.

They can build base there in peacetime because nobody is going to interfere with your shipping and supply lane, but in time of war, these bases cannot be supplied and troop there will be sitting duck unless Russia or China fight all the way there into the Med and the Atlantic. But then you will have to ask, what use for a military base in an area that can only function in peace time??
You must be hating your parents for bringing you to the West.

No my ancestors were very hard working and now we own and run the UK

but unlike in China where if you disagree with your government here in UK we are allowed to have different opinions while maintaining law and order
Major Tomov was indeed captured by Ukrainian forces in Kozachi Laheri, left bank of the Kherson oblast.


Not only he was captured, a video surfaced of him in captivity giving locations of Russian positions and fortifications to the Ukrainians. This comes after Russians were building a BS narrative over his fate to hide the fact that a reconnaissance mission led by him led to a total disaster with most of his united either killed or captured....

lol, I personally know a few of the ranger in that battle. I can show you some pic of mutilated Wagner Russian if you want but I can't post it here otherwise they will ban my account.

I wonder if this guy is your "Military Sources"

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No. Syrian civil war is a closed chapter for now.

This battle was real and US destroyed a Wagner Group in it.

According to the post, at the time Wagner, together with Syrian pro-government forces, was pushing ISIS out of Deir ez-Zor province and received an order to capture Conoco oil refinery.

However, the refinery was already captured by Kurdish and US soldiers. Despite that, a large attack force was assembled, supported by Russian Air Defense and Aerospace forces. On the night between February 7 and 8 the force moved to attack the refinery, the post claims.

“Suddenly incoming [rounds] hit the column of the 5th attack detachment, and nobody understands where they came from,” Grey Zone writes. “In a classic move, the enemy closed the column by destroying the first and the last vehicles.”

The post claims the attack was conducted by MQ-9 Reaper drones. A few moments later, several AH-64 Apache helicopters came and started attacking the soldiers who tried to retreat, launching missiles and firing autocannons.

Meanwhile, at least one F-16 fighter jet [described by Grey Zone as a bomber – ed. note] attacked the soldiers who were hiding between nearby buildings, followed up by fire from an AC-130 gunship with its fire “turning buildings into dust.”

“The guys from the “Carpatian” detachment [one of the detachments of Wagner forces in Syria – ed. note] will later say that in the morning, solidified melted sand and gun barrels crooked from the heat could be found,” the post said.

Wagner vehicles that escaped the carnage were continuously hit by some other ordnance, according to Grey Zone, while sporadic attacks by F-16s continued well into the morning.

“No [air] support was provided [to Wagner]. Even though aircraft of the [Russian] Aerospace Forces were ready several kilometers away, at the Deir ez-Zor airbase. They say, a couple of pilots tried to get an approval for take-off, but were refused. Whether it is true or not [we don’t know], but there are rumors about that,” Grey Zone states.

The post concludes with the channel claiming that the casualties of the PMC personnel were immense, although smaller than 600 or 200, as some reports claim.

Russian source:

American source:

Neutral source:

People in the military tend to have compartmentalized knowledge.
Academic researchers have much broader knowledge base in general.
I am telling from exposure.

Wagner reached out to VKS for support but Russian leadership refused to dispatch VKS to confront USAF. I am not surprised.
Yes i have seen it before.
No my ancestors were very hard working and now we own and run the UK

but unlike in China where if you disagree with your government here in UK we are allowed to have different opinions while maintaining law and order
Since you own and run the UK you better start taking responsibility for everything that happens there and all its actions.
Since you own and run the UK you better start taking responsibility for everything that happens there and all its actions.

I agree its a democracy so everyone who voted for the current government is responsible but Sunak didnt really come to power by the votes
I agree its a democracy so everyone who voted for the current government is responsible but Sunak didnt really come to power by the votes
Interesting that only those who voted for the ruling party is responsible in a democracy. You dont seem to shy away from pointing your finger at all westerners regarding everything else. But maybe that is just racism talking.

Elon Musk’s satellites being used to fuel war machine in Ukraine​

August 11, 2023 10:35 AM CDT BY JOHN WOJCIK
Elon Musk’s satellites being used to fuel war machine in Ukraine

Elon Musk, already known for his erratic stewardship of Tesla and Twitter, has been quietly but quickly expanding his empire into space. Starlink, a division of his SpaceX corporation, has a network of over 4,500 satellites in orbit, with plans to expand that number to 43,000. The war in Ukraine is already being planned over his network. | Map: SpaceX; Musk photo: AP

The more the U.S. pumps into the war in Ukraine and other military operations around the world, the richer the dangerous and erratic Elon Musk becomes. Already known for his erratic stewardship of Tesla and Twitter (rebranded as X), the billionaire has also been quietly—but rapidly—expanding his empire into space.
Perhaps nothing more than his personal control of over 4,500 low-orbit satellites (and plans to boost that number to 43,000) shows the folly of leaving high tech in the control of private capitalist hands.
Top Pentagon generals, along with high-level members of the Ukrainian military, have met with Musk recently to buy access to the internet capabilities offered by his satellite network. Called Starlink, the system is a division of another of Musk’s corporations, SpaceX.
The Ukrainian military has relied on the Musk satellites for its military attacks on Crimea, which has been back in Russian control since 2014. Under decisions made in the days of the Soviet Union, the region had been under Ukrainian administration since the 1950s.
According to a bombshell report in Friday’s New York Times, Musk, the richest man on Earth, has surpassed all world governments, including the United States, to become the dominant force in satellite internet technology. Even to capitalists committed to private control of industry, that fact should raise worldwide alarm.
Incredibly, the Times reports, on March 17, U.S. General Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chief of Staffs, General Valeriy Zaluzhni, the leader of Ukraine’s armed forces, and Elon Musk spoke on a secured line generated by Musk satellites where they made real-time decisions about military efforts against Russian forces in Ukraine and where they shared intelligence information gathered by the Musk satellites with one another.
So, Musk is adding to his wealth now by selling information to the U.S. and Ukraine which neither of those countries would have without him. There is almost no regulation or public control over the activity of a man who holds the fate of billions of people in his hands.
To make matters worse, top leaders in the Pentagon, in order to operate the war machine that costs U.S. taxpayers almost a trillion dollars a year, are conferring with him regularly over the war in Ukraine.
The 4,500 Starlink satellites in the sky are the sole source of internet and high-speed internet used for military purposes in Ukraine. Maps that show the location of these satellites over Ukraine at any given moment help confirm this, but they also reveal that the only part of the country not saturated with Starlink coverage since 2022 are the eastern parts under Russian control. Even in those regions, however, Starlink reaches much of the area and is increasing its coverage.
Musk’s saturation of space with his satellites is so extensive that it has already changed the appearance of the night sky all over the planet, something that has not happened for billions of years.
In the Ukraine war, Starlink is being used to coordinate drone strikes against the Russians in both Ukraine and also across the borders into Russia. Almost all intelligence gathering in Ukraine is coordinated through Starlink.
The U.S. military is now the world’s biggest customer of Starlink with the Japanese armed forces joining the ranks of Musk’s top clients. Musk, therefore, along with the Pentagon, has become a major enabler of politicians and industrialists in Japan who are shelving that country’s commitment to pacifism after World War II.
Musk’s power over what has become a deadly military instrument is total. He alone can shut down access to Starlink, whether that customer is a country or its military. He openly flaunts his power. “Between Tesla, Starlink, and Twitter, I may have more real-time global economic data in one head than anyone ever,” he has declared.
Members of the U.S. Air Force on the beach across from Patrick Space Force Base watch the launch of one of Elon Musk’s SpaceX Falcon 9 rockets. It carried a Starlink satellite into orbit. | Tim Shortt / Florida Today via AP
When it comes to Ukraine, the news about Musk is downright frightening. “Starlink is indeed the blood of our entire communication structure now,” Mykhailo Fedorov, Ukraine’s digital minister, said in an interview.
In the U.S., even government-controlled outfits like NASA are now relying almost entirely on SpaceX for their internet technology and ability to coordinate flight plans.
Nothing, however, demonstrates the power of Musk and SpaceX more than the war in Ukraine.
According to the Times, more than 42,000 Starlink terminals are now used by Ukraine’s military, businesses, and other institutions. “Without Starlink, we cannot fly, we cannot communicate,” one Ukrainian deputy commander told the Times. He gave only the name “Tooth.”
Starlink entered the Ukrainian market soon after the Russian invasion began in 2022, but now, just a year-and-a-half later, it exercises full control of communications in that country.
Another disturbing aspect of the Starlink situation is that while Musk profits off his role in the war in Ukraine, much of the cost of his operation is picked up by U.S. taxpayers, with the federal government being a major funder of the operations.
Once again, the dangers of private capitalist control of major industries and technology are exposed. A dystopian future for the planet itself is not out of the question if capitalism is not replaced with political and economic democracy and socialism.
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John Wojcik
John Wojcik

John Wojcik is Editor-in-Chief of People's World. He joined the staff as Labor Editor in May 2007 after working as a union meat cutter in northern New Jersey. There, he served as a shop steward and a member of a UFCW contract negotiating committee. In the 1970s and '80s, he was a political action reporter for the Daily World, this newspaper's predecessor, and was active in electoral politics in Brooklyn, New York.
Wait. The same attacker, who was sponsored by the west back then, to attack Iran, after the western puppets got decimated there in the year 1979? The same attacker, who got chemical weapons from the west, to use them against iran? The same attacker, who got the green light from Washington to "attack" Kuwait, an iraqi province, stolen by the British occupiers? To lure him into a war, because he stopped to fullfill orders and be the usefull idiot for the west?

But one thing is very clear: You and all the other nato bots are soo proud of yourselve, after beating this third class army. The typical school bully mentality. Even now, you are virtually masturbating here in the forum. Murica stronk!
Yes same attacker. Choosing all sort of backers doesn’t excuse that he was a ruthless killer force. So you can turn the clock back to all the time to the dinosaurs to make excuses but yes in the end he was the actual instrument of destruction in the region and Israel’s rise to have to the point that it had no credible adversary. His army should have deposed it, otherwise sanctions is what will happen. May be they should not have attacked Kuwait.

The attacks on Moscow have literally no military effect at all and even your parroted "psychological effect" is stupid nonsense out of some nato propaganda sources. While kiev is pounded with drones and missiles in a much bigger frequency AND with real effects.

You genius have obviously comprehension problems. So i will try it one last time.

Is every part of the missile important? Sure it is, but is every (!) part of the missile important to gain unknown intel and develop counter measures against ist? No it isn't and even basic education in Tech and Science is enough to understand it. But you are even failing here and have, typical for nato bots, a big mouth and even bigger ego.

You are brabbling so much "nato stronk" nonsense here, it is ridiculous. I have time to wait and few of your best post as bookmarks, so we all can laugh about you. About your expertise of galactic proportions.
Then you had better tell your lovely Putin to stop lobbying missiles on Kyiv. They don’t have any military purpose as civilian concrete structure over expensive cruise missiles, the concrete structure may get destroyed but does not change the outcome. So if there is no psychological effect than why is every 2 weeks Russia raising its heads and attacking and when a drone hits a glass building the cowards cry a ‘terrorist’ attack.

Just the fact that Moscow is getting attacked, regardless of lack of impact, is humiliation enough that I will be happy with for disrupting the entire make up fo SOut Asia through Soviet invasion
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