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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Ukraine will certainly fold. No one is saying the EU will fold and nor does Putin want the EU to fold.
And it's a BS false narrative that has been drilled into your brain that Russia will turn on the rest of the EU after Ukraine. Putin is a logic player, he isn't mad. Rather it is your masters in Washington that want to see the EU fold and destroyed and so far they're doing a pretty good job of it. As Victoria Nuland once said, "FCUK THE EU".

Russia is literally being surrounded by Nato and people are making propaganda that Russia is a threat to EU? Same with China. Nato/Usa is trying to surround China but after Russia we will see propaganda that China is a threat. Nato is the biggest threat to world security, they caused wars all over the world, even nuked Japan.

Ukraine will fold and you will see. You guys have thoroughly supported Ukraine, but it hasn't destroyed Russia. Surely Russia got a wake-up call after some setbacks. The bear is awake and fully cognizant of the challange. Russia is serious and they have put everything on the line. Russia will go all out.

You guys can take a loss because it won't impact you directly. Ukraine is just a pawn. You can understand that Russia will be directly impacted. Russia cannot afford a loss.

At the moment Russia is suffering though. We gota admit that first, and yes Russia has placed everything on the line. Russia hasn't really faced a war in modern times so they need to quickly adapt, produce new weapons and tactics to win this war. So far we witnessed the same old weaponry and tactics, Russia still hasn't used airforce effectively to destroy Himaars, tanks, missile systems and they keep sending their army to get killed.

Usa on the other hand would have made the use of airforce as top priority, basically destroy anything that moves on the ground before sending in the army.
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Usa on the other hand would have made the use of airforce as top priority, basically destroy anything that moves on the ground before sending in the army.
Naaahhhh...According to Mr. Dalit here, US airpower is the worst in the world, below Pakistani Air Force.
Yeltsin let the cia run the Kremlin in the 90s:

The cia linked cronies owned much of Russian oil and gas from the era of Yeltsin.

The US and UK fought the cold war to make Moscow a pawn of the USA, to win the cold war. The entire media and information structure is to hide this fact. 40 years of the cold war would go down the tube, if Russia is outed as a pawn of the cia.

The cia made the major decisions for Yeltsin, which would include vetting Putin for successor.

There must have been a hundred [CIA employees],” Khasbulatov said. They determined everything.”

Tony Blair's words confirmed that the mi6 deepstate approved of Putin... for Tony Blair said: "It's my job to like Mr. Putin". The cia ran the Kremlin in the 90s. Made the decisions for Yeltsin. Yeltsin picks Putin. And Bush and Blair liked Putin. No major complaints from mi6 UK or cia Washington about Putin in the first years. UK supported the Chechen War which thrust Putin into "power".

deepstater Trump and Putin/Oligarchs go back to 1994/95, before Putin was picked to be successor of Yeltsin.

Trump has ties to cia-linked Chabad, cia-linked Russian Mafia, and cia-linked Russian Oligarchs. As does Putin. Putin is a cia Bush/Pompeo asset, as is Trump. Trump is a cia asset.

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At the moment Russia is suffering though. We gota admit that first, and yes Russia has placed everything on the line. Russia hasn't really faced a war in modern times so they need to quickly adapt, produce new weapons and tactics to win this war. So far we witnessed the same old weaponry and tactics, Russia still hasn't used airforce effectively to destroy Himaars, tanks, missile systems and they keep sending their army to get killed.

Usa on the other hand would have made the use of airforce as top priority, basically destroy anything that moves on the ground before sending in the army.
The thing is: US Air force had no fights against an adequat AD like Russia had/has it against Ukraine in the last....boooahh....since at the end of Vietnam war.
Russia holds its airforce back cause of calculating war against NATO.
Well, I don't know whether or not Ukraine counter offensive will succeed as it is in the future, and too little I know to have commented on either way.

But I don't need anything more to tell you Russian Winter/Spring offensive is kaputt. You don't make zero progress if you have enough force to push, Russian resource is depleted in this, and any form of resupply in a meaningful amount that can allow for a continuation of this offensive is going to be half a year or a year away. If they can come up with that number at all.

Russian is more or less done in this war, can't see any mobilisation that can generate that much power on paper happen without breaking the Russian government. the only matter left now is if Ukraine can crawl back territories after this counteroffensive or it failed and the line stay where it is.

Its always interesting to read your posts. You back it up with military experience on the ground. Its easy to say Ukraine will loose or Russia will loose but why and how is very important. Ukraine is backed by 53 Nations and as long as they keep their support I dont see Russia winning. Russia on the other side is alone so will need direct support from China, N Korea, Belarus, Iran, Central Asia or else they will end up having to withdraw.

Russia major issue is the air support. I recall once Usa and Pakistani troops had a border fight, Pakistani troops ended up getting killed in huge numbers because Usa army requested air support and it came quickly whilst Pakistan air support was probably asleep, so their use of quick airpower ended up killing our troops. Usa military might is unmatchable except by China. Russia needs to adapt to a similar way or they will continue to suffer.
The thing is: US Air force had no fights against an adequat AD like Russia had/has it against Ukraine in the last....boooahh....since at the end of Vietnam war.
Russia holds its airforce back cause of calculating war against NATO.

Its not air to air war in Ukraine, its more like battlefield war so why can't Russia use just say 50 of their best planes, 100 drones and destroy any moving targets on the ground before sending in the troops. The way Usa fought in Afghanistan and Iraq was they sent troops but when they get stuck or come under heavy fire, they will request quick airforce to destroy the targets before moving forward, this way they limited their casualties and also destroyed major threats before moving in.
How accurate is this? According to this Russia doesn't want full Ukraine but a certain area of east and south as shown in the map. Once that territory is captured Russia will then stop their advancement and go on the defence for the long run, they will annexe it and declare it as the international border between Ukraine and Russia. Ukraine will then be free to join Nato once its recognised.

@Dalit @jhungary @Valar @Yongpeng Sun-Tastaufen

Its always interesting to read your posts. You back it up with military experience on the ground. Its easy to say Ukraine will loose or Russia will loose but why and how is very important. Ukraine is backed by 53 Nations and as long as they keep their support I dont see Russia winning. Russia on the other side is alone so will need direct support from China, N Korea, Belarus, Iran, Central Asia or else they will end up having to withdraw.

Russia major issue is the air support. I recall once Usa and Pakistani troops had a border fight, Pakistani troops ended up getting killed in huge numbers because Usa army requested air support and it came quickly whilst Pakistan air support was probably asleep, so their use of quick airpower ended up killing our troops. Usa military might is unmatchable except by China. Russia needs to adapt to a similar way or they will continue to suffer.
The issue I think is more about doctrine.

If you ask me, as a standalone question, Whether Russian Air Force is a competent force? The answer would be yes. But then you still need to answer the question of how you are going to implement that force into the battlefield, otherwise I don't really care if you have the entire Galactica Fleet, it's going to be pointless.

The trouble for Russian force is, they can't get out of their Cold War mentality, the strategy and tactics they use in Ukraine is basically and largely WW2 Soviet Doctrine to the core, massive infantry charge, the use of armour independent to their infantry, which Russia use it as a giant armour fist, and the stand alone Air Support. Those won't fly in 21st century network centric battlefield, Because today battlefield is mostly maneuver base, they key is very simple, you need to get to your destination before your enemy do. That's it. If you can achieve that, you basically will win every battle.

Take Battle of the Antonov Airport for example, the key is to secure the airport before the Ukrainian can organise any defences against the route to Kyiv, which basically is a carbon copy of Operation Northern Delay when we invaded Iraq. Russia try to replicate our battleplan which is to air assault into Antonov Airport, secure the airport, and then fly in reinforcement and threaten Kyiv while tank column assault thru from Belarus Border. In Operation Northern Delay, we use 173rd Airborne Brigade to secure the Bashur Airfield and use it as a shield to cut off Baghdad from the Northern defence and act as a anvil and hammer with the 3rd infantry and the marine with the 2 routes to Baghdad. The difference, however, is that Russia, although comes with the element of surprise, they can't secure the airfield quick enough, because the Armour relief arrived on the 25th, a day later to secure the airport, by then even if Russia captured the airport it would have been pointless. Because heavy fighting have damage the airport enough to put it out of action, and that in turn lay blame on the original Air Assault force for not be able to capture the airport and the ground force arrive too late to cordon off the area.

The issue here is not whether or not RuAF have the edge, they always have the edge, the problem here is how the Russian command apply said edge into the battlefield, if this was the us, we would have a combine strike force to capture Antonov Airport, covered by CAS and Airborne artillery, we would have use the air power as an arm of the combine arms attack, but Russian, on the other hand, used its airpower as infantry support. That's the big different here.
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