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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Well the Russian plan is try to capture whole of Dobass, maintain the landbridge to Crimea and then sue for peace/ceasefire for "talks". Ukraine - however, needs to launch its operation towards Metipol before any progress is made in Donbass - otherwise holding the coalition together will be difficult as the lure of a "ceasefire" and "negiotations" would be too much for the Germans and others to resist.

That is why Ukraine is urgently asking for tanks and most likely why Germany is dragging it's feet - Germany wants to go "back to the old days" of buying energy from Russia asap ...
This is a good analysis I believe.

Gaining donbass will give russia a “win”/out.
and the west will not want to sacrifice too much for donbass either (financially) if it seems there will be a years long stalemate.

Russia prepares for attack on Moscow​

>> something is up for sure as an american general recently said of the need to be able to attack targets in russia to help bring this war to a close.
Why all those countries see Russia as a threat? Propaganda?
Many of the European countries have a not very pretty history with the Russians. Especially for the eastern European countries which explains why they were eager to support Ukraine compared to countries like France and Germany in the early days of the war. They don't want to be taken by the Russians.

What kind of a man that takes a comfort the cries of a woman irrespective of her political persuasion?

But then you can see below the PMC Wagner sending 20 trucks full of Ukrainian soldiers' bodies to Ukraine.

The kind of man where he sees Russian propagandists laughing and mocking the Ukrainians they supposedly considered them as their brothers and sisters. The kind where they demand the Ukrainians civilians be killed because they are resisting.

Russia prepares for attack on Moscow​

>> something is up for sure as an american general recently said of the need to be able to attack targets in russia to help bring this war to a close.
Probably have something do with the new Ukrainian drones that can go far.
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You still are short of information. Maybe you should inform you first "where" the T34 were produced back then. And then you should inform you how this places developed till today. And after that, you should delete your "Moscow Petersburg" post.
'may be you should look' through my posts and see what reference to Moscow Petersburg I have made. You are hallucinating as I have made no posts recently with that reference that you are thinking about. What ever you are smoking, its clearly the same as Putin's advisers, and stop smoking it.

As for T-34s: they didn't then much like the T-72s today dont operate themselves. Once you produce them you need soldiers inside them. Thats where Ukrainians came in.

And T-34s are not made from oil and gas that Russia has. You need steel. The raw materials for the tanks and other WWII equipment was coming from outside of 'mother' Russia and also from outside Europe.

I have a prediction to make that i am confident about- If US or/and NATO do not win this war in Ukraine, that means the formal end of the US as the world's superpower- no ifs ands or butts.
Russia's phantom perception of a near super power have disappeared now, so your prediction here can be the best possible outcome for any Russia supporter as a consolation. But Russia's situation is real and now, and the US one is a hope at best
This is how Russia treats its few friends, worse than how US treats its enemies.

Lots of fuel in Russia, but Syria is shut down because lack of any fuel. Its per capita and PPP GDP are 1/4th of IRaqs.

This is why countries fight till their death to resist being part of Russia. And pro-Putin beggars have to resort to some moral argument about Minsk agreement or something. Fuel is the one thing (other than hubris) Russia has plenty of , and its only friend has none of it, and Israelis beat the crap out of it under the Russian S-400s.

‘No life’ in Syrian cities as fuel crisis plunges country into darkness
BEIRUT — In Syria’s third-largest city, it takes Mohammed’s family a week to do a load of laundry.
“There’s no specific time for the electricity to come,” said Mohammed, speaking by phone from Homs, in the west of the country. “Sometimes it comes for an hour, sometimes it comes for two hours, sometimes it comes for 10 minutes. Sometimes it doesn’t come, at all, all day.”
Mohammed’s mother washes most clothes by hand, leaving those that need heavy-duty washing in the machine, which whirs back to life whenever the power returns.
Already battered by years of war and deprivation, Syrians are now suffering through a crippling fuel crisis. Extended electricity cuts have sunk most of the country into a near-constant blackout. In the capital, Damascus, some neighborhoods receive as little as 15 minutes of power every 24 hours; in more central areas, closer to the presidential palace, the lights stay on for longer. With gasoline also in short supply, main thoroughfares are often devoid of traffic, and the Syrian-Lebanese border has become a thriving black market for fuel.
In Homs — and across the country — life has come to a virtual standstill. “It’s a city of ghosts,” Mohammed said, speaking on the condition that only his first name be used, fearing government reprisal for speaking to foreign media.
Most Syrians rely on generators for electricity, but those also require fuel. Families who can afford them have turned to large, expensive batteries that are hooked up to solar panels. Many aren’t so lucky.
“People are burning slippers, nylon, plastic bottles for heat. It makes me want to cry,” Mohammed said. “You can see people on the street, gathering plastic from garbage bags, even the garbage bags themselves, and burning them.”
In recent years, during colder months, children have died of asphyxiation after their parents burned plastic and fabrics to stay warm. So far, this winter has at least been mild.
Mohammed’s family has a battery, but it’s only strong enough for LED lights. He charges his phone on a power bank, which he recharges at the house of a relative who saved up for a couple of solar panels. When he went to visit a doctor, she charged him double — once for the checkup, and again for turning on the generator.
To keep the bulky batteries running, the men of the family carry them downstairs and connect them to the car to charge.
“Most people are using [the car] this way,” said Mohammed, joking that the vehicle itself has barely moved because of another related shortage: gas.
In late November, Syrian Oil Minister Bassam Tohme blamed the crisis on delayed shipments from “friends,” a reference to Iran, which has been supplying President Bashar al-Assad’s government with oil since 2013. That month, Iran was set to increase its oil exports to Syria from 2 million to 3 million barrels a month, Syrian newspaper al-Watan reported.
“What was being imported was according to need only,” Tohme told state TV, saying the cash-strapped country now imports 90 percent of its fuel.
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During the course of a 12-year civil war, Damascus lost most of its oil-rich northeast — including the country’s largest oil field, al-Omar — to Islamic State militants, and then to Kurdish armed groups backed by the United States.
Its dependence on Iran for oil, bought on credit that few others will extend to a country still under Western sanctions, puts Syria at the mercy of forces beyond its control. Tohme pointed to an incident last April, when Greece detained an Iranian-flagged ship and part of its oil cargo was temporarily confiscated by the United States.
Syrians are looking to neighboring Lebanon, where gas may be expensive but is at least readily available. The strip of land that connects the two countries has become an informal marketplace where dusty plastic bottles filled with the fluorescent greenish-yellow liquid are freely bought and sold.
This black-market fuel “has provided relief to people,” said one Syrian driver who ferries people between the two countries. He described cars bearing Lebanese license plates lined up along the side of the road in this no man’s land; drivers openly siphon the gas from their tanks and sell it to those driving into Syria.
“If you cross the Syrian [border] the price changes, and your profit becomes better,” he said.
The driver, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the illicit dealings, said Lebanese customs officers, long known not to accept bribes, now make money off the trade.
Syrian taxi drivers, who still receive subsidized gas, have taken to hawking it on street corners. Shops secretly hoard containers and sell them to those who know to ask — like an exclusive off-menu item.
On Facebook, Syrians’ preferred social media site, groups dedicated to finding open gas stations are now crowded with offers to sell gas in old sunflower oil containers and water gallons. Lebanese gas fetches slightly more than Syrian fuel. Sellers post the grade and price, along with their location — delivery is naturally not offered.
In a sign of palpable public anger, pro-government outlets are increasingly carrying news of the crisis. “Total paralysis due to lack of fuel … no life in the streets of Syrian capital,” read one headline this month. The report from Al Mayadeen, a Lebanese channel that covers Syria extensively, said microbus stops in Damascus were overcrowded as people rushed to take the only affordable method of transportation. “Damascus seemed almost bereft of cars even at peak [rush] hours during the day,” the report said.
The government has been forced to acknowledge the fuel shortages and implement a series of stopgap measures. The country’s General Sports Federation has indefinitely postponed all soccer and basketball matches. Last month, public servants were given two additional days off per week. In October, officials announced they would make daylight saving time permanent in an effort to conserve power, leading Syrians to ridicule them on social media.
“They couldn’t provide petrol and gasoline for winter, so they decided to go and cancel all of winter,” one Hama resident commented. “So tomorrow we’ll be cold for an extra hour,” another wrote.
Sarah Dadouch is a Be

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'may be you should look' through my posts and see what reference to Moscow Petersburg I have made. You are hallucinating as I have made no posts recently with that reference that you are thinking about. What ever you are smoking, its clearly the same as Putin's advisers, and stop smoking it.

As for T-34s: they didn't then much like the T-72s today dont operate themselves. Once you produce them you need soldiers inside them. Thats where Ukrainians came in.

And T-34s are not made from oil and gas that Russia has. You need steel. The raw materials for the tanks and other WWII equipment was coming from outside of 'mother' Russia and also from outside Europe.

Ah yes, the "Moscow Petersburg" post was from the other...dont know how to descripe him...with the same thematic

But for the rest of your comment in the last post i repeat what i wrote

You still are short of information. Maybe you should inform you first "where" the T34 were produced back then. And then you should inform you how this places developed till today.
Well the Russian plan is try to capture whole of Dobass, maintain the landbridge to Crimea and then sue for peace/ceasefire for "talks". Ukraine - however, needs to launch its operation towards Metipol before any progress is made in Donbass - otherwise holding the coalition together will be difficult as the lure of a "ceasefire" and "negiotations" would be too much for the Germans and others to resist.

That is why Ukraine is urgently asking for tanks and most likely why Germany is dragging it's feet - Germany wants to go "back to the old days" of buying energy from Russia asap ...
You cannot negotiate with someone that has no plans to keep a deal.
Russia has shown that negotiations are meaningless.
This is how Russia treats its few friends, worse than how US treats its enemies.

Lots of fuel in Russia, but Syria is shut down because lack of any fuel. Its per capita and PPP GDP are 1/4th of IRaqs.

This is why countries fight till their death to resist being part of Russia. And pro-Putin beggars have to resort to some moral argument about Minsk agreement or something. Fuel is the one thing (other than hubris) Russia has plenty of , and its only friend has none of it, and Israelis beat the crap out of it under the Russian S-400s.

‘No life’ in Syrian cities as fuel crisis plunges country into darkness
BEIRUT — In Syria’s third-largest city, it takes Mohammed’s family a week to do a load of laundry.
“There’s no specific time for the electricity to come,” said Mohammed, speaking by phone from Homs, in the west of the country. “Sometimes it comes for an hour, sometimes it comes for two hours, sometimes it comes for 10 minutes. Sometimes it doesn’t come, at all, all day.”
Mohammed’s mother washes most clothes by hand, leaving those that need heavy-duty washing in the machine, which whirs back to life whenever the power returns.
Already battered by years of war and deprivation, Syrians are now suffering through a crippling fuel crisis. Extended electricity cuts have sunk most of the country into a near-constant blackout. In the capital, Damascus, some neighborhoods receive as little as 15 minutes of power every 24 hours; in more central areas, closer to the presidential palace, the lights stay on for longer. With gasoline also in short supply, main thoroughfares are often devoid of traffic, and the Syrian-Lebanese border has become a thriving black market for fuel.
In Homs — and across the country — life has come to a virtual standstill. “It’s a city of ghosts,” Mohammed said, speaking on the condition that only his first name be used, fearing government reprisal for speaking to foreign media.
Most Syrians rely on generators for electricity, but those also require fuel. Families who can afford them have turned to large, expensive batteries that are hooked up to solar panels. Many aren’t so lucky.
“People are burning slippers, nylon, plastic bottles for heat. It makes me want to cry,” Mohammed said. “You can see people on the street, gathering plastic from garbage bags, even the garbage bags themselves, and burning them.”
In recent years, during colder months, children have died of asphyxiation after their parents burned plastic and fabrics to stay warm. So far, this winter has at least been mild.
Mohammed’s family has a battery, but it’s only strong enough for LED lights. He charges his phone on a power bank, which he recharges at the house of a relative who saved up for a couple of solar panels. When he went to visit a doctor, she charged him double — once for the checkup, and again for turning on the generator.
To keep the bulky batteries running, the men of the family carry them downstairs and connect them to the car to charge.
“Most people are using [the car] this way,” said Mohammed, joking that the vehicle itself has barely moved because of another related shortage: gas.
In late November, Syrian Oil Minister Bassam Tohme blamed the crisis on delayed shipments from “friends,” a reference to Iran, which has been supplying President Bashar al-Assad’s government with oil since 2013. That month, Iran was set to increase its oil exports to Syria from 2 million to 3 million barrels a month, Syrian newspaper al-Watan reported.
“What was being imported was according to need only,” Tohme told state TV, saying the cash-strapped country now imports 90 percent of its fuel.
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During the course of a 12-year civil war, Damascus lost most of its oil-rich northeast — including the country’s largest oil field, al-Omar — to Islamic State militants, and then to Kurdish armed groups backed by the United States.
Its dependence on Iran for oil, bought on credit that few others will extend to a country still under Western sanctions, puts Syria at the mercy of forces beyond its control. Tohme pointed to an incident last April, when Greece detained an Iranian-flagged ship and part of its oil cargo was temporarily confiscated by the United States.
Syrians are looking to neighboring Lebanon, where gas may be expensive but is at least readily available. The strip of land that connects the two countries has become an informal marketplace where dusty plastic bottles filled with the fluorescent greenish-yellow liquid are freely bought and sold.
This black-market fuel “has provided relief to people,” said one Syrian driver who ferries people between the two countries. He described cars bearing Lebanese license plates lined up along the side of the road in this no man’s land; drivers openly siphon the gas from their tanks and sell it to those driving into Syria.
“If you cross the Syrian [border] the price changes, and your profit becomes better,” he said.
The driver, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the illicit dealings, said Lebanese customs officers, long known not to accept bribes, now make money off the trade.
Syrian taxi drivers, who still receive subsidized gas, have taken to hawking it on street corners. Shops secretly hoard containers and sell them to those who know to ask — like an exclusive off-menu item.
On Facebook, Syrians’ preferred social media site, groups dedicated to finding open gas stations are now crowded with offers to sell gas in old sunflower oil containers and water gallons. Lebanese gas fetches slightly more than Syrian fuel. Sellers post the grade and price, along with their location — delivery is naturally not offered.
In a sign of palpable public anger, pro-government outlets are increasingly carrying news of the crisis. “Total paralysis due to lack of fuel … no life in the streets of Syrian capital,” read one headline this month. The report from Al Mayadeen, a Lebanese channel that covers Syria extensively, said microbus stops in Damascus were overcrowded as people rushed to take the only affordable method of transportation. “Damascus seemed almost bereft of cars even at peak [rush] hours during the day,” the report said.
The government has been forced to acknowledge the fuel shortages and implement a series of stopgap measures. The country’s General Sports Federation has indefinitely postponed all soccer and basketball matches. Last month, public servants were given two additional days off per week. In October, officials announced they would make daylight saving time permanent in an effort to conserve power, leading Syrians to ridicule them on social media.
“They couldn’t provide petrol and gasoline for winter, so they decided to go and cancel all of winter,” one Hama resident commented. “So tomorrow we’ll be cold for an extra hour,” another wrote.
Sarah Dadouch is a Be

Iran exports oil and gas petrochemicals etc why iran aint giving oil gas to Syria this exposes iran's true nature which is to spread chaos in the lands with its sectarianism and sectarian proxies and to promote sectarian policies in the region iran from the very start is playing double game in Syria. Iran is hitting Syrian establishment and Syrian armed forces also in Syria
Sure, all what is not in the narrativ-corridor of the "West" is propaganda...
You didnt quote a single OSCE report to back up your statement. All youre left to do is claim Ukraine was running bio-labs and secretly getting ready to nuke Russia, and your task is complete.
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Russia's regin as a pretend wannabe super power is over for sure now...
based on what? your empty opinion?
USA's future - well - lets see ..
see what when we can see it now- dont you see all the lost wars, internal divisions, debt default risk etc?
currently they are getting a fantastic return on investment for their $50billion to degrade and destory russia militarily,
but US gave over $100bn+ already, and Ukraine has lost the initiative in the war and lost land it will never get back and lost ALOT of lives for it...so sure, keep believing the US govt...ur their groupie.
economically and socially..
lmao...you have no real counter, so dont troll, read and learn.
based on what? your empty opinion?

see what when we can see it now- dont you see all the lost wars, internal divisions, debt default risk etc?

but US gave over $100bn+ already, and Ukraine has lost the initiative in the war and lost land it will never get back and lost ALOT of lives for it...so sure, keep believing the US govt...ur their groupie.

lmao...you have no real counter, so dont troll, read and learn.
The US donated 50 billion in humanitarian, financial and military support in 2022. Do you ever get tired of making up stories? None of your posts are trustworthy.
rebel Tornado-G arti pounding government troops in Donbas

rebels pound government troops in Bakhmut AKA Stalingrad of Donbas

rebel T-90M tanks in Donbas war

rebel laser guided arti hit government ammo depot in Donbas war

rebel T-72B3M tanks in Donbas war

rebel mortar pounding government troops in Bakhmut AKA Stalingrad of Donbas

You didnt quote a single OSCE report to back up your statement. All youre left to do is claim Ukraine was running bio-labs and secretly getting ready to nuke Russia, and your task is complete.

Ok, here we go:

In Ukraine were Biolabs that were also run by Germany.

Your turn.


And for the little negative rating man this one

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