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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called for a diplomatic solution that gives Russia and Ukraine a "dignified way out" of the crisis sparked by Russia's invasion.

"Together, we need to find a reasonably practical diplomatic solution that will give both sides a dignified way out of the crisis," Erdogan said, speaking on September 20 at the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

He said a lasting peace must be based on protecting Ukraine's territorial integrity and added that Turkey will continue to increase its efforts to end the war.

"I invite international organizations and all countries to give sincere support to Turkey's efforts," he said.

"If peace is going to be established in Ukraine, of course, returning the land that was invaded will become important," he said.

Ceasefire is possible only if Russia is vacated invaded areas. Then Russia should be thankful if Ukraine did not demand referendum in Dagestan and Chechnya, among other regions which seek separation from the Russian Oligarchy.
i was replying to some one saying Russia doesn't want cease fire
yes Russia should give up Moscow to Ukrainians as well
Well, i give you the info you dont have

1. The US did a coup in 2014 in Ukraine
2. After the coup the new illegal gov decides to erease all what is russian in the country, beginning with the language and culture.
3. A lot of Ukraines, espacially millions in the east Ukraine/Donbas, did not accept that and hold referendum to leave Ukraine.
4. The US-coup-gov decides to kill all pro russian in Ukraine and bomb and kill and harm tens of thousands of civilists in east Ukraine and also in the south/southwest Ukraine.
5. Then Russia try to install a peace treaty with the help of Germany and France to end the killings in east Ukraine, called Minsk I and Minsk II. Ukraine signed both, but still kill civilists in east Ukraine.
6. Then, after 8 years of killing civilists in east Ukraine by forces of the Ukraine, Russia decides to end this genozid and use military force for this.
7. Meanwhile France and Germany, in form of Hollande and Merkel some weeks ago, officially said that Minsk I and Minsk II are only tools to get time for the US to build up Ukraine military against Russia.

So all you wrote on this point is officially declared as a lie.

The one getting the "coup" Treatment...

Wow the US is such a great country for helping Ukraine overthrowing a government so corrupt he owned a personal zoo.
LOL this reminds me couple o years back that all Chinese & Russian fanboys here said that all they needed to do was lobbing missiles at the target until the enemy capitulate.

Turns out in reality all that does is just pissing people off,

LOL the gaslight is strong here,
Ukraine gave the excuse for Russia to hit infrastructure by trying to blow up the Crimea bridge

had it not done so this wouldn't have been happening
"....if he commits treason or other crime..."

but he didnt. He saved Ukrain becomming a failed state. With the help of Russia. He had no other chance. Cause the "West" didnt help.

Also the 1996 constitution was valid at this time. And in the 1996 constitution the president had more rights. And this 1996 constitution was approved by the Rada.

He did not have the authority to sign the deal with Russia.
He has since then been convicted of treason.
Don’t bother answering, since further comments from You will not be in my feed.
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Ukraine gave the excuse for Russia to hit infrastructure by trying to blow up the Crimea bridge

had it not done so this wouldn't have been happening

LOL the Russian were already bombing civy targets before the crimean bridge What is it with you people and gaslighting?

We get it you people doesn't have any moral so you resort to lying to get score some imaginary point.
With uk sending tanks and heavy weapons it further puts pressure on Ukraine's nato allies to send more tanks and heavy weapons to support their ally Ukraine against invading russian establishment with nato and other Ukraine allies sending more sophisticated and high tech weapons to Ukraine this war which russia imposed on Ukraine will turn into next vietnam and Afghanistan for invading russian establishment
He did not have the authority to sign the deal with Russia.
He has since then been convicted of treason.
Don’t bother answering, since further comments from You will not be in my feed.
Did you ever read the 1996 constitution? And did you know the differences to the 2004 constitution?

There is a lot info about this topic out there. You should try to read one.

Russian Fighter Jets ‘Buzzed’ UK’s Most Powerful Warship HMS Queen Elizabeth In A ‘Threatening Maneuver’: BBC​

ByAshish Dangwal

January 13, 2023

On January 12, the BBC broadcast a dramatic video capturing the moment a group of Russian fighter planes flew past Britain’s most powerful warship, HMS Queen Elizabeth, in a ‘threatening’ maneuver.
The three Russian fighters, which included at least two Su-24 fighters, were videotaped roaring toward the British aircraft carrier and her battle group. At the time of the incident, the Carrier Strike Group led by the HMS Queen Elizabeth was sailing towards the Suez Canal.
The footage was recorded in June 2021 during the first operational mission of Queen HMS Queen Elizabeth. However, the trailer of the BBC documentary was made public on January 12 about the ship’s seven-month deployment to the Far East.
The first of a six-part documentary series detailing the deployment of the Royal Navy Carrier Strike Group will air on BBC on January 22, 2023.

The British naval crew can be seen in the video spotting the three Russian warplanes heading straight toward the ship, a maneuver that might easily result in a severe conflict.
Officials of the Royal Navy can be seen rushing into action as the F-35 stealth jets, a part of Queen Elizabeth’s fleet, prepare to take flight. One naval officer reports, “I’ve got three Russian jets at six miles.”
“Visual. Roger. Three Russian aircraft coming in,” another crew member said.
A British Naval officer warned, “This is a coalition warship. Your actions appear to be threatening. Turn away immediately, or I may take action against you.”

HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08) - Wikipedia
HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08) – Wikipedia
The jets, reported to have been dispatched from Russia’s Khmeimim Air Base on Syria’s north-east coast, are recorded roaring past the warship. It is one of several confrontations with Russian forces that the crew of HMS Queen Elizabeth is said to have had.
The Russian jets are seen turning away from the British flagship after making a near flyby of the warship while sirens blare across HMS Queen Elizabeth.
When the incident with the Russians occurred, HMS Queen Elizabeth was on her first operational deployment and had been utilizing her onboard air wing of F-35 stealth planes to conduct strike sorties against ISIS militants in the Middle East.
F-35 stealth aircraft from the 617 Squadron were conducting strike flights against ISIS militants in the Middle East at the time of the incident.

Confrontation Between British And Russian Forces

Meanwhile, it has also been reported that, before the confrontation, Admiral Makarov, the prized flagship of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, was also engaged in the unprecedented encounter.
The US destroyer The Sullivans, Queen Elizabeth’s American escort ship, is seen being hurriedly dispatched to thwart the Makarov in the BBC documentary The Warship: Tour of Duty.
It was one of several confrontations with Russian forces that HMS Queen Elizabeth had throughout her mission, according to the British media. The sources told the British press that no aggressive interactions occurred between the Russians and the British task force.
“There’s a healthy respect for safety. However, we can’t let an aircraft from another nation overfly our carrier without standing up and defending our carrier,” sources added.
A spokesperson for the Royal Navy also stated that throughout the successful deployment of the Carrier Strike Group in 2021, marine and airborne forces frequently approached HMS Queen Elizabeth and her multinational group.
HMS Defender (D36) - Wikipedia
HMS Defender (D36) – Wikipedia
As usual, strong defenses were in place to keep the group safe. The spokesperson added that one of them was an Astute Class submarine, and routine challenges were issued when necessary and appropriate.
The latest BBC video is thought to have been captured just a few days before Russian forces and a British vessel engaged in combat in the Black Sea.
During that time, Russia stated that one of its patrol boats had launched warning shots at HMS Defender and that munitions landed in front of the ship. It is worth noting that HMS Defender was part of the HMS Queen Elizabeth’s carrier group when the incident unfolded.
The Type 45 destroyer was warned, “If you don’t change the course, I’ll fire.” After the British ship refused to budge, warning shots were launched from the Russian patrol ship.
It marked the first time Moscow acknowledged deploying live weapons to dissuade a NATO warship since the Cold War. However, Britain categorically refuted the claims, saying that the destroyer remained in international seas and that no shots were fired.
By siding with Americans, Europe is crippling its own economy for a short term benefit of American war economy.
Ukraine is not siding with the Americans, Americans are sending minimal arms to Ukraine to drag the war week after week. Americans are siding with Ukraine to minimally defend itself with 20 HIMARS and small amounts of other equipment, while Putin tries to take down the EU economically and politically with a long war.

Europe is not siding with the Americans, Russia wants the Baltic States, perhaps more after Ukraine. Biden is offering vocal support to NATO Europe and a few more tanks and other equipment, while Russia with 50K+ heavy weapons, wants the Russian Empire again and the Warsaw Pact again.

This is like Japan going imperialist again, and Japan wants to retake much of China. Then the USA says "we side with China", while winking at Japan and smiling, and sending 20 HIMARS to China to be hero of China as Imperialist Japan invades China again with Russian-style huge stockpiles of weapons.

This war has very little to do with Military Industrial Complex, this is not a war for profits for Wall street, or else US would be giving much more to defend Europe. This is a completely different war. As Bannon, Trump, Tucker and Russia Republicans back Bolsonaro coup, Biden backs Lula overtly with words. It is the same in Europe. The Republican deepstate back the takedown of democracy in Brazil and Europe. While Democrats say they support liberty, yet barely do anything about actually defeating these authoritarian dictators - Trumper Bolsonaro and Trumper Putin. Bannon is a Putinite. Does anybody foolish say, the Brazilians need to stop fighting for Lula, the winner of the election, and instead support Bolsonaro because Washington supports Lula and is using Brazil for USA benefit. It is exactly the same in Europe. A dictator is trying to take as much of Europe as Putin wants to take, Europe is defending liberty, democracy and freedom in Europe. Same as Lula supporters are defending democracy with overt Biden support for Lula. The same instigators of Bannon, Tucker, Trump, Flynn, and Russia Republicans support Putin friend Bolsonaro and Trumper Putin. It is not a Russia Republican cia plot to defeat Putin. Putin is in on it with cia asset Tucker, Bannon and Trump.

Merkel: Putin Wants to Destroy Europe​

Trump also wants to see Europe in ruin.

Because Lula is supported by Biden, are we to back Trumper Bolsonaro, a Putin clone.?.

By siding with Biden on Lula, Brazil is crippling its own political situation for a short term benefit of American hegemony.

That is how little the Putin defense makes sense.

Biden could have stopped this with a US only no-fly zone over Ukraine. Biden refused. Biden could have stopped this with thousands of Bradleys and artillery, and hundreds of HIMARS in 2022. Biden gave only token support to Ukraine, enough to drag on the war.

Russia is a clear and present danger to the EU. We are aware of this. The war is against Europe. To knock out enemies of Trump/Putin. Trump takes out China and Iran. Putin takes out the EU. That is the Trump plan. Being on Team Putin means you are on Team Trump.
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