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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russia has been assaulting prepared defensive lines for months without much progress.

Military logic would indicate higher russian losses. especially considering the (relatively poor) tactics and training involved.

We will see man. For the time being we are more than happy that the war goes on smoothly.
They became better allies for India than the cucks US/UK for Pakistan.

But I, for one, agree with @Dalit that this conflict works to our benefit. Suppose we can add more fuel to the fire, the less pressure on the Islamic World overall. Sadly, casualties happened, but even Ukraine jumped on the Coalition of the Willing bandwagon and went to Iraq, so no love was lost here. There is a reason why 50 some nations are silent between Pakistan and Morocco; they had the chance to pull up their Huggies diapers.

Ukraine supported us Pakistanis in UN against India many times over Kashmir for our PAK interests. Ukraine has even helped and sold us Pakistanis its weapons. It has offered many defence products to Pakistan and Pakistan also brought some products like T-80 tank, tank engine for its Al-Khalid tank etc. In exchange like I said Ukraine has supported us Pakistan at UN. AND putin Moscow has always been your enemy that’s never going to change. So I’m in return doing my bit for kiev on here you should do the same or are we just going become silly because of USA pakistan cRap politics. I believe it’s important not to be seen as untrustworthy unreliable in eyes of others by taking a neutral stance on one time good ally of ours kiev & Pakistan.and I got no time for our cowards in Rawalpindi, Ukraine war isn’t going to hide or cover up our weak fear of USA coming to us for help regardless of Ukrainian war. If you want to stop being kicked around by west then do what Ukrainians did fight for your selves and kick out your Rawalpindi corrupt boot lickers.
Not true. That's not history, just propaganda. Selective facts.
The war undeniably started with Germany invading Poland. They had an agreement in place with the Soviet Union to split up Poland before that, and the Soviet Union entering the war two weeks later was a result of that. That makes the Soviet Union as responsible as Germany.
Germany was aware of that the invasion would result in a war with the UK and France, and they took the decision to start the war.

Russia has been the aggressor in Ukraine since 2014.
The war undeniably started with Germany invading Poland. They had an agreement in place with the Soviet Union to split up Poland before that, and the Soviet Union entering the war two weeks later was a result of that. That makes the Soviet Union as responsible as Germany.
Germany was aware of that the invasion would result in a war with the UK and France, and they took the decision to start the war.

Russia has been the aggressor in Ukraine since 2014.
I agree with the facts you pointed out. But this not full history, just selective facts. The origin of WW2 is a bit more complicated.

If we go back to what had happened before ww2, we can trace back to WW1 Treaty of Versailles, or even earlier.

Remember, the British killed more people, destroyed more nations than anyone else on earth throughout human history. Don't tell me they didn't have any responsibility on WW2.

Appeasement is the foreign policy of the British Empire, to make Germany attack the Soviet. Not to mention the divide and rule policy of the British Empire.

No one was innocent. The appeasement policy backfired.
There is just one problem I see on this for the Islamic World.

Where are they going to turn to after this to balance the power of the region??

There are currently 3 powers that play into each other, the West (US+EU), Russia and China. The thing is, as this war drag on, what do you think Islamic World would see as an alternative to counter the asserted aggression by the West? Russia is thoroughly and utterly defeated in this, I mean, you don't really need to know anything military to know Russia is not doing well in this war. So how would people (not just Muslim) think Russia is a viable candidate to balance the West anymore?? So the remaining option is China, but then one issue tho, China seems to be abandoned Russia probably at their most needed time. I mean, the West, no matter what they did, they supported Ukraine even with the Pressure from Russia, China don't even send their drone to help the Russian or even artillery round or anything, by all account, China is hanging Russia out to dry, and they were supposedly blood brother (or all weather brother) like they proclaim and the longer this war go on, I mean if Russia, being that close (I mean geographically) to China and that powerful counterbalance to the west and still China still wouldn't jump in, why you think the Chinese would jump in and help the Islamic World in their time of needed??

Say on a hypothetical, if India really go to war or have some sort of border intrusion tomorrow, can Pakistan rely on China support when you guys have 11 months to see China stringing up Russia and withholding their support?

On the other hand, the longer this war continue, the more expensive the energy needs, the more the West and more likely China would want to seek alternative fuel and energy source, that would mean the single biggest weapon the Middle Eastern world had would lose its power, that being the controlling of fossil fuel. This war had opened people eyes not just on Russian aggression, but also the vulnerability of their energy security, EU was hit particularly hard, while diverting their energy need can nip the short-term issue for now, but the West are going to push for alternative energy abandoning Fossil Fuel probably quicker than all those woke nonsense combine. If you think of it this way, what kind of power Saudi or Qatar would yield if both the West and Chinese step away from fossil fuel??
I think the situation of Russia and Pakistan are different.

Russia is attacking Ukraine. While Pakistan will be defending India aggression.

If China supports Pakistan against India invasion, every Muslim countries will be on China side, including Bangladesh. Every India neighbor will support China, including Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan.

While, if China provides weapons to Russia during the invasion of Ukraine, who will be on China side? None.

Offense and defense is different. Pakistan and Russia are in different position.
Everyone knew it. Thanks.

But not the full picture of history.
So what the full picture ? Russia worked with Nazi for years ... They gave them training ground for new weapon to test and resources. If Germany didn't invite them they would be best buddies till today :sarcastic:
So what the full picture ? Russia worked with Nazi for years ... They gave them training ground for new weapon to test and resources. If Germany didn't invite them they would be best buddies till today :sarcastic:
You are Polish. I understand. We read different materials.
It seems that these Ukrainians are getting training in propaganda from India. This is their standard technique. :lol:

Why would that be hard to believe? We've all seen Russians committing 10-15 soldier assault on Ukrainian positions all the time and they end up dying.
I think the situation of Russia and Pakistan are different.

Russia is attacking Ukraine. While Pakistan will be defending India aggression.

If China supports Pakistan against India invasion, every Muslim countries will be on China side, including Bangladesh. Every India neighbor will support China, including Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan.

While, if China provides weapons to Russia during the invasion of Ukraine, who will be on China side? None.

Offense and defense is different. Pakistan and Russia are in different position.
Well, if that is an unprovoked invasion between India and Pakistan, I would agree, the problem is, it's not always that clear cut. China sold weapon to Pakistan, and to some degree, train and transfer their technology to Pakistan, but I doubt China would do more.

War is not about who is right or who is wrong, war is about taking side. Bear in mind, many people speculated before this war started, Putin most likely and did seek China tacit approval before he begin his invasion, xi most likely would have supported Russia had this campaign did not simply went to shit. On the other hand, China lack of support now went before Military, but also in political term, for example, nobody would have said anything if China stands by Russia and veto the UN motion on both UNSC and UNGA because that's virtually non-consequential move, as Russia itself would have vetoed anyway, but then China still would not put itself on Russian side. You may argue China see that this is either an illegal war, or it was really none of their business or cave to international pressure, but other people will say this is just China playing side, I mean large majority of Chinese are on Russian side on this, so that would mostly reflect by their government, as the citizens was fed what the Government feed them.

If this is a limited war, China, would probably like Belorussia, would have engage in the late stage of the war and share the spoil, the fact that even Belorussia wasn't engaged in this war despite the fact that they allowed Russia to invade Ukraine from Belorussia soil, mostly because Russia failed spectacularly on this war and that was not foreseen by Chinese or Belorussian, and that's because even Russia did not foresee that coming on a full scale war.
All you have to do is browse in this thread and read the comments from dear honorable members. We are almost a year into the war. Just saying.

Dude, Russians have captured strategic areas and are now pushing for more. The more you guys rant in this topic the worse the situation gets for Ukraine. I think it is better for you guys take a pause. Perhaps that might improve the situation for Ukraine
To be honest Russia was saying this was going to be a 2 to 3 weeks "special military operation" to take over Ukraine and get rid of its "neo nazis". In fact if i want to be honest, many members on here , western military and political authorities in the West (including me) thought Russia will take over Ukraine in a matter of weeks. It was a surprise to everybody how determined Ukrainians were to defend their country, this encouraged western countries to start providing real aid to Ukraine. Without Ukrainian determination, sacrifice and passion to fight the invaders, Russia would have long captured all of Ukraine despite their horrendous incompetent leadership.
So its actually Russia who has been embrassed in this conflict to be honest. They underestimated Ukraine's resolve to protect their territory.
I'm sure if India invaded your home country Pakistan, then despite the odds many of you pakistanis will also be willing to sacrifice fight and them to the end no? Lol So you should sympathise with Ukraine i suppose. 😁😆
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which means your side is behind, because it cant have effective strategy without knowing what the opposite sie is thinking.

but its Ukranians who have died like cannon fodder in Bakmut- you've got it reversed here buddy- Ukraine lost so many soldiers in Bakhmut- even the Ukranian troops in Bakhmut couldnt hide the fact that so many Ukranian troops had been neutralised there- Ukrainian army tried to hide that fact by just sending more soldiers there- and Russia gladly continued to denazify good Ukrainian ground forces- easier in one place/Bakhmut than chasing them all over Ukraine no?

Ukraine DID use up ALOT of its men- the "Bakhmut meat grinder " is now a historical phrase and reality in the Ukraine war- this is reality, not a fake cartoon character like ghost of Kiev.

lmao..you're so behind, no wonder Ukraine is losing territory daily now- its war plans are broken - no electricity, no transformers, no artillery on the frontline, no real APCs, now using pick uip trucks, obv no fuel, no morale- lots of POWs being captured daily.

But the war is still heavy, but i am seeing signs that Russia's military is well supported and greased up on the "back end", but Ukraine's back end war logistics is in horrible shapes- no trains to transport military personnel and equipment due to denazification of Ukraine's power grid, no artillery, no warm meals on the frontline right as COLD winter sets in...low equipment supply to Ukrainian troops, thats why they fire few artillery (and are dying more because of that).

I know who has the momentum in this war as of today- its Russia.
You didn't respond to my point about why your Mullahs in Iran had to sacrifice over a million of you people fighting Iraq's invasion, instead of surrendering to Saddam(who was like a military hegemon back then) and negotiating for a peaceful settlelent and just giving up some territory to Iraq to avoid the deaths and destruction of Iraq. Yet the Mullahs insisted on fighting and even sending child soldiers on front line as cannon fodder for the hobor of the country. Lol
Seems your Mullah's made the same decision as Zelensky's government which you are now criticising for daring to fight their invader. 😆
To be honest Russia waw saying this was goibg to be a 2 to 3 weeks special military operation to take over Ukraine and get rid of its "neo nazis". In fact if i want to be honest, many members on here , western military and political authorities in the West (including me) thought Russia will take over Ukraine in a matter of weeks. It was a surprise to everybody how determined Ukrainians were to defend their country, this encouraged western countries to start providing real aid to Ukraine. Without Ukrainian determination, sacrifice and passion to fight the invaders, Russia would have long captured all of Ukraine despite their horrendous incompetent leadership.
So its actually Russia who has been embrassed in this conflict to be honest. They underestimated Ukraine's resolve to protect their territory.
Im sure if India invaded your home country Pakistan, then despite the odds many of you pakistanis will also be willing to sacrifice fight and them to the end no? Lol So you should sympathise with Ukraine i suppose. 😁😆

From the outset western military specialists were saying even if the Russians were to take the land to hold Ukraine against the will of the people would need a force of 1 million soldiers and every month would see hundreds going home in body bags. Even to hold the Dombas area would need 100,000 troops. Conscripts do not know how to conduct this type of combat so the casualty level will be very high. The Russian approach of scaring Ukraine into submission failed and now the take it by force option is also failing. If the Russians were wise to avoid further losses and embarrassment they would withdraw.

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