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Russia to Lend Vietnam $9B for First Nuke Plant

It's not a surprise that Viet people love communism; they give us money and weapon. Democracy, they gave us nothing:P
We shall finish negotiation with USA to have enrich uranium technology of USA in Vietnam.
I firmly believe america will not dare to do this. The reason is that any move by america to "arm" Viet Nam will result in 100-fold retaliation by the Chinese to arm america's enemies to the teeth. At the end of the day, america will chicken out knowing that it will lose too much to gain from any funny adventure with Viet Nam. However, if we can't milk america for anything, we still do not lose anything either because our nuclear protocol states clearly that Viet Nam will obtain the ability to enrich uranium ourselves; we'll do it through other means.
This is a good development , Vietnam is a fast growing economy and its need for energy resources is immense , dependence on coal and gas for power plants is not a long term solution . Safe Civilian nuclear energy is the way to go , the same applies for both India and Vietnam !
I firmly believe america will not dare to do this. The reason is that any move by america to "arm" Viet Nam will result in 100-fold retaliation by the Chinese to arm america's enemies to the teeth. At the end of the day, america will chicken out knowing that it will lose too much to gain from any funny adventure with Viet Nam. However, if we can't milk america for anything, we still do not lose anything either because our nuclear protocol states clearly that Viet Nam will obtain the ability to enrich uranium ourselves; we'll do it through other means.

problem to USA is that if USA gov permit Vietnam using USA technology, in fact they can indirectly control production capacity of Vietnam and others matters are related to nuke.
The amount of loan from Russian is very big, it may include others special fees. :coffee:

problem to USA is that if USA gov permit Vietnam using USA technology, in fact they can indirectly control production capacity of Vietnam and others matters are related to nuke.
The amount of loan from Russian is very big, it may include others special fees. :coffee:
Russia could have lend us $9 bil for 15 Amur-class submarines or 72 PAK-FA, j/k
I put high hope for Viet Nam keep doing what its does right now, that could a big help and big changes for Viet Nam in the future. Time for Viet Nam waking up and do something rights.[Say NO to 2nd PMU again]
+1 Congrats to vietnam..

@tsherg, dude thorium to viet is bit too much.. let india operate its first thorium nuke. Not in next 10-15 yrs.

You're over estimating the timeline buddy. The reactors in testing will start coming into play in another 3-5 years. In next 15 years we will finish installing all these all over the nation. Who says that we can sell only after installing our own?

First rule of business and especially strategic one: Supply your friends and emerging key partners with something that you're doing as well.
im expecting th US to condemn this, or are they just against Muslims?

:blink: Why would US condemn this?

Let's see Vietnamese status:

- Signatory to NPT.
- Not involved in any proliferation.
- Peaceful nation with a small but rising economy.
- Good strategic location.
- No hostile record except in retaliation.
- The most lucrative country for business emerging in Southeast Asia right now in terms of economy.

And just in case you were not convinced, here's something for you:

US-Vietnam nuke deal
Russia to Lend Vietnam $9B for First Nuke Plant - Bloomberg

Russia to Lend Vietnam $9B for First Nuke Plant

Russia agreed to lend Vietnam as much as $9 billion to fund the construction of the Southeast Asian nation’s first nuclear power plant as the countries deepen their economic ties.
“The total loan value will be between $8 billion and $9 billion, depending on prices of materials at the time we start construction,” Phan Minh Tuan, head of state-run Vietnam Electricity’s nuclear energy development department, said by telephone today. The lending period will be as long as 28 years, Tuan said, declining to disclose the interest rate.
Vietnam said last year it plans to build as many as 13 nuclear power stations with a capacity totaling 16,000 megawatts over the next two decades. The announcement attracted interest from atomic plant builders including Moscow-based Rosatom Corp. and China’s Guangdong Nuclear Power Group Co.
Construction of the 2,000-megawatt Ninh Thuan 1 plant is scheduled to start in 2014, Tuan said.
Russia will also fund the plant’s feasibility study, to be conducted by a group consisting of E4 Group OJSC, Energoproject Kiev Co. and EnergoProject Technology Co., the state utility known as EVN said in a statement on its website. The study will last as long as two years, according to Tuan.
Vietnam and Russia will also aim to boost two-way trade to $5 billion by 2015, according to a statement posted on the Vietnamese government’s website yesterday.
The Ninh Thuan 1 plant, to be built in the south of Vietnam, will comprise two advanced light water reactors, according to EVN’s statement. The utility plans to build another atomic plant with Japanese assistance, Tuan said.
Nuclear Cooperation
Japan Atomic Power Co. signed a 2 billion-yen ($26 million) contract to carry out an 18-month feasibility study for the Ninh Thuan 2 plant, EVN said Sept. 28.
Ninh Thuan 1 and 2 are expected to meet about 4.5 percent of the country’s electricity demand, Le Dinh Tien, Vietnam’s deputy minister of science and technology, said Aug. 15.
The government is trying to boost power generation to meet its goal of annual economic growth of as much as 7 percent in the 2011 to 2015 period. Electricity use may rise 15 percent this year, EVN said in January.
Vietnam said in August last year it’s pursuing an agreement with the U.S. on civilian nuclear technology and welcomed overseas assistance, potentially signaling greater access for American companies including General Electric Co. to compete for contracts with rivals from Russia, China, Japan and France.
Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang agreed Nov. 7 to seek greater cooperation with South Korea on the development of a nuclear power plant using South Korean technology, according to a joint statement released after talks in Seoul with his counterpart President Lee Myung Bak.

I love Russia. They are great.
:blink: Why would US condemn this?

Let's see Vietnamese status:

- Signatory to NPT.
- Not involved in any proliferation.
- Peaceful nation with a small but rising economy.
- Good strategic location.
- No hostile record except in retaliation.
- The most lucrative country for business emerging in Southeast Asia right now in terms of economy.
By your own post, let me give you another example:

- NON Signatory to NPT. (Pakistan and India are also non signatory fyi)
- Rapidly increasing nuclear arsenal
- Extremely hostile, regularly attacks on civilians, takes over land etc...

See the hypocricy? Come out of politics for a while and think of this as a human and you will see how biased the US are...
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