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Russia threatens to pre-emptively strike US missile defence


Mar 1, 2012
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BBC News - Russia warns on missile defence deal with Nato and US

Russia says it is prepared to use "destructive force pre-emptively" if the US goes ahead with controversial plans for a missile defence system based in Central Europe.

The warning came after the Russian defence minister said talks on missile defence were nearing a dead end.

Moscow fears that missile interceptors would be a threat to Russia's security.

But the US and Nato say they are intended to protect against attacks from Iran or North Korea.

"A decision to use destructive force pre-emptively will be taken if the situation worsens," chief of the Russian defence staff Gen Nikolai Makarov said.

'Flawed assumptions'
Two days of talks opened on Thursday in Moscow between Russia, the US and Nato.

Russian Defence Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said the talks were "close to a dead end", but Nato said it remained hopeful of reaching a deal.

Nato Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow told the BBC that Russia's fears of a European missile defence shield were "based on some flawed assumptions" and did not weaken Russia's nuclear deterrent.

Gen Makarov also said that if the European shield was built, Russia would respond by putting more powerful warheads on its own ballistic missiles.

Russia and the US have been at odds over the issue of missile defence since 2000, ever since the idea was first put forward by then-President George W Bush.

President Barack Obama, who succeeded Mr Bush in the White House in 2008, scrapped plans for a network of bases spread across Poland and the Czech Republic with the capacity to intercept long-range missiles.

But in 2010, it signed an agreement with Poland to use an old airstrip at Redzikowo, near the Baltic coast, as a missile defence base.

For its part, Russia has put into commission a radar system in its Baltic enclave of Kaliningrad which is capable of monitoring missile launches from Europe and the North Atlantic.

While Russia is probably bluffing, I don't expect the USA to build the missile shield either. A lot of empty threats and hot air.
Looks like it's 1962 again. Russia knows this shield might disturb the balance of power aka MAD hence the threat. And USA says it is building shield because of Iran and North Korea which is just bull ****.
^^ Quite on the contrary Rafa!

I think deploying the MDS in Europe is the US's master plan. They wont let go of this. They will have 4 strategic locations that will cover the globe: Europe; East Asia; Mid East and finally the very very very last in Florida.
Russia is our best-friend-forever but America is also our best-friend-forever. India should not choose sides in this one. I think we should just stay out and see where this goes.
While Russia is probably bluffing, I don't expect the USA to build the missile shield either. A lot of empty threats and hot air.

No way NATO will back down from this because of elections in the US this year, because of the agreements made in 2010 between members that this is vital for the safety of the population etc...


Russians are bluffing. However I do see why they see this as a threat. It will in it's ultimate form do its best to prevent MAD. It isn't capable now but technical issues are only a matter of time.

In the mid term (next year) some sort of joint surveillance will be initiated most likely to ease the tensions. Russians will probably make more powerful warheads and hide them from START treaty inspectors in the meantime. :D
hope the russians wipe that despotic american regime off the map once in for all.
the russians will be doing the entire world a massive favour even though casualties will be MASSIVE.
^^ Quite on the contrary Rafa!

I think deploying the MDS in Europe is the US's master plan. They wont let go of this. They will have 4 strategic locations that will cover the globe: Europe; East Asia; Mid East and finally the very very very last in Florida.

If US implements the MDS, Russia will lose its second-strike capability. Russia has no choice but to destroy the MDS before its operational, because it means they're no longer protected by MAD. I think the US is aware of this - this kind of provocation forces a Russian response.
If US implements the MDS, Russia will lose its second-strike capability. Russia has no choice but to destroy the MDS before its operational, because it means they're no longer protected by MAD. I think the US is aware of this - this kind of provocation forces a Russian response.

The key is Russia was almost lured into agreeing their deployment on condition that Russia is not on their radar. Russia wants NATO + USA to put the condition in black and white but the later hesitates to do so. So their camouflaging statement about the MDS deployment is not targetting Russia but Iran and DPRK is the worse lie that ever made.

Here the link:

so basically its back to stalemate. You are right in saying the Russians are bluffing. They use that as serving a "make or break" ultimatum on the negotiation. But anything less than an unconditional guarantee will not make them happy!
u are a false flag troll... u were caught in the other thread.
Listen chines, get a life :woot:

10bucks says he is from the nation that loves donkey **** and has a drone gunning for his *** as we speak.
The wierd thing is that Russia opted to participate in the defense program and was rejected by NATO. I dont blame them for threatening a strike, although NATO claims it is for Iran, that may be the case right now. But who's to say in 10 years we won't use it for another purpose? The defense shield would give enormous leaverage to NATO'S allies over an affair with russia, or any middle eastern /Asian country.
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