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Russia Send Air, Sea Defenses to Syria

Merely drawing a red line is no guarantee that it will not be crossed, unless backed up with resources and resolve.

I agree mate. I think Russians and Chinese do not particularly want confrontation it is west who want to force the issue.
I agree mate. I think Russians and Chinese do not particularly want confrontation it is west who want to force the issue.

I sincerely hope that the issue can be resolved without Syria descending further into chaos and more civilian casualties.
I sincerely hope that the issue can be resolved without Syria descending further into chaos and more civilian casualties.

me too but I think we have talked about this Americans I hope are not stupid when Russians last stood up in Georgia we did not hear a whimper from Americans even though they had encouraged Georgians to be a little boisterous. btw have a look at the cars thread post 4 second half and let me know what you think it mentions this very thing six months ago (I am the oracle lol)
when a dog goes mad it even try to bite his own master same goes for US , and nato they know they dont have any thing left soo now they are just making a mess every where to start a new world war and 1st us is just pushing asian countries to fight with each other like pakistan , india , iran , sudia ,,,,, so they get a excuse to make new world war
when a dog goes mad it even try to bite his own master same goes for US , and nato they know they dont have any thing left soo now they are just making a mess every where to start a new world war and 1st us is just pushing asian countries to fight with each other like pakistan , india , iran , sudia ,,,,, so they get a excuse to make new world war

They want secure Damascus. Damascus is the please where Jesus will appear. The zionist people want to fulfill their mission. They need the whole middle-east for this and i believe that they will take it over soon or late. This must be happen because the life had its begin and it will have his end to and our guide is the Qur'aan and the hadiths. We already warned for this.
For all i know Turkey is not safe with syrian riots going all and all and i believe that turkey will sooner or later take actions against the Syria that may very well be the trigger point of the next world war
It's over guys, now, battles between FSA and Bashar gangs have moved to the capital, his gangs are getting heavy losses. You are mistaken if you think some SA-17, Pantzir-S1 or anti-ship missiles could prevent NATO & Arab forces from crushing those bloodthirsty terrorists. If you follow military situation on the ground in Syria, you would know it's over, it's a matter of time.
Britain stops Russian ship carrying attack helicopters for Syria:lol:
A Russian ship believed to be carrying helicopters and missiles for Syria has been effectively stopped in its tracks off the coast of Scotland after its insurance was cancelled at the behest of the British government.

The British marine insurer Standard Club said it had withdrawn cover from all the ships owned by Femco, a Russian cargo line, including the MV Alaed.
"We were made aware of the allegations that the Alaed was carrying munitions destined for Syria," the company said in a statement. "We have already informed the ship owner that their insurance cover ceased automatically in view of the nature of the voyage."
British security officials confirmed they had told Standard Club that providing insurance to the shipment was likely to be a breach of European Union sanctions against the Syrian regime.
They said they were continuing to monitor the ship, which has been the subject of a fierce international row since US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last week revealed it was adding to the arsenal of weaponry available for Mr Assad to use against rebellious Syrian towns.
"We have various ways of keeping track of this ship and that is what we are doing," a source told The Daily Telegraph.
Britain stops Russian ship carrying attack helicopters for Syria - Telegraph
Russia prepares to send two warships to Syria - The Globe and Mail

The Russian ships could carry more than 600 troops, but it’s unclear whether they would arrive fully loaded; some experts speculated that the mission may be intended to give Moscow options for pulling out personnel and equipment.

The Russian military base at Tartus is believed to contain highly sensitive electronic eavesdropping devices, and rumours have been circulating in Arab media that Syrian rebels could attack the installation. Russia considers the base a strategic asset, as the country’s only remaining military port outside of the former Soviet Union. Bolstering defences would allow Russia to prevent any embarrassing scenes of rebels overrunning the outpost, and allow for careful dismantling of the facility in extreme circumstances.

Reports indicated that the two Russian ships, Tsesar Kunikov and Nikolay Filchenkov, had not yet departed the Black Sea port of Sebastopol on Monday.

The Israeli news site Debkafile cited unnamed intelligence and military sources on Sunday saying the ships would be accompanied by Russian air transports carrying advanced anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles for the Syrian military, and interpreted the news as an escalation of Russia’s efforts to support the embattled regime.

But the move may have little practical effect on the military balance inside Syria, said Shashank Joshi, an associate fellow at the Royal United Services Institute. Moscow is trying to affect the discussions of Syria’s future now happening at the G20 summit in Mexico, he said, but the small Russian naval contingent would not have the capacity to intercept NATO aircraft.

The listed armaments on the ships include manually aimed SA-N-5 “Grail” missiles and anti-aircraft guns. “It’s not exactly an armada,” Mr. Joshi said. “There is no prospect whatsoever of these craft taking on a combat role.”
Russian weapon's reputation suffered a major blow at the hands of Arabs.

Angutha chaap logon ke liye kali akshar bhais barabar :rofl:

Ask china whose entire military was based on russian equipments which defeated US forces in Korea..
It's over guys, now, battles between FSA and Bashar gangs have moved to the capital, his gangs are getting heavy losses. You are mistaken if you think some SA-17, Pantzir-S1 or anti-ship missiles could prevent NATO & Arab forces from crushing those bloodthirsty terrorists. If you follow military situation on the ground in Syria, you would know it's over, it's a matter of time.
Baghdad Bob in da houseeeeeeeee
Russia Send Air, Sea Defenses to Syria: A Warning to US/West’s Contemplation of All-Out But Illegal Military Intervention

Russia’s chief arms exporter said Friday, June 15, that his company was shipping advanced defensive missile systems to Syria that could be used to shoot down airplanes or sink ships if the United States or other Western nations try to intervene to halt the country’s spiral of violence.

“I would like to say these mechanisms are really a good means of defense, a reliable defense against attacks from the air or sea,” Anatoly Isaykin, the general director of company, Rosoboronexport, said Friday. “This is not a threat, but whoever is planning an attack should think about this.”

As the weapons systems are not considered cutting edge, Isaykin’s disclosures carried greater symbolic import than military significance.

They contributed to a cold war chill that has been settling over relations between Washington and Moscow ahead a meeting between President Barack Obama and President Vladimir Putin, their first, on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit meeting in the Mexican resort of Los Cabos next week.

His remarks come just days after Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton raised diplomatic pressure on Russia, Syria’s patron, by criticizing the Kremlin for sending attack helicopters to Damascus, and amid reports that Moscow was sending an amphibious landing vessel and a small company of marines to the Syrian port of Tartus, to provide security for military installations and infrastructure.

George Little, a Defense Department spokesman, declined to comment on Isaykin’s remarks.

Alexander Golts, an independent military analyst in Moscow, said the Russians’ discussion of weapons shipments “undoubtedly” serves as a warning to Western countries contemplating an intervention.

“Russia uses these statements as a form of deterrence in Syria,” he said. “They show other countries that they are more likely to suffer losses.”

Throughout the Syrian crisis, Russia has insisted that all its arms sales to the isolated government of Bashar Assad have been defensive in nature and were not being used in the Syrian leader’s vicious campaign to suppress the opposition.

Isaykin underlined the point, but in a way that could also be interpreted as a warning to the West against undertaking the military action of the sort that ousted Moammar Gadhafi from power in Libya, something that Putin viewed as a breach of sovereignty that he does not want repeated.

Yet, as news reports of government massacres emerge almost daily from Syria, the prospect of the United States or NATO acting unilaterally has become a more frequently discussed option, particularly given Russia’s adamant refusal to authorize more aggressive U.N. action.

Isaykin, a powerful figure in Russia’s military industry, openly discussed the weapons being shipped to Syria: the Pantsyr-S1, a radar-guided missile and artillery system capable of hitting warplanes at altitudes well above those typically flown during bombing sorties, and up to 12 miles away; Buk-M2 anti-aircraft missiles, capable of striking airplanes at even higher altitudes, up to 82,000 feet, and at longer ranges; and land-based Bastion anti-ship missiles that can fire at targets 180 miles from the coast.

Military analysts immediately questioned the effectiveness of the air defenses Russia has made available to the Middle East, including Syria, none of which have offered even token resistance to Western forces.

Ruslan Aliyev, an authority on military affairs at the Center for the Analysis of Strategies and Technologies in Moscow, said that statements by Isaykin and others were issued principally for political effect. Moscow has declined to supply Syria with its most lethal air defense, the S-300 long-range missile system.

The 4th Media » Russia Send Air, Sea Defenses to Syria: A Warning to US/West’s Contemplation of All-Out But Illegal Military Intervention

This is certainly good news - This should stop Israel and its sugar daddy sharpening their knives and arming anymore rebels.....
Russia should stop helping Assad and Muslims Armed forces should take out Assad and his forces and liberate Syrians form his brutal regime

I sincerely hope that the issue can be resolved without Syria descending further into chaos and more civilian casualties.

Sir the weapons which Libya had were to old they didn't had any modern Fighters and Missiles and other stuff
Russian 'arms' shipment for Syria thwarted
June 19, 2012 - 12:51PM

US President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladamir Putin agree on the need to end violence in Syria, but show no concrete signs of narrowing their differences on tougher sanctions against Damascus.

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A Russian ship believed to be carrying helicopters and missiles for Syria was effectively stopped in its tracks off the coast of Scotland last night after its insurance was cancelled at the behest of the British Government.

The British marine insurer Standard Club said it had withdrawn cover from all the ships owned by Femco, a Russian cargo line, including the MV Alaed.

"We were made aware of the allegations that the Alaed was carrying munitions destined for Syria," the company said in a statement.
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Protesters in Paris denounce the killing of Syrian children by Russian arms.

Protesters in Paris denounce the killing of Syrian children by Russian arms. Photo: AFP

"We have already informed the ship owner that their insurance cover ceased automatically in view of the nature of the voyage."

British security officials confirmed that they had told Standard Club that providing insurance to the shipment was likely to be a breach of European Union sanctions against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

They said they were continuing to monitor the ship, which has been the subject of a fierce international row since Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, disclosed last week that it was adding to the arsenal available for Mr Assad to use against rebellious Syrian towns.

"We have various ways of keeping track of this ship and that is what we are doing," a source said.

The MV Alaed picked up its cargo of Mi25 helicopters - known as "flying tanks" - from the Russian port of Kaliningrad, where they had been sent to the state-owned manufacturer Mil's "Factory 150" for servicing and repairs.

They were originally sold to the Syrian government by Moscow, its major arms supplier, at the end of the Soviet era.

The ship headed south through the North Sea towards the English Channel on its way to the Mediterranean and, most likely, the Syrian port of Tartous, also home to a Russian naval base.

But under sanctions announced last year, the EU has banned exporting arms to Syria and providing related services such as insurance. As first disclosed by London's Sunday Telegraph at the weekend, the US notified the Government that the insurance was British last week.

As it neared the Dutch coast, the authorities there hailed the ship, the security sources said, and it made an abrupt turn, heading towards Scotland. Last night, it was off the coast of the Hebrides.

But security sources say that, with no insurance, the ship may be unable to dock anywhere and may have to return to port.

Assad regime forces have increasingly deployed attack helicopters, strafing the towns of Haffa and Rastan only last week. Their use, condemned by Kofi Annan, the UN peace envoy, has not stopped Russia's continued insistence on providing arms to the Syrians. Moscow is continuing with a 2007 contract to provide more than 20 MiG-29 M2 fighter aircraft, according to the Americans.

Russia also said yesterday it was preparing to send an elite unit of marines to Tartous, a move that a Western defence source said was intended as a powerful signal that Moscow would not tolerate foreign military intervention.

Classified US satellite images last week indicated that loading work had begun on two amphibious landing vessels, the Nikolai Filchenkov and the Caesar Kunikov, at the Crimean naval base of Sebastopol.

A Russian officer quoted by the Interfax news agency said they would carry marines charged with protecting the security of Russian citizens and evacuating a part of the base, marking the first time Moscow has sent troops to Syria since the uprising against Mr Assad began more than 15 months ago.

Russia was particularly unnerved after William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, and other Western officials compared the slaughter in Syria to the civil war in Bosnia in the 1990s, the Western defence source said. They believed the comparisons amounted to a coded signal that the West was preparing to authorise a Nato mission similar to the peacekeeping operation in Bosnia and later in Kosovo.

But the deployment also signalled that Russia was hedging its bets, according to the source. "The purpose is threefold," he said. "First, they want to send a signal to the West about military intervention. Second, they want to demonstrate support for Assad.

"But they are also preparing for the worst and realise that the worsening situation may leave them no choice but to evacuate their nationals as a last resort."

The Telegraph, London

Read more: Russian 'arms' shipment for Syria thwarted
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