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Russia says US is interfering in Pakistan's internal affairs & trying to punish "defiant" PM Imran Khan through a no confidence motion.

spare me the sarcasm, idiot

we all know why paf went for the RD93, = no choice , majboori etc

paf would ditch the RD93 first opportunity when the chinese power plant is reliable enough
Are you joking?

RD-93 is used in Shenyang FC-31 stealth fighter jet. The enigne could be changed but it just shows the level reliability of this engine.
This is a defining time in international politics and in international finance. These two things are related - a fundamental concept not grasped by most Pakistani policy makers or analyst. Country cannot master one facet without the other. There have been attempts and indeed success under Ayub, Musharraf and IK but every time there is progress, things get derailed partly due to external enemies and partly due to efforts of aasteen ka saanph.

Indians, on the other hand, have learnt importance of financial/political nexus due to the effort of their diaspora, which unlike its Pakistani counterpart, has succeeded in the world of commerce and finance. Pakistanis who are well known globally are agents like Malala/Hussain Haqqani/Asma Jehangir types. Indians success is in varied field and too widespread and well known to recount. Indian diaspora in turn, has modified Indian policies. Indians now actively collude with Americans and with IFI's to put Pak in financial stress which in turn impacts Pak's political power. Pakistan is put in difficulty so that external parties can put their hands on the throat of Pakistan - a country blessed with huge national resources and a dynamic talent pool whose potential is going to waste due to leechars sitting on top. Indian situation may be only slightly better but they have learnt the art of putting lipstick on a pig. Pakistanis on the other hand are world champions of dragging their country into the gutter on behalf of their foreign masters.

This is where Russia comes in. Russia offers a new path to Pak. China is too dependent on Western markets to take an openly hostile stance. With Russia however, all bets are off. The freezing of Russian assets represents one of the largest thefts in the history of mankind. Russia, however, had been preparing for this day buy buying huge amount of gold and by keeping substantial reserves in Yuan (CNY). Unlike China, Russia can now give the west the middle finger. Options for goras are limited given Russia is a large exporter of global commodities. As fate would have it, this crises is occurring at a time when commodity prices are already at multi-year highs. Goras, especially Europeans are up the creek. They have no choice but to keep buying from Russia. Russian Ruble has now bounced back to pre-war levels indicating impact of sanctions is not having the desired impact.

What does all this have to do with Pak? Quite a lot actually. We are now in situation where we are seeing the birth of a monetary system that provides alternate to the dollar based financial system in place today. Pakistan, due to its relationship with China, can be an early adapter of the competing monetary regime. Whereas Russians might have had an issue before, all this has changed due to IK's visit. The new monetary system will offer substantially better terms to Pak than the USD based system does. But Pakistan has to play its cards right. Pakistan cannot afford to be hostile to Russia. Nor should it be. From Amreeka we have received Pressler amendment, Hussain Haqqani and hukum to bend to Indian servitude. New monetary system will not come with such drawbacks.

Question is will the elites let Pak be a part of non-gora block? Bajwa's recent statement, bordering on criminal in my view, seems that elites are too comfortable in London and DC despite ritual humiliation handed out to Pakistan. Elites will not deliver. It is time for patriots to grasp its fate.
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This is a defining time in international politics and in international finance. These two things are related - a fundamental concept not grasped by most Pakistani policy makers or analyst. Country cannot master one facet without the other. There have been attempts and indeed success under Ayub, Musharraf and IK but every time there is progress, things get derailed partly due to external enemies and partly due to efforts of aasteen ka saanph.

Indians, on the other hand, have learnt importance of financial/political nexus due to the effort of their diaspora, which unlike its Pakistani counterpart, has succeeded in the world of commerce and finance. Pakistanis who are well known globally are agents like Malala/Hussain Haqqani/Asma Jehangir types. Indians success is in varied field and too widespread and well known to recount. Indian diaspora in turn, has modified Indian policies. Indians now actively collude with Americans and with IFI's to put Pak in financial stress which in turn impacts Pak's political power. Pakistan is put in difficulty so that external parties can put their hands on the throat of Pakistan - a country blessed with huge national resources and a dynamic talent pool whose potential is going to waste due to leechars sitting on top. Indian situation may be only slightly better but they have learnt the art of putting lipstick on a pig. Pakistanis on the other hand are world champions of dragging their country into the gutter on behalf of their foreign masters.

This is where Russia comes in. Russia offers a new path to Pak. China is too dependent on Western markets to take an openly hostile stance. With Russia however, all bets are off. The freezing of Russian assets represents one of the largest thefts in the history of mankind. Russia, however, had been preparing for this day buy buying huge amount of gold and by keeping substantial reserves in Yuan (CNY). Unlike China, Russia can now give the west the middle finger. Options for goras are limited given Russia is a large exporter of global commodities. As fate would have it, this crises is occurring at a time when commodity prices are already at multi-year highs. Goras, especially Europeans are up the creek. They have no choice but to keep buying from Russia. Russian Ruble has now bounced back to pre-war levels indicating impact of sanctions is not having the desired impact.

What does all this have to do with Pak? Quite a lot actually. We are now in situation where we are seeing the birth of a monetary system that provides alternate to the dollar based financial system in place today. Pakistan, due to its relationship with China, can be an early adapter of the competing monetary regime. Whereas Russians might have had an issue before, all this has changed due to IK's visit. The new monetary system will offer substantially better terms to Pak than the USD based system does. But Pakistan has to play its cards right. Pakistan cannot afford to be hostile to Russia. Nor should it be. From Amreeka we have received Pressler amendment, Hussain Haqqani and hukum to bend to Indian servitude. New monetary system will not come with such drawbacks.

Question is will the elites let Pak be a part of non-gora block? Bajwa's recent statement, bordering on criminal in my view, seems that elites are too comfortable in London and DC despite ritual humiliation handed out to Pakistan. Elites will not deliver. It is time for patriots to grasp its fate.

that is all fine in theory.

FACT: the GORAS and elites own us. ( loans, contracts, etc etc etc )

your move.
04/04/2022 20:09
Commentary by MFA Spokesperson Maria Zakharova on the Events in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

On April 3, the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Arif Alvi, on the recommendation of Prime Minister Imran Khan, dissolved the National Assembly (lower house of parliament). We would like to note that this was preceded by the following events.

Immediately after the announcement of the upcoming working visit of Imran Khan to Moscow on February 23-24 this year. The Americans and their Western associates began to exert rude pressure on the Prime Minister, demanding an ultimatum to cancel the trip. When he nevertheless came to us, US Deputy Secretary of State for South Asia D. Liu called the Pakistani ambassador in Washington and demanded that the visit be immediately interrupted, which was also rejected.

According to the Pakistani media, on March 7 this year. in a conversation with Pakistani Ambassador A. Majid, a high-ranking American official (presumably the same D. Liu) sharply condemned the balanced reaction of the Pakistani leadership to the events in Ukraine and made it clear that partnerships with the United States are possible only if Imran Khan is removed from power .

The further development of the situation leaves no doubt that the United States decided to punish the "disobedient" Imran Khan: a group of deputies of the same party of the prime minister "suddenly" went over to the opposition and the question of a vote of no confidence in the head of government was immediately submitted to the parliament, the vote on which was scheduled for April 3rd.

There is another attempt of shameless US interference in the internal affairs of an independent state for its own selfish purposes. The above facts eloquently testify to this. The PRI Prime Minister himself has repeatedly stated that the conspiracy against him was inspired and financed from abroad. We hope that Pakistani voters will be informed about these circumstances when they come to the elections, which should be held within 90 days after the dissolution of the National Assembly.

You get better stuff from China ... there is the reason why China supplied J10C within 9 months. Russian provides one of the best engines for j17 ..Pak army quality standards are too high.
Well china vastly improved its quality and gap has reduced no doubt but still Russian tech is better.
Are you joking?

RD-93 is used in Shenyang FC-31 stealth fighter jet. The enigne could be changed but it just shows the level reliability of this engine.

Fc 31 is in prototype testing and is using the RD 93 as a stop gap until a reliable chinese engine is available

i dont joke around -
No country is any country’s friend. If your interest aligns with their your “friends”. If it doesn’t your “enemies”. Countries interests are always changing.
Russians are openly anti us and anti west now so it’s in their interest to at least give verbal support to any anti west anti us state.
However, Russians will never jeopardize their relationship with india because india is just too big of a market for them to upset.

We need to start truly acting independent and be independent without choosing any sides. No east no west only Pakistan.
Russia's long term geopolitical goals align better with Pakistan than India. India is in western camp, while this century is the century of Asia & Asian powers. New blocks would be formed, US and Europe to eventually loose their inorganic power. Asia to rise as US dollar global hegemony diminishes. Russia is short of money, if Pakistan was a bigger buy of arms, Russia would have stopped selling India weapons and would have sold to Pakistan instead. Russia, China, Pakistan all under attack from western vilification campaigns.
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