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Russia says Mohammed (PBUH) cartoon publication is illegal

those problems of south asia are nationalistic in origin, and cannot be resolved by having south asia region in the current configuartion... a socialist kashmir independent of both pakistan and india will be the start in resolving the troubles in this region.

our south asian culture creates enough problems for us not to also have dozens of problems based on big and small nationalism.
Not really .. problems in S.Asia are religiously motivated.
And Kashmir is gonna stay with India whether you like it or not.
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Not really .. problems in S.Asia are religiously motivated.

why did the deobandi mullahs remain behind in india in 1947?? what have they ever done for muslims other than demeaning islam??

no, let us not get into that circular argument.

And Kashmir is gonna stay with India whether you like it or not.

okay, lets start the nukes flying... when some calm people bring solutions or wise words, and they are rejected, it means the parties are not interested in peace, so what remains... let south asia become an example of extreme foolishness... stop the border skirmishes and load the nukes.
why did the deobandi mullahs remain behind in india in 1947?? what have they ever done for muslims other than demeaning islam??
no, let us not get into that circular argument.
If it was not religiously motivated then why was Punjab & Bengal province divided on the basis of religion. Why not divide it on the basis of ethnicity.
And deobandi mullahs remained in India because they were not able to go to their dream land amid all the chaos during the partition. Also they knew India was not another pakistan & it would protect their life & livelihood.

okay, lets start the nukes flying... when some calm people bring solutions or wise words, and they are rejected, it means the parties are not interested in peace, so what remains... let south asia become an example of extreme foolishness... stop the border skirmishes and load the nukes.
Kashmir conflict didn't start yesterday . It was around for 68 years. And i never saw any nukes flying.
okay, i will clarify.

russia is not at war with chechens or dagestanis... chechnya and dagestan are republics within russia and are governed by local nationals.

at present, russia is at war with transnational criminals with qaeda, afghan taliban and "hizb ut tahrir" groups which are among the ones that syria is also fighting.

the chechya war of the 90's was again a nato conspiracy... that is historical fact.

there will be chechens and dagestanis in "hizb ut tahrir" in the same way that some libyans acted against libyan jamahiriya or how some venezuelans acted against venezuela, and both times in favor of nato.

russia, syria, china, pakistan and egypt are facing transnational criminals who are the same in origin and aims.

firstly, what india has mainly are two things... separatists and maoists... these two are different in origin and aims... some of the separatists in kashmir and north east use religion as cover for legitimizing their separatist aims, may find sanctuary across the borders but they don't have transnational ambitions.

secondly, the supposed extremist groups like im and simi, which are "religious" in origin and aims from the start... they are the same as sangh parivar, even the ruling party, bjp... why the separate treatment.

thirdly, one has to see who are the creators and controllers of transnational criminal groups invading those five nations... it is the nato nations.

these are the simple reasons why i didn't include india in that list.
thanks for your detailed post

but i tend to disagree with you, Chechen and Kashmir are governed by their respective people but the people of both the regions wants independence Caucasus Emirate in the case of chechen.

Earlier in 90's Kashmiri mujahedeen were also belonged to different countries like afghanistan so i don't know how can you differentiate north caucus and free Kashmir movement.
There are several ways to convey a message thru cartoons, why specifically take a religiously sensitive way???? Shud respect the sentiments of the people......
There are several ways to convey a message thru cartoons, why specifically take a religiously sensitive way???? Shud respect the sentiments of the people......
France is not known to be religiously sensitive. Not after the French revolution.
Their country their rules. & what right do you have to question them.
France is not known to be religiously sensitive. Not after the French revolution.
Their country their rules. & what right do you have to question them.

I havent questioned them..... Sure their rules, but rule of my country allows me to show my disagreement too.....
I havent questioned them..... Sure their rules, but rule of my country allows me to show my disagreement too.....
Yes it does...But it doesn't make any sense to me. Why Muslims get offended for things such silly as this ?
Time for a few Indians of this forum burn themselves in self immolation in front of Russian embassy New Delhi for this attack on freedom of expression ahem hate speech.

If its required than Indians will not shy away from that. But "their country their rule"

BTW this statement only true for China. :lol:
If its required than Indians will not shy away from that. But "their country their rule"
BTW this statement only true for China. :lol:
I only hear it for Chinese & also KSA to some extend. According to Pakistanis for all other nations this rule does not apply.
If its required than Indians will not shy away from that. But "their country their rule"

BTW this statement only true for China. :lol:

I hope you do set up an example for other Indians. After all freedom of expression needs blood of its biggest supporters from India. :D
We appreciate that. The next Russia should do is to leave Bashar Al-Assad alone. Helping Bashar Al-Assad in Syria is only damaging Russia image in the Muslim world. Bashar doesnt have any sufficient power any more, right now and in the future. Useless to back him in a geopolitical perspective.
we do support Legitimate Syrian leader in Bashar Al Asad. The bolde part in yr post is rather about what u or yr gov's understanding of the affair is. But since we live next to Middle East we know who is who and what is what.
I hope you do set up an example for other Indians. After all freedom of expression needs blood of its biggest supporters from India. :D
I was talking about protest.

No for blood we need to hire some Pakistanis. See what happening in Karachi, its already on fire over a cartoon from France!

There were many protests against ban of burqa in France but is there any protest against China banning burqa? No. Why? because, when its come to China even Islam has to be set aside.

Great duplicity.
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russia has always been the true friend of true muslims, and a strong questioner of the wrong things.
Wow ...getting lots of praises. .. forgot afganistan War in 80s....

Oh poor Russians. ..
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