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Russia says Mohammed (PBUH) cartoon publication is illegal

As always you remain a hypocrite and a closet islamist radical. Lying through your teeth knowing fully well that publishing those cartoons is illegal in India.

All the lies you tell, all the logic you come up with, all the socialism your talk, is all inconsistent with everything you claim, but its all consistent with only ONE thing, your hatred of India.

We know you.

as of yesterday, eleven members of the films censor board of india have resigned, most possibly in rejection of the the interference of the modi government... yes, you know those resignees too.

get modi to put those eleven and me on a internationally-watched trial... i just could be the end of modi... his "enthralling speeches" against my simple and direct talk.
russia has always been the true friend of true muslims, and a strong questioner of the wrong things.
Yes bro they are indeed among one of the most friendly nation on planet. At least they can be our good ally than USA. We can set a great alliance for the prosperity of the region. The improvement in relation between Pakistan and Russia will not only be fruitful to us but also to the region as well.

As i said earlier it will serve as a first step towards betterment of relation ship between Pakistan and India as well. And just imagine countries like Russia, Pakistan, China, india and iran getting closer, just tell me bro what else we as an Asian countries need more than that. Not only this will give us markets to expand our trade but also be essential for eradication of terrorism from this region.
Yes bro they are indeed among one of the most friendly nation on planet.

true... they are not slimy backstabbing hypocrites like the western governments... i like russians for their direct and common sense talk.

As i said earlier it will serve as a first step towards betterment of relation ship between Pakistan and India as well. And just imagine countries like Russia, Pakistan, China, india and iran getting closer, just tell me bro what else we as an Asian countries need more than that. Not only this will give us markets to expand our trade but also be essential for eradication of terrorism from this region.

total agreement... and that is what i also said in my thread from yesterday... ( kashmir : the definitive solution ).

the terrorism and other ills in the south asia region, especially, are mainly because of nationalistic fights... russia ( and sco ) can be a main arbiter... we don't need that nato-rubber-stamp called "united nations organization".
as of yesterday, eleven members of the films censor board of india have resigned, most possibly in rejection of the the interference of the modi government... yes, you know those resignees too.

get modi to put those eleven and me on a internationally-watched trial... i just could be the end of modi... his "enthralling speeches" against my simple and direct talk.
Are you issuing a death threat to Indian PM?
as of yesterday, eleven members of the films censor board of india have resigned, most possibly in rejection of the the interference of the modi government... yes, you know those resignees too.

get modi to put those eleven and me on a internationally-watched trial... i just could be the end of modi... his "enthralling speeches" against my simple and direct talk.

Now changing arguments since I shut you up by saying those cartoons remain illegal in india! You are too predictable.

So change the topic, lets talk about the censor board

The censor guys, who were appointed by congress, due to their qualifications like being dance teacher to Priyank Gandhi etc did not offer any proof of their allegations. OTOH the Vajpayye appointed censor guys were simply fired by congress, again without any evidence.

Your direct talk is just deflection when your BS is called out.
We appreciate that. The next Russia should do is to leave Bashar Al-Assad alone. Helping Bashar Al-Assad in Syria is only damaging Russia image in the Muslim world. Bashar doesnt have any sufficient power any more, right now and in the future. Useless to back him in a geopolitical perspective.
Are you issuing a death threat to Indian PM?

what... :lol:

go arrest the entire congress party and aam aadmi party and the communist parties then...

don't exaggerate things, including the status of modi.

i want to see modi and bjp party put on trial in the "international criminal court" for crimes against humanity... but just before that, i want modi to give his speech in front of me and international diplomats and media.
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Time for a few Indians of this forum burn themselves in self immolation in front of Russian embassy New Delhi for this attack on freedom of expression ahem hate speech.

Nah we respect Russia's decision
true... they are not slimy backstabbing hypocrites like the western governments... i like russians for their direct and common sense talk.
total agreement... and that is what i also said in my thread from yesterday... ( kashmir : the definitive solution ).
the terrorism and other ills in the south asia region, especially, are mainly because of nationalistic fights... russia ( and sco ) can be a main arbiter... we don't need that nato-rubber-stamp called "united nations organization".
Yes bro you are totally right! western countries have a very bad habit of interfering into affairs of other countries. Recently UN were asking us to cease the execution of terrorists by saying its human rights violation. But on other hand they completely closed their eyes towards the atrocities that western countries done on weak countries.

When USA were aiding rebels of syria and were massacring muslims in iraq and in Pakistan, UN and Eu never spoke up but when we started a crack down on terrorists, then they were the one who jumped up from no where by claiming that its human rights violation. But on other hand Russians dont even have problem of what we are doing, they are more concerned with their own matters.
Well frankly speaking todays Pakistan is quite different from old Pakistan, our public now have more awareness and we are now getting aware of who is sincere with us and who is not.

And guess what today i was reading a news that Pakistani police detained few american spies which had few photos of some sensitive places in Pakistan and some important documents.
American involvement in Pakistan is very suspicious, most of the people who are terrorists are seeking asylum in western countries from where they conduct their agendas. And one more interesting thing that we all dont usually consider is that when we became a nuclear power in 1999, right after that 9/11 happened and then we saw americans were sitting right next to us in Afghanistan. And then after wards we saw the rift of instability occurred inside our country by terrorist, and followed by western people claiming Pakistan to be unsafe for nuclear bombs. Its all the part of plan.
There is a famous quote regarding them that "Afghanistan thikana hay, Iran bahana hay aur Pakistan nishana hay."
I always knew Russia is a true friend of Ummah. They never ban Ramadan fasting or wearing of burqa. Its too bad Russia doesn't enjoy higher-deeper all weather relationship with the Islamic superpower countries.
You have to think again.... Russia has a good ties with most of muslim countries, iran and syria for an instance.
As always you remain a hypocrite and a closet islamist radical. Lying through your teeth knowing fully well that publishing those cartoons is illegal in India.

All the lies you tell, all the logic you come up with, all the socialism your talk, is all inconsistent with everything you claim, but its all consistent with only ONE thing, your hatred of India.

We know you.
Please abstain from doing personal attacks....its not good for healthy discussions....thanks! :)
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what... :lol:

go arrest the entire congress party and aam aadmi party and the communist parties then...

don't exaggerate things, including the status of modi.

i want to see modi and bjp party put on trial in the "international criminal court" for crimes against humanity... but just before that, i want modi to give his speech in front of me and international diplomats and media.
you should be tried for what you want according to Indian law not sharia law.
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